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  • Daoistd9QJca

    Ofcourse it's option E, who is .worthy?!!!

    Ch 72 Wu Xian Jr.? 3
    The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World
    Anime & Comics · itachi1010
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to Daoistd9QJca

    now that I take a second look, I realise why i dislike it. it's just an OP Curbstomp Si Fanfic that then seemingly switches and tries to make it harder for the MC when the Author realised, hang on wait a sec, the dance of the dragons is going to be an utter stomp. and tried to make it harder for him when there was literally no point.

    The Silent Fury(Asoiaf SI)
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to Zhawan2002

    yes, it's just chapter 2 but the MC has contradictory goals and already several months have gone by. the dude wants to spoil Daenerys but why work as a blacksmith then while she stays in a cramped location? He has enough gold to go in a inn and stay there until he gets super buff, then he goes to one of the players of Bravos's house, shows his unnatural strength to the guards, they let him in and Viserys charms the owner with his charisma and says he has been blessed by the gods by great strength, further shows off his martial prowess. The player would see how amazing Viserys looks like and will be accomdating, Viserys can keep training and charming the dude. By the End of the week, he can have the owner eating out of the plan of his hand.

    Ch 2 Moving up
    Viserys Fulgrim Targaryen
    Book&Literature · Daoist0kxr4h
  • Daoistd9QJca

    take as much time as needed

    Ch 4 Note
    A Song of Grace & Fury
    Book&Literature · Bleap
  • Daoistd9QJca

    Honestly, the writing is good but the plot isn't good at all, especially the Dance, it's just a rehash but add on MC who is way too edgy. Overall, its good as a time waster but that's all. First of all, the blacks wouldn't have made the same opening move because the Greens have Vermithor and Silver wing. So they would have sent ravens instead to gather support since maintain concentrated dragon power becomes Vital when Kingslanding is just next to Dragonstone. Just Vhagar alone deterred the Blacks from making a move in canon on Kingslanding, now Vhagar can be permanently stationed at Kings Landing while in the Blacks eyes Vermithor and Silver wing are free to move anywhere. The Blacks would have been way more cautious, even Rooks Rest won't have gone down the same way since the Greens have way more dragons to spare. Unlike the canon where the Green Dragons were far more restrained and stayed mostly in Kingslanding or Daeron in the reach, now it will be the opposite so it's even doubtful if the Blacks send any dragons. The Dragon seeds plan would have been agreed to post haste to raise more Dragon riders can't understand why the MC didn't expect that, there was only syrax and Moondancer their, Rhaenyra should have seen the writing on the wall, Hell Corlys should have gone to Dragonstone and told Rhaenyra and Baela to run, get as many valuables as possible on a ship, all the dragon eggs they can carry, kill all the new hatchling and leave Dragonstone before Vermithor, Vhagar and the rest jump them. Or atleast Corlys would have gotten several ships and put his trusted men theirs with Rhaenyra's children and Baela.and told them to flee to the free cities and wait until they get news from Westeros. And even in this story, Daemon wouldn't have gone to Harrenhal, he went there to mainly draw away Vhagar from Kingslanding allowing Rhaenrya to swoop in and take it while also giving me a staging ground to rally troops and form an army. In this story, the Greens have way too much dragon power, they can send Vermithor and Sunfyre or tessarion to team up and kill Daemon or once they get the news, they jump Dragonstone allowing easy Green Victory. Now Daemon, this is another problem, the moment Daemon knows Rhaenrya and everyone else is gone, Rhaena's value is GG since the Greens have showed them to be way too treacherous, even if he surrenders the Greens will probably kill Rhaena is his thoughts. He won't come to oldtown at that point since the Greens can jump his ass with multiple dragons since they know where his army will strike, he doesn't know enough but what he does know is that he can expect atleast 1 or more dragons. At that point, He can see the Writing on the wall and knows he is finished, Old town probably has mutiple dragons and even if Caraxes can clutch up, Caraxes will be too injured for the next following match ups and Daemon will die. He has two choices, he can flee Westeros and go beyond the Bone mountains. With Caraxes by his side, he can live a life in Luxury without being hunted down by the Green Targs since he will be on the other side of the world. But this is Daemon, he won't run so he will go for option 2. Option 2 is simple, Daemon will do Murderous Daemon things all over Westeros, he will gather his trusted followers and tell them to scatter and he will leave the army behind as it's a giant big sign saying Daemon is here. He will start going around Westeros burning every single thing down starting with probably a night raid on Kingslanding and burning the red keep down to the ground to deny the Greens and kill hundreds of green supporters and taking out the realms administration throwing kings landing into chaos. He will then start randomly attacking houses that sided against the blacks to prevent the Greens from setting a trap against him. By the end of that, Daemon will become Maegor 2.0 but better, they will call him Daemon the Demonic or another title like that. In a span of a month before the Greens catch Daemon since they will cheat by using Dragon Dreams. Daemon will reduce a large and significant amount of Westeros into a hellscape in retaliation, thousands upon thousands will die, a large portion of nobility will find their castles and families burned down in retaliation since they supported the Green cause that killed all the Black Targs except Rhaena and Daemon. The MC will feel like a dumbass since he could have captured the children and Rhaenyra and told them they will be forced to take the black and blah blah, Daemon will surrender since he doesn't want his daughter and two children dead. Then the MC backstabs Daemon and kill him and all the Black Targs once he has them all. Or atleast thats how i feel the Daemon situation will have gone, kill his entire family, no guarantees his daughter will be alive, does know of Rhaenyra since the Greens probably said all of Rhaenyra's line are dead as soon as they could, probably knows Vhagar, and so on are injured but not to what extent due to MC's lockdown. Dreamfyre and Silver wing are still okay since they did n't participate knows he can't win and isn't willing to flee so he will burn everything down for spite. Also can't believe the MC trusted that Dragonstone Maester, what did he have on him to treat Aegon and Daeron to the best of his capabilities, they should have died since the MC treated Rhaenrya and her children so brutally, the Maester poisons them, leaves a letter behind telling the MC to F himself, an eye for an eye and keels over dead from poison so he won't be tortured, i will just ignore that part as the MC flying to Kingslanding getting a green affiliated Maester and that Maester treating Aegon and Daeron. Makes more sense than that, that Maester has been watching over Rhaenyra since she was young and her own children were delivered and taught by him. it's plain stupid.

    The Silent Fury(Asoiaf SI)
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to InkyFox

    nope, they will be counted as oath breakers, they broke the spirit instead of the wording. no matter what they do from now on, the greens will always be known as the treacherous and despicable side. this kind of thing will not be forgotten even if they rewrite the history books, it will be passed down by tales.

    Time seemed to slow as the fire consumed them. Daemon's scream of rage and pain echoed through the battlefield. Rhaena's cries of despair were cut short, her final moments a tragic blur of smoke and fire. The Riverlords who accompanied them were incinerated, their bodies turning to ash in an instant.
    The Silent Fury(Asoiaf SI)
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to Daoistd9QJca

    after reading the whole chapter, the MC's plan relies on Daemon coming to him, it's just plain stupid. instead of going for Edge points, He should have taken them all prisoner and spread the news then Daemon would be guaranteed to come. when daemon comes, then kill them all otherwise relying on daemon to come to you is just unreliable when you are the only available dragon rider. what if Daemon skips oldtown and heads to the red keep to burn it in retaliation and then dragon stone? his brothers will be helpless MC's whole plan goes down the drain. What if Rhaena kills herself and so on.

    Ch 9 Chapter 9 - No Mercy
    The Silent Fury(Asoiaf SI)
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to proganerx_Dave

    The Titans evolved before the dinosaurs or somewhere around that era. Godzilla is ancient as hell, millions of years old

    He needs something big And he knew what exactly it was. He is only around one years old and he already was 12 to 13 meters long and around 1 meter in girth.
    World Serpent in the Monsterverse
    Movies · Marcus_Adderley
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to W_D_3766

    Otto believes in selective blindness

    The thought disgusted Otto. He considered the Targaryens to be sinful blasphemers, monsters who defied the natural order. 'If only they didn't have dragons.', he often mused. Their very existence was a stain on the world and on the faith of the Seven. Perhaps if Aemon saw the light of the gods, he would see how perfect and lovely Alicent truly was, but alas, that chance was gone now.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to DaoistNhPYYF

    captain of the shigatse something something.

    More than a Dragon Warrior
    Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
  • Daoistd9QJca

    Ofcourse it's the MC himself, how can the lower lifeforms be worthy of bearing the Honoured One's child? A man can't get pregnant, who decided that? 🗣️

    H. None Of Above. It's Someone Else.
    The 6 Eyes In The Cultivation World
    Anime & Comics · itachi1010
  • Daoistd9QJca

    Nah, I understoof what the show producers were trying to do. Rhaenys feels very guilty for sparing the Greens, because she left them alive. Aemond killed Lucerys. The civil war started and hundreds have already died. Rhaenys believed Aegon was finished, i mean who wouldn't, bro's dragon was on fire, he got caught in Vhagar's flames and he crashed down in the woods. That means if Rhaenys was willing to sacrifice her life and Meleys, she might be able to kill Aemond or at the very least heavily injure Vhagar enough that she is taken out of the war. That leaves only Tessarion and Dreamfyre. Daemon is cunning enough to exploit the opportunity and win. so even if the greens win at Rooks rest, the black can win the war. the only flaw was that she didn't expect Granny Vhagar to be so stealthy.

    I also didn't like that Rook's Nest wasn't a plan orchestrated by Aegon and Aemond both, and that the only reason Aegon was there was because he was too drunk. It not only made him seem useless(which I guess is fair), but most importantly it made Rhaenys look like a suicidal dumbo instead of the tenacious, expert dragonrider that she was in the books.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Mighty
    Book&Literature · PrinceOfNilfheim
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to sixpathsofsimp

    happens in comics as well 🤔

    "The X-men were present at the battle it seems, since the damaged Jet laying on the site belonged to them but what or how they were involved doesn't make much sense." Hill relayed the information, "Luckily, we found a camera hidden within the Jet, and although it's quite damaged we are working on extracting the footage,"
    Marvel: I am Sukuna
    Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to tta160

    dude he involved himself in Rooks rest, he was born as a commoner and waited for years for the civil war to start. the author didn't transmigrate him into this Rando's body and he got the powers of the founder, he was reborn and specifically waited until Meleys and so on engaged before coming out so he could get some benefits.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Sinful Deeds, Noble Deeds
    Fire and Blood: Titan's Rise
    TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to Giver_Of_Crabs_165

    don't have the skills, if i could i would be doing it the main problem is that things aren't clear, why the MC do what he does, why he changed sides and etc. The Civil war is finished, the aftermath has been done, people going home and all we know is that the MC has vague ambitions.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Sinful Deeds, Noble Deeds
    Fire and Blood: Titan's Rise
    TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to Guri_01_09

    think that conspiracy involved people from the lowest small folk to merchants, from Maesters to all levels of nobility. so many people died, it's not wild to assume people just didn't look the other way.

    Jaehaerys' words hung in the air, the weight of history and destiny heavy upon them. He looked at Maester Corso, his eyes filled with determination. "Maester, you have seen the miracle with your own eyes. Tell me, how else would you explain Rhaemon's survival? How else can we account for his unscathed body amidst the flames? It is magic, my lord. Magic that has been absent for far too long." 
    The Fireborne Prince (GOT)
    Book&Literature · NobleVillainess
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to Daoistd9QJca

    that's not even including his instincts that will start going haywire as his body stops functioning in peak performance and in harmony but will start having performance issues.

    Ch 107 Knowledge is power
    More than a Dragon Warrior
    Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to tta160

    if the MC had waited instead of showing himself in Rooks rest, he could have been king easily as i explained in my other post, He wouldn't have killed any Blacks nor Greens.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Sinful Deeds, Noble Deeds
    Fire and Blood: Titan's Rise
    TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to tta160

    Yeah but Blood doesn't mean shit when a Titan starts stomping your castle into a Ruin does it? The MC can rule through fear as he doesn't have to worry about Assassinations, that's the problem with the dragon lords no matter how high and mighty they are atop their dragons when away from their beasts, they are mere men. The author has a different point of view and is doing it his way which i am assuming is the very long way. The MC becomes nobility, he gets a prominent castle, he spends years building up his forces and decades for his prestige, he takes his time learning rulership skills or what not and a several decades down the line, he rebels or what not. I personally see it as pointless since then he never would have needed to switch sides, he could have just stuck to Rhaenrya and be given his choice of any prominent lands who's lords rebelled outside of Lord Paramount's and warden's. The the story goes on, no difference, it even harms his Rep as he will be known as someone who turned his Cloak impacts his Honour.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Sinful Deeds, Noble Deeds
    Fire and Blood: Titan's Rise
    TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165
  • Daoistd9QJca
    Replied to tta160

    just wait until Aegon kills Rhaenrya and Baela. then approach Rhaena, offer your hand in marriage to her in exchange for your power to get revenge. Rhaena will accept, boom bam. There is still Corlys who is alive and since Aegon III is dead, and Rhaena either has hatched Morning or doesn't have a dragon. The choice falls down to either choosing Rhaena as the next Queen or Aegon's daughter as the only remaining Targaryens. It's obvious who Corlys would want on the throne and he would accept the marriage since it gives him the hard power to guarantee that HIS blood is on the throne. The MC just has to make it clear that he wants the luxury that will be afforded to a Kings-consort and he doesn't care about the politics or other benefits. This deal pretty much secures Corlys as the Hand of the King and the ruler of Westeros in all but name. Ofcourse no one will know the power that the Founder can exert on their descendants, so the MC just has to chill for a couple of years until his offspring with Rhaena grow up and He will be the ruler in all but name.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Sinful Deeds, Noble Deeds
    Fire and Blood: Titan's Rise
    TV · Giver_Of_Crabs_165