


I'm a writer, but not here. I'm also an artist. Hey Spoiler crew :) - Bluecattea

2021-12-21 JoinedGlobal

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  • Paula_Richey

    Oblivious... dang it Uly, you'll never pass on your handsome genes at this rate!

    Maxi swallowed a sigh, suddenly genuinely concerned for the handsome young knight's future. "I think… you should keep these, Ulyseon. They were given to you, after all."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    told y'all he likes to be smacked 😏

    Riftan arched an eyebrow. Though he looked sullen, she could tell he was secretly happy. He liked it when she teased him. He also liked it when she slapped his arm or back in exasperation, or when she playfully toyed with his hair while he slept. In truth, there was nothing she did that Riftan did not like.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    smack him harder, he likes it

    Embarrassed, Maxi glanced around to see if anyone was watching, lightly smacking his arm at the same time. A smile curled up Riftan's lips.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    The genes for intelligence must have been associated with albinism in this species. So the dragonians probably select mates based on their color and ended up making themselves into specialized breeds. Like the genes that cause piebald deer are associated with the same ones that cause dwarfism and leg deformities. Or, maybe they can be made into white dragonians by early, excessive exposure to magic, which could mutate them. Whatever. It's nothing to do with white people, y'all. 🤣

    "Which means it was not the only necromancer," Calto said with a heavy sigh. "It seems the dragonians were divided into three classes depending on their roles: red and black scales were warriors, and the white scales were the rulers."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    It's no less dangerous to humanity for being more than a simple brute with an appetite for humans. In fact it's more dangerous and capable of being truly evil if it has greater intellect.

    According to church doctrines, monsters were the devil's creations whose sole purpose was tormenting mankind. However, Maxi could not shake the unsettling feeling that what she had slain was not a wicked monster but a being capable of feeling emotions.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey
    Replied to mtn702

    translates to about a foot

    After staring at the field in horror, Maxi darted up the watchtower, where she activated the defensive magical devices. As she did, an overwhelming sensation of discord seized her. Staring out, her eyes widened in disbelief. An army of giant skeletons, each nearly thirty kevettes tall, were advancing on Vesmore, their heavy footfalls shaking the very earth.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    YES RIFTAN THIS IS HOW YOU TALK ❤️❤️❤️ If you're proud of her and acknowledge her, she won't care about what anyone else thinks.

    "I am proud of you."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    Now that they've achieved some balance in their relationship and healed enough from their respective traumas, maybe Maxi and Riftan can use their heads and work together according to their strengths instead of their insecurities. They've grown up and will do what is necessary.

    "We have no choice but to divide the army," Riftan said firmly. "High-ranking knights and an elite unit of clerics capable of divine magic will form the campaign party. The mages will stay behind with the infantry to defend the cities and protect the Invoked Sanctuary from the monsters."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    Ah good, she was about to go get permission from Riftan. Finally starting to shed that habit of launching herself at problems without telling anybody.

    "Good. Then let us depart after getting Riftan's—"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    in other words, get up, Hebby, we need to go do a grocery run.

    Maxi responded with a composed nod. "We cannot wait forever. If they refuse to come… we will have to bring the supply party here ourselves."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    finally Sir Ursuline kept a respectful distance

    Just as he opened his mouth to respond, they heard Ursuline call for Riftan. He glanced toward the sound, and Maxi, realizing he had been neglecting his responsibilities to be with her, gently nudged him on the back.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    eh, well, you only need the one

    While she had overcome her initial insecurities and learned to appreciate her charming qualities, she knew hers was not the sort of beauty to ensnare every man's heart. Yet, Riftan seemed to regard her as the epitome of allure.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    well... I mean... yeah 🤷‍♀️that's not all that unusual for girlsdon't try to make it make sense

    "Do you always run like the plague from people you think are handsome?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    Tomorrow, Riftan's going to wonder, "When did I bite my tongue? Oh right, that wasn't me..." 😳...it's fine, he probably likes having the scratches and bites as a temporary souvenir, it's not the weirdest thing he's ever admitted to.

    Riftan hungrily tasted her mouth while his hand slid into her loosely tied trousers. Maxi unwittingly bit his tongue.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    About time. Riftan and the RDK have been doing all the heavy lifting for things that the official Royal Knights should've been responsible for, and they even got taken advantage of by Croyso for the Dragon campaign that Croyso should've been responsible for... because of the fallout from the argument between the king and Croyso. Time to step AWAY from those two drama-mongers and make it clear that y'all have your own business to mind next time the duke throws a hissy fit on the neighbors and the king wants to throw his weight around. No. More. Crossfire.

    The sorcerer suddenly furrowed his brow. "King Reuben has been using the earldom to manipulate Sir Riftan into working like a dog the past few years, but he won't be able to do so much longer. Treating his own noble like a servant would diminish his authority. His Majesty will have to show Sir Riftan the same respect he shows his other earls. And since the Remdragon Knights now belong to the House of Calypse, Wedon's royal family can no longer treat the order as a mere extension of the royal knights."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey
    Replied to Christine_Bowles

    I hope Ruth was clever enough to get the heresy restrictions relaxed on that kind of magic while he was negotiating with the pope. Though there's no indication that he knew about Maxi's spell.

    Unable to come up with a retort, Maxi closed her mouth.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    well, it was pretty lavish armor, at least

    Riftan tore his gaze away to stare out over the snowy lot. "I've only ever wanted the best for you," he said bitterly. "I want to lavish you with beautiful gowns and jewels, not armor and weapons. I want to provide you with a life free from worry and fear, one where dark mages are the furthest things from your mind. My wishes have not changed."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    What he wanted was a perfect and safe world for you.But there isn't one.

    Growing flushed from excitement, she looked up at Riftan once more. Swirling snowflakes settled on his black velvet hair. Gently brushing them off, she cautiously asked, "Do you truly… want me to join the order?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey

    yeah no need to argue with the man, he's not the one who used you as a bargaining chip. Honestly, I was concerned that the forbidden golem spell she invented was going to be used later as justification to haul her back to the tower.

    Unable to come up with a retort, Maxi closed her mouth.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • Paula_Richey
    Replied to Blessanny_Abdon

    Chapter 47 "The Temple Knights will be beside themselves...This cavern is a replica of the Basilica in Osyria"

    "I do have an inkling," Ruth said stiffly. "But before I tell you what I've discovered, I would like to request a private audience with the pope."
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim