

2021-12-21 JoinedGlobal

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  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to Amelia_EJ

    Hi! If you're worried it might took a long time for you to translate a chapter in Ridi then to tell you, it will automatically translates into English though others go to papago for clearer translation

    Ch 159 Chapter 159
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to Crystal_Dawn_7074

    It has nothing to do with her since ridibooks only hired English translators and publish it in WN to translate her story. She's way ahead of book 2 and it will end in the first week of July and she doesn't do privilege thing in her story you only need to purchase her chapters. That's where her Korean readers avail and others who wanted to be more advance. They're translating book 2 and once they launched the chapters under privilege, book 1 ch. 160-194 will under fast pass

    Ch 159 Chapter 159
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to maya1802

    Book 2 and Riftan's POV will start in August but under privilege and that's also the time the last remaining chapters in book 1 can be unlocked using fast pass

    Ch 159 Chapter 159
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to Sleepy_Day_Dreamer

    Amazon released another volume just recently from chapter 118-157. Seems like they'll be done by next month since it only has 194 chapters

    Ch 159 Chapter 159
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24


    "Th-That's not true."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to Browneyesblkdragon

    People can sometimes project similar reactions they received from someone to others as well even though it's unintentional. I guess it's human nature and is a toxic cycle. But yes I agree with you about how others may misinterpret your reaction feedback to them. I could say that she somehow lack sensitivity in response to Uly and should evaluate her response mechanisms next time but I don't think she's been contradictory. It's just in her nature to be concerned and people around her may misinterpret it as well as how she misinterprets others' concern to her. This is also just my observation

    "My knighting ceremony will be held once this war is over, and as soon as I am knighted, I intend to challenge Sir Hebaron and replace him as Sir Riftan's right hand. Please do not take my determination lightly."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to Shari_0238

    It's from the author's blog about the history of Robyden continent and the founding of Roem empire

    Ulyseon's face flushed crimson. In the blink of an eye, his sword was out of its sheath and poised at the man's throat. He moved with such speed that Maxi could not believe her eyes.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to borahae_0613

    Hebaron spoils Riftan's title as "one strike Calypse" during their swordmanship competition on his POV. We shall not take him lightly

    One of them howled with laughter and shouted, "Oi, Devron! Didn't I warn you not to mess with that kid? A few have lost their noses to him because they were fooled by his pretty face. Think how bad his temper must be for people to call him the devil's spawn when he's still just a squire."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24

    He only selects people to be soft with😫

    "I suppose you northern swine know nothing of decency," Ulyseon growled menacingly, looking nothing like the guileless young man that Maxi knew. "If Sir Riftan had not commanded us to avoid trouble, I would have cut off your head for tainting her ladyship's ears with your vile snorting."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24

    I mean Uly is a descendant of one of the 12 knights that served Emperor Darian. It's a given that he's also strong like his ancestor💅

    Ulyseon's face flushed crimson. In the blink of an eye, his sword was out of its sheath and poised at the man's throat. He moved with such speed that Maxi could not believe her eyes.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24

    Hebaron be like:

    "Great God, that worked like a charm! I think I could fight right now if the call came."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to Browneyesblkdragon

    Wait did she laugh at him tho??? She even said that Uly had made big progress in such a short time and smiled at him. Eh? It's not like she think that he will not be able to achieve his dreams and it's natural to say that he's still young because he really is. She's not degrading him, she just thinks he has a long way to go. No need to get offended😑

    "My knighting ceremony will be held once this war is over, and as soon as I am knighted, I intend to challenge Sir Hebaron and replace him as Sir Riftan's right hand. Please do not take my determination lightly."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to MCR_9

    The coin never went forgotten in the story and has fluff part with it especially in book 2. It's just that it's not that necessary to be mentioned all the time

    Maxi slipped into the dark-blue, ankle-length dress and strapped Riftan's dagger around her waist. It was modest, barely exposing any skin, but Maxi still felt uncomfortable in it. After being garbed in a glorified sack for some time, wearing such an outfit made her feel as though she were dressed for a ball.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24

    Maxi: We're besties....

    "Why in God's name are you doing this to me? Couldn't you have kept all this a secret from me as well? I don't see why you had to drag me into this."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24


    "I heard that you were staying at the monastery, but… Did you really decide to join the monastic order of your own accord? What about Sir Riftan?!"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24
    Replied to Guinevere876

    Ok sorry

    Ch 145 Chapter 145
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24

    With your distinct big grey eyes and red puffy hair???? I don't think so😑

    It was foolish to think he would remember her after only seeing her once. Grateful for her indistinctive features, Maxi ran to the baggage wagons.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24

    This guy also has spidey senses on her so yeah 😑

    Hastily, Maxi started walking toward the camp. The knight walked beside her, carrying the injured soldier with ease. She felt his eyes boring into her head but did not dare look up to meet them. Maxi gulped, wondering if he had already realized her true identity.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24

    Maxi you just started learning magic😑

    Maxi's shoulders sagged. She had secretly expected to see powerful runes similar to Princess Agnes's fire magic. Then again, even if she were to learn such amazing skills, she would only be able to summon a spark no bigger than candlelight with her current mana. The only magic she was capable of executing at present was healing, detoxification, and restorative magic. She had not been able to make any significant progress with anything else.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Quahel_Leon24


    She looked up at his face, enveloped in soft light, and reflected on how important he had become in her life. She did not think she could bear to spend half a year apart from him.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim