


Random person with too much time.

2021-11-28 JoinedGlobal

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  • RR_KK

    弹幕说,我是游戏里的最终反派 Here's the raw. It's got like 123 chapters, 169k words, still updating. It's got a "light hearted" tag so it probably isn't ntr, just that it's the game setting. The first chapter is basically a longer version of the synopsis. Uh, it seems like this world's supposedly an animated version of a galgame? Otome game? Not too sure cuz mtl sucks. The chat seems realistic; bunch of thirsty smooth brains.

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  • RR_KK

    提前一万年登录蛮荒世界 It seems to be this. There's like 429 000 words. Summary's slightly different, so I added it. Su Mu took the player panel. Came to the Savage Era 10,000 years ahead of schedule. Body with the most common talent for players: ... immortality. Although longevity, but the level experience is locked. In this dangerous world, in order to be able to live forever in peace, only cultivation cultivation and then cultivation! Time Ran, the wind and clouds change. Once casually rescued cubs, became the first era of domination. Followed by the side of the partner, became a new era of the side of the realm master. The men who were treated as tools became the mysterious powers of the world! The unfamiliar beings who were instructed by hand also steadily increased in strength in the middle of the epoch, and gradually became a party bearer. Era evolution, also because of Su Mu's intervention to change ... years later, the players came, but they found that the world, although no Su Mu figure, but everywhere there are legends of him. After successive encounters, the players who decided to become Su Mu leeks suddenly realized: "So... only he is the savior of our players!" Su Mu, who was shrouded in mist, saw the well-behaved players and pulled out the...lower grade feats that had been dismantled into hundreds of pieces... "I'm so sweet, next time I'll dismantle it into 10,000 copies!"

    Logging Into The Desolated World 10000 Years Earlier
    Eastern · No Umbrella Under Rain
  • RR_KK

    Random review from like 20 chapters in at 1 am. This is from reading the raw like a month ago so, y'know. Grain of salt. So basically there's this dude who has this ability to send himself into seizures. Cool. What I wouldn't give for that. There's a twist though. He basically can remember everything. So yeah, superpower. He's got some fun blue pills or something for that. Anyway his close friend dies or something and sends him this super secret card to a super secret supernatural game called... I forget. That's not important. What is important is that he travels to this S - Rank realm, where if he can complete it, he'll get the amazing occupation of "Night Walker." But boo hoo. S rank realm is so hard that literally no one has cleared it before. So mc goes to the (probably) Chinese officials. They accept him since he can get amazing job, pull some yarn, maybe worship a bust of Mao, and get him his information. Some things happen here and there and he winds up clearing the super tough secret realm in 2 days. Yay. Storytelling at its finest. It's worth mentioning that the dungeon was based around this tunnel. Why? Because the mc literally leaves that tunnel as soon as the dungeon starts. He never goes back. Ok... why's that a problem? Well... I wanted to know what was in the tunnel. That's pretty much it. Just kinda disappointing. After all, one of the missions he had for the dungeon was "fully explore the area," and mc completes it without going back to that tunnel. Oh, and the mc also has a step sister who's uber hot or something. Also every female in his work building also just happen to be uber hot too. Also there's a dungeon where you literally just have 🍆🍑 the whole time. Also a past Night Walker got yoinked from the mc's colleagues before by a uber hot girl from another department. Also the mc woke up a uber beautiful goddess that smiled at him from inside a coffin. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm not sure, but I think the author's lonely. So yeah. It's good I guess.

    Spirit Realm Walker
    Sci-fi · Paperboy
  • RR_KK

    Hey all. This is just a review from a random dude so yeah. I'm not that satisfied with this review tbh so I'll probably delete and repost it. I'm calling this Deep Sea Embers since that's what I've known it as. This review contains slight spoilers, but nothing massive. I think. It's really, really good. It's basically a cross between the dark reality of life and warp of 40k, sealed relics from LoTM, and lovely eldritch creatures from amazing human being H.P. Lovecraft. The synopsis is also a little bit off, or maybe some odd way of revealing a story detail, but the mc travels to become Duncan Abnomar. His actual name is "Zhou Ming," a man with the wonderful and fulfilling job of middle school teacher. The whole deal with the world in the story is that 10 000 years or so ago, there was a "great silence" that sunk the world into the dark ages. What essentially became of the world, is that the ocean is now the enemy. Literally. The only thing that humans, among other races, can do is hide for cover under a god that literally comes from the same place as the ones who want to hurt them, and hope they can live to see tomorrow. Of course, that's not to say they haven't made their own advancements. For example, they've made the steam engine so advanced that our main character can't even tell what half of it does. But the only reason they can even do that is because of the church, which is naturally supported by a god. Heck, the church even has to make a special list of what you can read lest you imagine and attract the attention of some warp demon. There's even a fallen sun that's trying to take its place back from a fake one. The church doesn't even try to hide the existence of those scary things, but actively tells citizens about it. That's how you know things are serious So where does the mc come in? Well basically, the mc randomly becomes Duncan, as mentioned. Duncan happens to, oh you know, be one of the greatest pirates in the world leading a fleet of hundreds. But that was a hundred years ago. Now? He's one of the most dangerous things in the world. His ship, the Homeless/Lost Home/Home Dreamer is #5 on the Churches list of dangerous stuff. If you've ever read LoTM, then you know that's… pretty high. SCP works too I guess. It's not even a relic anymore, but a "vision," which can literally manipulate the world around them and tell when someone's talking about them. So why is he so dangerous? Because he's the only thing ever recorded in the world to have entered the warp and come back alive. Well, maybe not alive. Funny thing is that Duncan, or rather Zhou Ming, has pretty much no idea how dangerous he really is. He's literally a walking disaster and has no idea. When he tries to fish, he literally hooks his line on a giant eldritch octopus so massive it casts a shadow on the sky from inside the sea, and yet what he thinks he's doing is fishing a regular old tuna. He does things with a hilarious, albeit necessary precaution as well. Random coffin that has a beautiful doll in it? He sinks that sucker right to the bottom of the ocean! It's beautiful. The characters are all really charming too. There's a talking goat head that only Duncan can quiet, Alice the living doll who frequently loses her head, a girl wearing a goth dress who uses a sea demon dog as a wrecking ball, and the Homeless/Lost Home/Home Dreamer itself where literally everything has its own will, loyal to their captain. I highly recommend it. Props to that Qidian editor, cuz they know what they're doing.

    Ashes Of Deep Sea
    Sci-fi · Yuan Tong
  • RR_KK
    Replied to Rhongomynaid

    Random guy interjecting with some suggestions. It isn't selected, nor is it even translated, but Deep Sea Embers(深海余烬) is really good so far. The gist is some random dude gets turned into a captain of a pirate ghost ship for basically no reason. It's an odd and interesting steampunk world where the sun is fake and the sea, or rather the "warp," corrupts. It's got about 78 chapters, and you can check it out on mtlnovel or the actual raw, assuming you're willing to read a mtl. Night's Nomenclature is also really good. Basically there's a kid who's got insanely good memory and gets chosen(among many other people) to travel into a sort of game world. There is an odd part at about chapter 150-200(It's been a while) where there's suddenly a couple of girls' that want to smash, but it doesn't seem to be a problem judging by reviews. It's on novelupdates, 111 chapters translated or so. If you're not already aware, RoyalRoad has plenty of great novels. Only thing is that, at least imo, they're a bit draining to read. Uh, I could also drop plenty of raw/mtl only novels should you want it.

    Rebirth Into A Wolf: I Can See My Evolution Paths
    Sci-fi · Oak Peter
  • RR_KK

    Raw: 國王. You can just search it in 69shu com. There's about 105 chapters....................................................................

    Fantasy · New Sea Moon
  • RR_KK

    Raw: 我成了游戏里的反派之王 There's 191 chapters, and you can find it by just pasting raw into google......................................................

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  • RR_KK

    Raw: 猩红降临 No idea if it's good. About 160 chapters. You can read it on 69shu or something. Not sure what else to say, but I need to reach the word limit.

    This book has been deleted.
  • RR_KK
    Replied to uflesh940

    Not even that. I just use a slightly mean sentence like calling the mc dumb and it gets censored, then I have to spend ages looking for said sentence.

    Lord Of The World: I Become The Lord Of The Desert From The Start
    Sci-fi · Carp Blowing Bubbles
  • RR_KK
    Replied to legendary_awesome
    Lord Of The World: I Become The Lord Of The Desert From The Start
    Sci-fi · Carp Blowing Bubbles
  • RR_KK

    As per usual, my last review got censored by webnovel and I have no idea why. Thanks webnovel. This is a review as of around chapter 250 from the mtl. Early stars review (C1-C50 or so) Translation: Since I read the mtl, I naturally don't know. Default number, 4. Updating stability: Not bad. Updates every day. 4. Story development: Very interesting. Desert vibe is interesting, as well as the dynamic between mc and his citizens. 4. Character design: Could be better. We don't see much uniqueness in his units or his citizens in terms of personality, only in terms of what they can do. 3. World background: Not bad. The idea of getting a system his friend designed for him is interesting. 4 Later stars review (C51-C250+). Translation: Again, can't say. 4. Updating: Not changed, 4. Story development: Awful. He's literally fighting angels and gods when he's still a little mortal. It doesn't make sense, and it's not good. Character development: Awful. Everyone is 1 dimensional. His citizens are completely incompetent, praising mc like a god. All of mc's units have become obsolete. Everything seems to float to mc when he needs it. 1. World background: There's potential, but pretty much all of it has gone unused. Things like the company that a merchant's from, various gods, or the background of one of his citizen's famous clan exists, yet the author only dips his toes in. 2. Long, casual review. At first, I gotta say I really liked it. The main character was really charming and not overdone. The cheat wasn't game breaking, and there was a bond between the mc and his citizens that was very interesting. His citizens even had a special trait thanks to him, which let them live better in the desert. Honestly, I loved the thought of that, and what could be done with it. In the early chapters, I guess my only complaint is that there isn't enough of the citizens, and that his units don't really express uniqueness(despite having it) to make them interesting. Another complaint would be how he doesn't interact with other lords at all, but that's very common amongst these novels. Sadly as of chapter 250, a lot of that's changed. The mc, Richard, has become ridiculously overpowered. It doesn't make any sense, and it's not enjoyable. He has no opponents. When he fights, you already know he's going to win. You need to understand something, this is a novel about a LORD. The lord's strength comes from his units, not himself. The author sees that, goes woopsy, and completely blows Richard's strength out of the water. It's to the point that his unit's become almost completely obsolete as Richard does all the heavy lifting himself. When his strongest unit, an A-class(keep in mind there's no S-class, at least not yet) dragon hero dies, it's literally only a sentence or two. There's no tears, no frustration, no nothing. His strongest unit dies, just like that, and he acts like it didn't even happen. Maybe it's because he just so happened to build a hero resurrection building, but still. He doesn't even revive his dragon once he gets back to his territory even though he could, but waits like a week before doing it. Worst thing, he revives the unit off screen! The author doesn't even care. When he does get new units, they only shine for 1 or 2 fights. And by shine, I just mean the author actually writes about them fighting. It's not a cool, well written fight, but just saying what they do with no extra detail. It's almost like a turn based game. Every fight is the same. Nothing unexpected. His units are practically not even part of the story anymore. There's even a huge arc, like 50 chapters or so, where his unit's only show up for the first 3 then disappear for the rest. Don't get me wrong, it was a nice arc, but still. Even when his unit's do fight, they just unite under the sentence "Richard's units fought the enemy." None of their unique gimmicks, different styles, no nothing. The problems don't end there. As I mentioned, Richard is ridiculously overpowered. When he's level 9, he's dealing with level 20s. An angel is level 21, and an average dragon level 18 for reference. When he's level 13, he beats a demigod with relative ease. When he's level 14, he, no joke, fights 3 evil gods, defeats 2, and escapes from 1. Gods are supposed to be level 30. By the way, level 30 isn't level 14 x 2, but more like level 14 x 10 000. It's exponential, yet he deals with them like it's nothing. He's not even in the same league as the other lords. Despite that the author made a whole arc about how every single lord get sent to a championship type thing, and it's whole point is to pretty much just butter up the mc. The mc is also very weird in odd ways. When the novel first begins, he's described as handsome. Ok, whatever, pretty much every author does that. 100 chapters in though? Boom! Richard is literally described as having a face sculpted by god. What??? Ok fine, but if he's so handsome why isn't everyone falling for him?? He's also got a pseudo harem as well. Basically everyone that surrounds him is a girl(strong men don't exist. besides him) yet the author is too scared to actually commit. It gets worse. He's supposedly smart yet he's so smooth brained in the weirdest ways. Remember those 3 gods he had to face? All 3 of those fights were completely avoidable. For 2 of them, he saw the danger, yet dived straight in. The third? He broke the gods curse on one of his citizens that somewhat randomly became his. Ok. He, a level 14, broke a god's curse. Whatever. But how did he not expect the god to get mad at him??? He's supposedly a genius, yet not even 1 brain cell in the year or so he had to prepare to break said curse said "Hey, what if the god gets mad???" The worst thing is that he completely wipes the floor with that god! It's literally only hard enough to make Richard seem cooler or whatever. Oh, and his citizens! They're completely useless! All they ever do is come back every 50 chapters for their pov that's literally only talking about how great and godly the mc is, and how proud they are of their city. They even keep saying that they're willing to die in battle for their city. Cool! What's the problem? The problem's that they can't even swat a fly!!! They're completely filled with hot, delusional air! They keep saying these empty words, but don't even try to get stronger or invent something special to actually be of use to Richard! Even when something does get invented, it's this random kid in a sewing shop who just did it by accident! By accident. Perhaps that's one of the biggest themes of this novel. He just so happens to get exactly what he needs, right before he needs it. The hero resurrection statue just before his strongest unit dies. A goblin that just happens to know how to breed an ultra special rabbit. Some special honey, one of a kind honey that he gets right before a merchant arrives. The kid who invented something and became a hero unit, just as he happened to need heros. A random statue that just so happened to be the perfect weapon against an evil god. A very strong and old dragon corpse that happens to basically be 99% off that he needs. A level 20 power suit that he can somehow pilot with his level 10-14 reaction time. Spring water fountain fragments that he just so happens to need, from a guy who just so happens to be so desperate that he's willing to be extorted by mc. I could go on and on. There's so many of these weird coincidences, or power level thing's that don't make sense. Level 14 fighting gods? Ok. Fine. Whatever. The gods are weakened on the "main plane" that Richard's on or whatever. But that level 9 fighting level 20s? It doesn't make sense. They weren't sealed, weren't injured, no nothing. Yet he escapes from right under their noses. God. There are so many problems that I have with this novel. However, perhaps the biggest one is disappointment. As mentioned, I was legitimately interested in this to begin with. Unfortunately that interest no longer exists. So yeah. End of review.

    Lord Of The World: I Become The Lord Of The Desert From The Start
    Sci-fi · Carp Blowing Bubbles
  • RR_KK
    Replied to A_lusting_sword

    Because it's actually not based off of any of those, it's based off of a game series called Monster Hunter. Very good, I suggest you check it out. That might just be my bias though. Some extra info, insect glaive is a weapon that got released like 7 years ago in MH4. I'm not a huge fan of the weapon, and when it got released it was pretty much exclusively used to mount monsters. The kinsect gets stuff that basically gets you high so you can do fancy stuff, but I doubt anyone actually uses it for damage because it's just not good for that. 🤓

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  • RR_KK

    全民转职:开局隐藏职业亡灵君主 Huh. Another interesting coincidence, I just happened to come across this novel as well a few days back while searching for the raws of another one. Haven't read it though, but it's got 100 chapters. You can read it on 69shu.

    Global Job Change: Starting With The Hidden Job, Lord Of The Death
    Games · Frozen Tenderness
  • RR_KK

    全球塔防。领导黑暗势力征服世界 Coincidentally, as I was trying to find the raw for that "Worldwide Tower Defense: Leading The Dark Forces To Conquer The World," I had actually come across the raw for this. I haven't read it at all though, no idea if it's good or bad. Just type something like "uu" after the raw name, and you'll come across the raw site.

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  • RR_KK

    As of chapter 20 or so, it's okay. Maybe even slightly worse than okay. Is it too early to judge? Probably. I don't care though. Anyway, it's typical. Typical protagonist that's handsome for no apparent reason, with a typical shameless personality. While that's all well and good, my biggest problem with him is that he's kind of a hypocrite, or at least feels like one. He can dish it out, but can't take it. He treats his first villagers pretty badly, doing things like offering a dirt low wage for someone to be his maid, or just strutting up out of nowhere to take their hard fruits of labour, before going "too bad, so sad." So when supper came and they didn't bring him good food, he got angry. He literally acts like a child. "What?? My villagers whom I've done nothing to earn their respect aren't respecting me??? >:((((" He's almost spoiled. Expects everything to go his way without putting in the work. Anyway he gets mad and the author paints him as a victim(because of course), and he goes and beats up the strongest villager with one hand. After this the villagers respect him cuz strong = best. He already knew that coming to the village by the way, yet he still gave a bad speech and expected everyone to love him. Oh, he also has the bloodline of a titan. Wouldn't you know, it just so happens that the titans were the #1 creature in the worlds history. Even dragons can only kneel to them, because of course. Ugh. Only like 10 chapters in and we already learn he has no real competition, but he'll still somehow inevitably face troubles that just so happen to pop up. He also awakens the bloodlines of his villagers at literally no detriment to himself or the villagers. That's right, awakening a bloodline, even if it just so happens to be the iron giant, which just so happened to be the guards of titans(despite the cities of the titans being in the sky), is completely FREE! Same with his own bloodline by the way. I guess you can see how he's spoiled. Anyway he goes to the city to get some human sized weapons and armour for his new villager soldiers. What? Human sized weapons and armour probably won't fit giants over 2 meters tall? Uh…. But I guess that doesn't matter anyway, because our stupid main character didn't have the foresight to bring any substantial amount of money with him. He also somehow doesn't know the cost of swords, despite literally having one. Bruh. Somehow he can't deal with it, and reassures himself that he isn't not buying the products because he didn't bring money, but because they're bad products. Dude. He goes to like 11 other shops, for some reason expecting a different result each time or something. Cuz you know. Maybe there's gonna just so happen to be someone who's selling a lot of weapons at a price he can afford. Enter female plot device. Female plot device comes carrying great news! She just so happens to be selling second hand swords and armour at a very reasonable price, only 60 gold for everything he needs! What? Why's it that no one else has bought these goods despite this absolute bargain? Because she's a plot device! Our mc is pretty annoying, because he turns into a broken record who just says 30 gold. What's that you say? Wouldn't it be realistic for the female plot device to just deny him service any further because he's literally robbing her? Well you see as with most webnovels, females do not have independent thought and can only blindly stick to the main character despite having no reason to!(seriously though. I hate harems so much) What makes this even worse is that it's not enough for the mc to give such a bad price for her, but even goes as far as to threaten her by reporting her. How? Well it happens that these weapons are from the dead, which means she got them for free! How's that supposed to be illegal, and how would the authorities figure that out? Good question. Too bad nobody can question the mc. + One female plot device to mc's group. Oh, did I mention that the female plot device has an ultra rare bloodline, but it just so happens it's so weak that it'll never get awakened besides in the most exceptional circumstances? How convenient! Also after extorting female plot device despite how she gave him goodwill, the author reassures us that he won't do anything more, because he's not a demon! Wow. How reassuring. ... Yeah I can't stand this dude.

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  • RR_KK
    Replied to zerolife000

    I think it's slightly wrong, it should be this - 战争之血脉领主

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  • RR_KK

    Raw: 我是末世尸王 Mega disappointment. Do not read. I'm not joking. Genuinely one of the worst things I've ever read. While it was promising in around chapter 10, that quickly dissipates. Why? Well, zombie mc comes across this random girl with a sob story who, for some reason, isn't afraid of him. This is right after the story says that he will never be able to mingle with humans since he's a zombie by the way, so the author and mc can't even keep a promise. But wait, it gets worse. For some reason, she follows him literally everywhere. Why. As of around 32, it's literally devolving into Twilight, yet somehow worse. Probably because the author had an actual interesting premise, but can't use their brain and threw it away. Dude's writing about how the girl wants to clean zombie mc's clothes, and is writing about mc's strong abs and other garbage, like how the mc feels a funny feeling. Oh, by the way, literally in the first chapter it's mentioned that all tap water has turned brown. Yet McUseless over here manages to wash McInconsistent's zombie clothes clean. How? There's literally no clean water???? McUseless is the girl if you couldn't tell. She literally only attracts trouble, clings to the mc, and cries. Literally no semblance of any independence whatsoever. 90% of what she does is useless and doesn't make sense. Example: she gives mc, a ZOMBIE, a cup of her blood. Bruh. Since when are zombies vampires? I have a lot to say, but I'm sure webnovel will censor it, so I'll keep quiet. Despite her uselessness she still has the plot armour to survive against a boss level zombie until mc arrives like her knight in shining armour. Oh right, I said she ATTRACTS danger. I got that completely wrong. She literally causes and walks right into it. That boss zombie thing happened because she couldn't wait and just had to go outside to try and find mc after he left. Dude. Zombie Apocalypse?????? But hey, maybe she has an excuse. After all, she's already so brain dead she's indiscernible from an actual zombie. An even worse situation happens at chapter 40, and it makes me cringe. It makes me so mad I don't even wanna explain it, so I won't. Long story short, it shows that the girl is 100% NOT capable of learning from her experiences. Same thing with the mc. This is even worse than nationalism. Speaking of which, a small hint of nationalism appears in chapter 35. That's right. I read until chapter 40 of this garbage. Oh, and did I mention that there's reincarnator from 10 years in the future? I'm ashamed I even had expectations for this, because it doesn't deserve any.

    I am the Zombie King of the Apocalyptic World
    Sci-fi · I Am Not He Shen
  • RR_KK
    Replied to damsy_03

    #2, use dee (space) pl. For dee (space) pl, you can just copy the whole page. If you're using a computer that's ctrl + a(selects the whole page), then ctrl + c(copies everything that's selected). Then use ctrl + v(pastes what's been copied) to get it into dee (space) pl. If you're on mobile, it's a little finicky and the way to do it changes a lot. Generally speaking, just tap and hold down on different parts of the page until a option to "select all" appears. Tap that. After that there should be an option to "copy all." If it doesn't appear, tap and hold in a bunch of different places until it does appear. Naturally, you have to keep everything selected. Personally I find the "copy all" option appears once I tap-hold something like a link, but it might be different for you.

    Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse
    Sci-fi · Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse
  • RR_KK
    Replied to damsy_03

    Two options, goo (space)gle translate and dee (space) pl. For #1, just search goo (space)gle translate directly and go to the site. Then go to the "websites" tab and just enter the link of what you want translated. I attached a photo. Then just click the arrow and you should be good. Just make sure the language it's translating from is Chinese.

    Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse
    Sci-fi · Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse
  • RR_KK
    Replied to damsy_03

    Go to a Chinese site like 6 9 S h u . (anti-censorship space) com, then just type in the Chinese title of the novel. Then translate the site directly via Go (space) ogle translate or copy it into something like de (space) epl. I'd give you the actual link, in fact I already did in another comment. Webnovel censored it though. Thanks webnovel. Naturally, get rid of all the spaces and the anti-censorship bit before searching for the site(s).

    Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse
    Sci-fi · Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse