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  • Rexander
    Replied to GoldenIsles

    Thanks for the questions, I should clarifiy more in the story.When I wrote, my mind was thinking of this scenario on why he only began to learn piloting jet. It's the first time MC is on earth, in all his previous life, he do got pilot 'jets' but it's more alien or advance. Different system and different control panel force him need to relearn things that's similar The multiverse that I meant for MC, is not that him is from always from earth but probably on a light years planet far away from earth. But it still count as a single universe, and for as we able to know, our milky way already consist at least 800 million planets. I apologize for the misleading. To simplify, It's the first time MC landed into Earth after all those times battling his archenemies in a rather different civilizations than of ours.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to TheEldritchPookie

    ah, I know about her.Me and my friends always joke about why do villains keep having children and somehow their plot also involving them to be kind, completely different from their parents.And thank you for your reply.Yes, I intend to add my own new characters and MC personal rivals / enemies that's not related or from Marvel DC. Perhaps some new race as well, if story progression and situation allow me to.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to TheEldritchPookie

    i am sorry but i couldn't get what you mean.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to TyrantTron335

    it's not completed yet.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to KoRSito


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  • Rexander
    Replied to Professor_Light

    😂Haha, thank you for commenting.But yea, for now it will be just a mentioning period. Since DC in Marvel universe are also considered as comic and entertainment for the heroes.But more mention will come in the future chapters Be sure to check in and stay tuned

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  • Rexander
    Replied to TyrantTron335

    Thanks for the review Initially, it will be confusing for MC power and background but it will all be explained later in each hero's story arc.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to TyrantTron335

    Yes it does.But spoiler, the hammer was not controlled by the enemy magnetism but rather it was overwritten by changing the rightful ownership. More akin to the hammer was brainwashed.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to TyrantTron335

    Sorry, seems like there's issue of uploading images on my side. Originally I wanted to share 2D illustration arts but keep getting CORS blocked error.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to Elokla

    Not gonna lie This chapter is arguably my worst chapter. Because I felt the Prologue Arc had dragged for too long so I decided to end it quick and in a rush. I do admit there's too much visible plot hole or questionable event and this chapter is the third draft that I felt more smooth than previous two draft that failed horribly. I "convinced" myself by mentioning since the heroes have no concrete evidence to prove he's an enemy spies and a lot of it were just baseless accusations because Dr.Strange started it. Plus even Phil had monitored and viewed every recorded footage of him yet still found no proof saying he's on enemy side. Even if using the words brainwashed or mind controlled that means every one in the earth might be suspected as standing with the enemies. But overall yeah, I feel that this chapter is a rushed product.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to Koloja

    Thank You! Do comment more in the future too. I am glad to accept constructive criticism.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to 1st_Canigia

    Yes, I use armored ultra as original ultra. It allow me to create more ideas for the ultra to change into new form by describing how the armor on it body move into the form it need

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  • Rexander
    Replied to 1st_Canigia

    Inspired with Dyna but with a more armored version like the cover art.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to droopyauthor

    Thank You. I hope the mysterious and interesting plot will keep on attracting you and other fellow readers in the future.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to Scarlet_Wolf96

    Thank You. I am glad my story is suit to your liking. I could only write something a bit light and shallow since it's my beginning novel and concern on if too complicated will confuse the read. I will be adding more mysterious plot in the future.

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  • Rexander

    I could portray every situation happening vividly in my mind. The story telling is clear but also keeping it mysterious in a minimal point. As previous review, capitalization, comma is a bit distracting. But its not a huge issue.

    White rose tears
    Fantasy ¡ Scarlet_Wolf96
  • Rexander

    Writing Quality is superb, the description and explaining how's the character emotion and action can be pictured clearly and vividly. Story wise, for me it's phased quite fast. Hoping to get explained in future chapter.

    Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower
    Book&Literature ¡ droopyauthor
  • Rexander

    Interesting concept and very clearly conveyed ideas and plot. Leaving much to desire how the story will continue. Slowly uncovering the world systems and how it works also explain clearly. It's a great read but I find it a bit repetitive on the sentences conveyed thus making it a longer read per chapter. But overall definitely a story worth to read.

    Vincu Oculus
    Fantasy ¡ Zerx1725
  • Rexander
    Replied to zako4

    Hi, Thank You for your review. Your comment is a huge motivation booster. Yes, the work is highly inspired by the Witcher series. Hope you will keep on following my works. And sorry for the lack of updates recently, work getting the best of me and hard to find time to write.

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  • Rexander
    Replied to zako4

    Hi, sorry for the late reply and update. Works been keep me busy. Yes, the story is highly inspired by Witcher. Thanks for reading

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