


A Guy who enjoys a good read. And is tired of authors favoring harems over logic. #Anti-harem sect. #WeaktoStrong & No-Harem tags.

2021-11-26 JoinedUnited States

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  • Kamikaze_Eagle

    No, bad author! We've been over this, its strength not strenght.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Reincarnated Marvel Gunman
    Anime & Comics · NickTheStone
  • Kamikaze_Eagle

    Why can't he do a silent takedown on one then quickly shoot the rest with the sniper rifle?

    Theres not one, but four damn snipers on the neighbouring buildings keeping watch, so if I run in I'm dead, and if I try to take one of them down then the others would turn me into mincemeat or a Swiss cheese, depending on my luck. 
    Reincarnated Marvel Gunman
    Anime & Comics · NickTheStone
  • Kamikaze_Eagle

    That explains why I saw zero updates on any of the stories when I checked 4 hours ago.

    A/n: Apologies for the lateness, webnovel decided to be annoying.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Kamikaze_Eagle

    Did he really sneak up on Madara, or did Madara simply just trust him that such due to believing Zetsu is his will?

    He remembered in the anime, he was completely outclassed in terms of speed by the Mizukage, yet he was able to sneak up and attack the strongest version of Madara, who could also be considered close in power to Kaguya.
    Naruto: True Darkness
    Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to Organ_Martin

    One from the Ork and another from the little girl on Earth. At least I think so, I don't remember if he took back his ring yet from the girl.

    Well, the 'my' needed to be put into perspective. It wasn't my body. This might be a 'living' body of the highest quality wraithbone and specifically grown organic component and coagulated psychic energy held together by two of the Keys of the Flask as foci for my essence. But it wasn't my body, strictly speaking, even if there were parts of it. I had some left in my Vault since they made excellent materials for almost everything during the war.
    Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa (Warhammer 40k/Pokemon)
    Others · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • Kamikaze_Eagle

    Water that drains vitality? Maybe then learn how to transfer said drained vitality to himself or others?

    The senior scientist nodded, "You see, Yin Release is used in genjutsu, creating illusions and manipulating the mind. Yang Release is used in techniques that enhance physical abilities and vitality, like the Shadow Clone Jutsu, which gives physical form. Water Release, on the other hand, is versatile and adaptable, often used in both offense and defense. Theoretically, the interplay between these natures could allow you to manipulate water in ways that incorporate both spiritual and physical aspects, potentially leading to new and unprecedented techniques."
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime & Comics · FearTcb
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to FearTcb

    What about a genjutsu mist? The opponent can't break out of the genjutsu no matter what so long as they are in the mist. The illusions caused are so powerful that you can effectively puppet them by completely altering their surroundings and screwing with their memories. You could also simulate their deaths so realistically that their brains actually shut down and die.

    Another scientist elaborated, "Most known kekkei genkai are believed to be combinations of two basic elemental natures, like Ice Release combining Wind and Water or Lava Release combining Fire and Earth. However, it's worth noting that our understanding of kekkei genkai has evolved. For instance, Wood Release was initially believed to be a combination of Earth and Water. However, with the development of these advanced devices, it has been proven that Wood Release requires not only Earth and Water but also Yang Release. This revelation has deepened our understanding of how these elements interact and combine to form new abilities."
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime & Comics · FearTcb
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to Aether_Dragonite

    Kinda suspected as much, which is why I dropped this a while ago.

    I'm still thinking if I should make this a harem or not, so I'll just trust the process. You might find some cliches here and there, I'm not an experienced writer so I'm bound to make blunders.
    Danmachi: The Blade-Bound
    Anime & Comics · Leip0t
  • Kamikaze_Eagle

    How about a God of War fic? There are hardly any out there plus the ones that do exist are all crossovers. Here's your chance to be the author of the first non-crossover God of War fanfic author with more than 10k words.

    If I do eventually decide to follow through with a new FF, I honestly can't decide on which one to go through with.
    I Am Energy In Dc
    Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to Zer0Glory
    Still she managed to eek out a narrow victory against a disadvantageous type matchup with a trainer of similar level to herself. Brendan on the other hand had an interesting team comprised of a Sceptile, Sableye, Golem, Gyarados, Pidgeot and royal variant Machamp. The variant came as a surprise for me and most people in our VIP booth as it had been the first one we saw during this tournament.
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to

    I thought Brendan had the Sceptile and May had a Blaziken?

    Still she managed to eek out a narrow victory against a disadvantageous type matchup with a trainer of similar level to herself. Brendan on the other hand had an interesting team comprised of a Sceptile, Sableye, Golem, Gyarados, Pidgeot and royal variant Machamp. The variant came as a surprise for me and most people in our VIP booth as it had been the first one we saw during this tournament.
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    "A dumbasses guide to laundering money.pdf??? What?" 
    Reincarnated Marvel Gunman
    Anime & Comics · NickTheStone
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Sasori was undoubtedly the most trustworthy member within the Akatsuki.
    Part Time Employee in Konoha
    Anime & Comics · Bleam
  • Kamikaze_Eagle


    Ch 148 147-Proposal
    Naruto: Mixed Heritage(Rewrite)
    Anime & Comics · Sidecharacter1
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to NickTheStone


    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Reincarnated Marvel Gunman
    Anime & Comics · NickTheStone
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to ArthasMenethil

    I see it being spelled as strenght for me. So either you see something different or you don't know how to spell strength.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Reincarnated Marvel Gunman
    Anime & Comics · NickTheStone
  • Kamikaze_Eagle

    C'mon man it's spelled Strength.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Reincarnated Marvel Gunman
    Anime & Comics · NickTheStone
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to Rastislav

    AI art?

    The second was that I was basically a massive shroud of shadows flowing onto each other with the only two other features of my body being three globes of light below my hood-covered crown of spikes, and a pair of equally massive wings resembling those of a certain hawk on my back, though colored in shadowy black.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Kamikaze_Eagle
    Replied to DivineDeviance

    What is this a fanfic of?

    Throne of Spirits
    Anime & Comics · DivineDeviance
  • Kamikaze_Eagle


    Eevee's eyes narrowed slightly, and it gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. It didn't trust the human's words at all, it merely observed the flow of energy coursing through the boy's body. it was pure, unlike anything it had ever seen, it memorized the Pokémon.
    Pokémon Odyssey: Echoed Reflections
    Anime & Comics · starkight