


A price is always exacted for what fate bestows

2021-10-31 JoinedAntarctica

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  • _Blasphemy_
    Replied to BobbieBinz

    Make sense, but that’s only for normies. Great houses and people in power on the other hand have no shortage of ways to hide the fact they’re using stuff. Plus it’s pretty useful not to use it

    It would have killed anyone, yet he persisted. He continued to torture himself for them. For their cause, and so she would support him. She would never let him fall. Even at her own cost, it was the only thing she could do.
    DUNE-A False Haerach-(SI into brother of Irulan)
    Movies · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_

    Either my brain not braining or this sentence makes no sense

    "...often what is not spoken is just as important as what is not."
    DUNE-A False Haerach-(SI into brother of Irulan)
    Movies · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_
    Replied to BobbieBinz

    Never understood people fear of technology in dune. Yeah, ai, war and all that stuff, but to fear technology is like being afraid of your own shadow.

    It would have killed anyone, yet he persisted. He continued to torture himself for them. For their cause, and so she would support him. She would never let him fall. Even at her own cost, it was the only thing she could do.
    DUNE-A False Haerach-(SI into brother of Irulan)
    Movies · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_
    Replied to The_Pope_Of_Coom

    what did you expect? Look at mine name

    "If you feel cold, you can put the summer and winter robes together and then cover the quilt; later, if it's still too cold for you to bear, go to Dolohov and tell him, our lives are still worth a little bit, they won't let us just freeze to death like this."
    In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter
    Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat
  • _Blasphemy_
    Replied to Lore_Gaming
    Then she felt his lips touch hers as his arms wrapped themselves around her, and Alicent found herself feeling safe and wanted once in her life.
    The Healer Prince : HOTD SI
    Book&Literature · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_

    I dare you to mention jade beauty, you will see the holy war start

    And he did get it. It was speculated that The Balck Pearl could start a war with her words alone, yet her beauty was also said to rival that of a Goddess. Though, the Prince sitting in front of him wasn't anything to scoff at either, with his Valyrian features.
    The Healer Prince : HOTD SI
    Book&Literature · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_

    I don’t wanna ruin a moment but my homie below died from a bit of tb blood that got on his face so …..

    "No matter what happens, I will always be with you," Aenys sniffed as he tried to keep the tears from falling down as he wrapped his arms around her. They just stayed there together, being there for each other, as they had been for years.
    The Healer Prince : HOTD SI
    Book&Literature · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_

    Come on, give aenys some personality and make him leave, no one stops him from visiting from time to time. Cause other way around all that talk about his life outside westeros and clinic is just

    "And as a first step in making amends, I have just the thing to make Aenys stay here," and his head snapped towards her as he frowned.
    The Healer Prince : HOTD SI
    Book&Literature · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_
    Otto's eyes would widen as the Prince began to speak his oath of fealty to the new heir, one which had somewhat usurped him. The surprise and relief were evident on King Visery's face as well, showing that the King knew nothing of this as well.
    The Healer Prince : HOTD SI
    Book&Literature · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_

    Aenys, Aerys, Aegon, Aragorn, etc. How many name does he have?

    "Ahh, so you have heard. Yes, I believe that the news is accurate I have decided to pardon our brother. I am going to invite Aenys back to his home." Viserys said with a smile.
    The Healer Prince : HOTD SI
    Book&Literature · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_

    Plot given enough time to unravel, and mc motives are justified. Some typos here and there, but nothing too devastating. So far very promising.

    DUNE-A False Haerach-(SI into brother of Irulan)
    Movies · Drkest
  • _Blasphemy_

    mirrors that can show something they’re not supposed to are chilling

    Yes, it was totally not ominous at all.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemy_
    Replied to Supreme_Leader

    Equal exchange

    'As long as she doesn't pinch my cheeks, we're good.' Was his stance on the matter.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemy_

    You could’ve give them this info for free as Christmas present 🥲

    "Merry Christmas, guys." He smiled at them, before leaving without further adieux.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemy_

    When girl really really dislikes a guy it usually means she’ll be first to fall for him.

    "…" Hermione really, really disliked Magnus Arran. She waited for him to get tired of this charade and spill the beans, yet all she got from him was an amused smile and a dead silence.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemy_
    Sadly, it was too late. As her new friend already started walking toward the amber eyed boy, intent on questioning him. And all she could do was swallow the lump in her throat and follow behind him, the things she did for her friends…
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemy_

    Yo man, you need therapy

    But today it would be different, today he'll prove that he's better than that bloody Magnus! He's been preparing this for days, bribing each of their classmates not to interfere with money, personal books and the promise of a part of Magnus's secrets.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemy_

    So it’s this type of story

    McGonagall made it clear that she would not go easy on me, asking me to transfigure multiple needles at once and to add some carvings on the surface of the metal. The Scottish witch drowned me in work with an enthusiasm that matched my own, and that absolutely didn't stem from her earlier humiliation in feline form.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemy_
    Replied to Daniel_Johnson_9927

    That’s Hermione, she’s allowed

    "See? The needle is a silver and pointy, good job Mr. Arran. This will be five points for Ravenclaw." The transfiguration teacher said with a rare smile.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
  • _Blasphemy_
    Replied to grav1ty24

    Facts, if you find yourself in hp universe and not pet McGee kitty you’re a

    'it's pretty hard to be afraid of someone you just petted.' I thought, a bit amused by their reaction.
    HP: Eagle Soars
    Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH