

2022-01-29 JoinedGlobal

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  • M_K1

    wait a minute... heat? lizardman? Tell me if im wrong, BUT has Maxi just withstanded with her shield dragon breath? Same dragon breath lizardman are capable of casting and same dragon breath that is the ULTIMATE AND MOST POWERFUL TYPE OF MAGIC KNOWN in the realm? Same dragon breath that out of all the knights ONLY RIFTAN was ABLE to conquer during dragon campain and not get all dusty?

    Squeezing her eyes shut, Maxi bolstered her barriers. On and on it went until, just as she was nearly drained of her mana, the flames finally died out.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    Ruth.. but Riftan? How will he react when he turns around to her again during battle and she is nowhere to be seen? And seeing Ruth's worried face? Of course there was no time and place to discuss.. but i just hope that because of it he wont lose his focus. He is the greates knight of them all.. but it is the first big fat battle like that (not mere attack) where he can keep eye contact with her and regularly check on her. Hopefully Riftan will be fine too

    "Did you not just hear one of Wigrew's reincarnations swearing on his honor to protect me? Nothing will happen to me, so… trust me."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1
    Replied to bossejessica93

    agree.. but that will be used at very last when there is no hope or better solution. after all it is not forbidden without a reason plus temple knights are there too. church would much likely put her onto the trial if she used it. But i have a feeling she will use it to protect herself, Riftan and Remdragon Knights in the final battle

    Ch 404 Chapter 165
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    Maxi is not your servant so quit treating her like one. Beside she earned her place by his side and his advisor. You? Just happend to be luckily born as princess, but not once earned your status by actual actions

    "It is usually a commander's prerogative to decide when the army sets out," the princess replied sharply as if readying for a fight. "Though you are Sir Riftan's wife, do you not think you are overstepping a little?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    one would thought it rude to flirt with married man, especially when their beloved wife is nearby... not to brag that it might be also rude to use their status as an excuse to do so... and yet here we are

    "You must mean the Gnoir Plains," the princess corrected primly, taking a sip of wine. "Is it not rude to call a place in Dristan the Wedonian way?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    i would say he wants to aid Maxi.. he dislikes Riftan for certain and wouldnt care if it was only about him... but clearly decided to get involved after Maxi had to endure such unpleasantries for too long

    "Ah, then it must be for reasons you cannot share," he replied, smirking. "Were you perhaps banished from court after a scandal?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    and Hebaron, standing behind her must be like..

    "Given the lukewarm welcome we have received, I have reason to doubt the supplies will arrive in a timely manner. So I urge you, Sir Derek — send word to the eastern nobles to dispatch immediate and adequate supplies to Midna."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1
    Replied to Lizzie48

    not to brag that this is the first time i recall someone actually sided with him and defended him

    A lump rose in her throat at the sight of him smiling as though nothing had happened. Unable to look at him, she shook off his hand rather roughly.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    it kinda worries me tho. he used to reply exacly the same in book 1. "dont worry about it, dont bother yourself with it"... cutting her away from the world. i mean im glad he wants to focus solely on Maxi... like finally XD BUT i hope that they wont go back to exacly how it was in book 1, when Riftan used to keeping her away from everything... i have a feeling he will learn it soon, that having secrets wont do any good... and it will be traumatizing for both of them

    "Don't think about such useless things," Riftan interjected coldly.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    why do i get the feeling that its actually sir Heberon who gifted them the outfits?! XD why would the King care so much? Nirta in here is suffering greatly. in the past he even prepared them a place to get together (secluded barn i think) and Riftan rejected his offer... this man is shooting his shot once again

    That was not the case tonight. After King Reuben insisted he dress for the occasion, Riftan had donned the uniform of his order and a gold, jewel-encrusted belt. He scowled as he touched his thigh-length, black velvet coat. As if that were not enough, the darn squire had polished his boots until they practically sparkled.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1
    Replied to Daoist09fDVx

    i dare to say that this description fits both of them in fact XD But i can clearly see that once again Max's problems are their problems but his problems are his problems

    And above all else, the chaos this bastard had sown had placed his wife's life in danger.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1
    Replied to Browneyesblkdragon

    partially i agree, she signed up willingly to join army and go to the war with Riftan. Yup, gruesome sights are surely awaiting and she is aware of it, but this is slightly different. dont you think? in the past she witnessed dismantled bodies as she was in the monastery, she tended to heavily injured men and saw a battlefield herself. BUT all those horrible things happened beacuse of monsters who attacked those people. Monsters. and here she is witnessing cruelty done by men to men. obviously she knows cruelty due to her father. but seeing heads on spikes? i dont recall that from earlier chapters. not to brag that this sight was purely ordered by Breston, man who harrased her. She saw the extend of cruelty of her bully and his people... i would have been shocked at first as well XD

    Her face was pale as she stared at the pikes in horror. It was no use — having seen her terror, he could no longer bring himself to stay away. He leaped down from Talon and strode over to her. Grabbing her by the arm, he spun her away and marched her through the spectators. The palpable shock in her eyes pierced like a dagger to the chest.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    Riftan is right.. something is up without a doubt... but id like to just share how i love the fact that in book 2 we have this inside to both Riftan and Maxi point of view

    Riftan frowned. Something told him that all of this was part of a carefully calculated plan.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    Commander - no, sir Elliot - no, sir Hebaron - no, Uly - no.. all his commerades - nah, not intrested in their return... LADY CAPLYPSE YOU ARE BACK!!! As if the rest of the party were a jar of pickles XD

    "My lady! You're back!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    Poor Riftan is dealing with partner trauma :/ he witnessed her in extreme life threatening situations, only one step away from deaths door... but to be fair i think his coin works for Maxi. afterall she is still alive

    He buried his face in his hands as if to hide the emotions that had unwittingly exploded. His vulnerability made Maxi's heart ache. She got up and pulled him into her arms. Then, pushing his hand away, she gently kissed his cheeks, lips, and eyelids.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1
    Replied to Lizzie48

    come to think of it... lets say that Kuahel has some feelings for Maxi. He is clearly impressed by her. They traveled across the continent together.. and then her husband comes into the picture, Riftan. They finally reunite and Riftan on every occasion decides to give her a cold the shoulder, only to give her proper attention after she yelled at him. Of course we know the background. But Kuahel doesnt :/ such a stunning woman is being treated like that by her husband

    Kuahel's narrow brow twitched and arched upward. Riftan knew that, unlike his facade of indifference, the Temple Knight commander was a belligerent and prideful man. For some reason, he seemed especially sensitive to every word today, and it was beginning to get on Riftan's nerves.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    maybe he is indeed jealous of Maxi XD after all she managed to hit Riftan in a face with pine cones and snow. i bet Kuahel dreamed about doing so for a while XD

    Kuahel's narrow brow twitched and arched upward. Riftan knew that, unlike his facade of indifference, the Temple Knight commander was a belligerent and prideful man. For some reason, he seemed especially sensitive to every word today, and it was beginning to get on Riftan's nerves.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    Maxi right now XD after finally having built up some confidence around her combat skills, sir Ursuline just walks in and boom - what skills? beautiful

    "My lady," Ursuline replied with a low sigh, "our training over the past ten days has completely shattered what hope I had. I absolutely cannot let you go without personal guards to protect you."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    girl.... he is jealous XD

    Riftan seemed to become even more subdued. The strange tension made Maxi anxious. Did Riftan dislike Ruth? She had seen the two men trade barbs over the most trivial affairs, but she had thought that they shared a bond of trust. Not knowing what to do, she shifted her eyes nervously.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • M_K1

    i wonder what would be his reaction if she didnt get that drunk...

    "Just how much did you drink? And damn it, why are you dressed so…"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim