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  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to ninetyninetyfour

    but in the mangwa official trans is also said his body can absorb mana temporarily so 🤷🏻‍♀️ i think is trusted

    "I told you, I can absorb magic. I did it years ago with Dragon's Breath, albeit temporarily. This was nothing by comparison."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to henna2256

    i copy and paste some parts of that chapter and added my own words.Im just trying to get my point across , i dont feel particularly bad nor good about it, why would i ? is just a novel ,i just like reading besides it helps me to improve my english, not everyone will share the same views as me anyway 💁🏻‍♀️ but is ok dw

    "What if I refuse?" Kuahel said, deliberately provocative.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to henna2256

    yeah i read and ruth's uncle never said the church was asking for her specially ,he said the tower and the church were in contact and were planing to go in a expedition and because is a secret they are recruting mages and master Landen(maxi's teacher ) recommend her because maxi is skilled in reading runes and speaking ancient language beside maxi already knows the basics she only has one year left in the tower and calto (Ruth's uncle ) already knew she was a healer in the past battlefield , he never said the church wanted her . As for kuahel maxi saw some paladins in the world tower but she never saw kuahel personally the time he saw him was in anatol when they were preparing to leave , but even if she didn't saw him make sense for quahel to go to the world tower to be part of the negotiations with the elders mages,since the elders mage do not leave the tower and have lived there most of their lives and as a representative of the church( he is the commander of the holy knights ) since is unlikely the pope and other high ranking priest go there by themselves .that's my thoughts .good day

    "What if I refuse?" Kuahel said, deliberately provocative.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to henna2256

    kuahel did not request for maxi ,maxi chose to be part of the expedition it was her choice and it was the church whom contact the world tower for this expedition , because they wanted to be a secret ,kuahel and his knights are just following the orders of the pope

    "What if I refuse?" Kuahel said, deliberately provocative.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to DanaShepherd

    too far fetched how he would know maxi will volunteer for the expedition? besides it was the church move to contact the world tower kuahel and co are just following order and doing their duty

    Maxi flushed with anger. To think he would have the gall to mock Riftan so openly! He was far from the decent man she had thought him. While her shoulders shook in rage, Riftan, on the other hand, did not bat an eye.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to Sandsea212

    i dont think she thinks she is above everyone else , she reminds me of Riftan before he met Ruth, we dont know her backstory perhaps she went through hard times

    Miriam sneered at her. "You were safe because you were terribly slow. The Dragon Slayer had already dealt with the ogres by the time you and Armin destroyed your runes."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691

    where is ch 27th??

    Riftan was here.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to Ziggy88

    have you read in advance or is just your prediction?? please no spoiler thanks

    Riftan was here.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to FromHereToThere_78

    please no spoilers

    Riftan was here.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691

    their first meeting is Riftan saving Maxil from a secure death once again 😩😩😩

    Just then, she heard the sharp sound of something whizzing through the air, followed by a roar like a raging bull. Rem reared up in fright, and Maxi pulled at the reins to keep from falling. The ogre's colossal body fell backward with an incredible thud. For a moment, Maxi could not comprehend what had happened. Her breaths came ragged as she broke out into a cold sweat.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to VerA

    but they just met ... if you know whats gonna happen next and have read in advance please keep it to yourself I've seen many spoilers in the comment section like they know whats gonna happen next most of us dont want spoilers thanks

    "Take her to safety," he said, drawing his sword.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691

    i wish some commenters stop giving spoilers that nobody ask for ..... it kills the mood whatever will happen we would still read it regardless, please if you have read it keep it to yourself theres people that haven't and the excitement is gone of theres spoiler everywhere thank you

    Just then, those riding ahead abruptly halted their steeds. A shocked silence fell over the party, and some even gasped in horror. Baffled, Maxi pushed past the knights blocking her view. At the foot of a gentle slope, dark smoke billowed from the charred remains of a village.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to Christine_Bowles

    ik right? she almost die last time i think many readers forget that, going to another dangerous mission would make uslin wary

    "Rovar has briefed me on the situation. It appears you have gotten yourself involved in another perilous endeavor."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to Manuela_Colafigli

    no really, last time she almost die uslin is just being objective here

    "Rovar has briefed me on the situation. It appears you have gotten yourself involved in another perilous endeavor."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to Shari_0238

    no really , the empire does not exist anymore and even if it hadn't fallen only a male relative of her would take the title but maxi still the eldest daughter of a duke , one of the biggest rank among whedon's nobility .🤷🏻‍♀️

    "Heavens, no! No sword on earth could touch Sir Riftan in battle. The commander is in good health," assured Ulyseon. His excitement seemed to snowball the more he talked. "In fact, he has been astonishingly active! Just look at this harbor. Sir Riftan has managed to turn Anatol into the biggest trade city in Wedon. You'll be in for a surprise, my lady, when you hear of all the changes that have occurred since you've been gone. Anatol is all set to become an earldom. His Majesty has promised to confer upon the commander the title once he returns from the campaign. That means you will soon be a countess, my lady!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to Elodie_Jolie

    he got the news after departing , it means just after their first night , no after the two years .Riftan wouldn't ezpect her to have the child of another man , after all now they are married and maxi is a noble woman it would ruin her reputation qnd the croix family name if she have a baby of another man

    He suppressed the urge to ask the princess about her. The only news he had gotten since departing for the campaign was word that she was not with child.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691

    i thought it was agnez who said this 😆

    "You forget about my lithe frame, winsome face, and brilliant mind!" Ruth cried.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to Come_watch_TV

    yeah i remember , i think in book 1 i assume it was grey because of the pronoun that was used, it was a mistake of the tranlator or it was the author?

    "Tell me," the duke said, sweeping his pale green eyes over Riftan's sweaty, dirt-caked face with contempt, "what brings the commander of the Remdragon Knights to my abode?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to VerA

    and honestly anyone would , Maxi thinks is only because they want hin to marry Agnez

    Elliot breathed a sigh of relief. "I will tell the others."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Jaz_Smith_1691
    Replied to animaniacal

    in that room is only the two of them and even if he rejects him, i doubt he would have insulted him in that way, the reason the duke was genuinely upset is because he holds rosseta in a higher standard than Maxi ,he thinks Riftan is being shameless to want to give his honor to Rosseta who is meant to marry the prince and became part of the royal family, a noble lady in every sense.The duke doesn't see Maxi as that .

    Wetting his parched lips, he finally managed to speak. "I would like… to pledge my geas to your daughter."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim