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  • Daoist5dpydN

    Seems like a cheap knock off based on the Book of the dead, most of the mcs action and thoughts seem childish and illogical, as if he possess no common sense at all. The novel feels forced with no sense of substance.

    My Necromancer Class
    Fantasy · Aero182
  • Daoist5dpydN
    Replied to DaoistZdxwmt

    I was about to read this, but then your heavenly review saved my pure soul, thanks.

    Global Reincarnation: Becoming A God With My Unlimited Revive
    Fantasy · One Punch Cute King
  • Daoist5dpydN
    Replied to saed_saeed

    You know who Victor is, and what information helped him that much?? Please do tell?? Point it out for me?? He got his blood manipulation skill on his own and that is the premise of his whole power, and Lilith just telling him that they are stronger people out there is worthy enough for him to owe him his life?? Don't be stupid mate, overall if you remove Lilith from the story what degree of change would occur??? Let me give you an answer, an insignificant degree of change.

    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Daoist5dpydN
    Replied to Skeletonocelot

    He's not too smart for his own good, he's just stupid.

    I Can Make Everything Level UP
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Daoist5dpydN
    Replied to SirlordDaDerpWhale

    The problem here lies with authors giving their mcs Too OP of an ability and not being able to deliver, this novel is kind of a rip off of infinite mana, but the author decided to make it slow asf.

    I Can Make Everything Level UP
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Daoist5dpydN
    Replied to AndrewMurry

    Dude stop lying to yourself, why can't he just increase his magic points then?? Since it's been show to have no significant effect on his body??? And have you ever had of a genius being understood with normal preconceptions??? Why didn't he learn as much skills as possible then using his system, instead of learning them himself

    I Can Make Everything Level UP
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Daoist5dpydN

    Why do authors give their mc an OP ability but end up restricting the mc's progression with asinine reasons, like an OP ability should be used to its fullest potential and its fullest potential is fast growth!! The author keeps on giving reasons or rather excuses for the mcs slow growth and idiotic tendencies even though the guy is an adult, overall it's boring to read.

    I Can Make Everything Level UP
    Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99
  • Daoist5dpydN
    Replied to Dera_Ana

    From your comment I can basically sum up your whole life, "BORING".

    I Can Extract Everything
    Eastern · Mysterious_Pen
  • Daoist5dpydN

    This novel is horrendously one dimensional, it's lackluster to the point where the only reason you could even read it was just to pass time, none of the chapters I've read impress me or make me want to read more, I dropped it when I just couldn't force myself to continue reading it, I blame the author because the concept of the novel itself is amazing its just that it had an awful delivery.

    I Can Extract Everything
    Eastern · Mysterious_Pen
  • Daoist5dpydN

    The Mc is just pathetic, has nothing special about him other than his experience of the first timeline, the worst thing about him is that a majority of his strength is external, he relies too much on that, but it's not like he has a choice. It's just sad man.

    Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil
    Fantasy · Grayback
  • Daoist5dpydN

    It started of interesting, like I really enjoyed reading it, but I kind of hate how Victor feels like he owes Lilith someone and even the author stresses this, as if Lilith is an integral part of the Mc and that everything he has is because of her, but really when you think about it???? What has Lilith done for him??? Like what?? Other than a few pieces of information??? What has she done to deserve the huge favor he owes her?? Liliths existence is kind of insignificant, she is kind of a parasite even leeching off of the Mcs intangible blessing.

    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Daoist5dpydN
    Replied to Dragon_God123

    I agree with your comment, theys basically nothing new. I dropped the novel on chapter 3 when the mc pouted and said "boo" to his dad.

    Way of the Knights
    Fantasy · Hateful_Fellow
  • Daoist5dpydN

    When I started reading this novel especially the first few chapters I just couldn't understand it, I mean the mc/kid is only 10 years old, some of his actions were a little bit to advance for his age, the whole thing didn't feel right.

    Inhuman Warlock
    Fantasy · Demonic_angel
  • Daoist5dpydN
    Replied to Moonlight_song

    I don't trust these webnovel reviews, especially these 5 star ones.

    The Mage of Primordial Chaos
    Fantasy · Cyclxne
  • Daoist5dpydN

    I have a lot of the reviews and I'm kind of lost and unsure if they read the same novel I did, I mean the whole novel can really be summed up as lackluster, it's hard to read cause it usually has nothing that makes you want to keep reading it, and the only reason I made it through its confusing and weird ending is that I was hoping it would get better because I really did enjoy the whole premise of dystopian type era where cultivation was seemingly abandoned for the elements. All in all it was not worth reading.

    The Avalon Of Five Elements
    Eastern · Fang Xiang
  • Daoist5dpydN

    I dropped this when I realized that this guy was just your typical 17 year old kid who worked as a delivery guy and then booom all of a sudden just because of a gene solution he's the almost perfect assassin and has sagely wisdom well above his age, talk about disillusionment, this just didnt make sense to me.

    Super Gene Optimization Fluid
    Sci-fi · 9 lightyears per second
  • Daoist5dpydN

    White hair? How stupid does this author think we are? Simply wanting to kill someone just because they have white hair? Does this imply that only they the silvermoon are allowed to have white hair in the entire world? Simply idiotic, cant you use any better methods of introducing a plotline??

    Ch 35 Taking Measurement
    Blood Assimilation
    Fantasy · BadMindDarkRaven
  • Daoist5dpydN

    The whole thing about him being afraid of his mom even after awakening kinda resets his whole achievements, like he should be moving on in life and developing but this mc doesnt even seem to be developing a backbone, like what's the difference between him now and in the past, nothing hes still just a pathetic individual, the author should have started progressing his mentality by now, it all just seems repetitive and idiotic.

    Ch 30 Venturing Out
    Blood Assimilation
    Fantasy · BadMindDarkRaven
  • Daoist5dpydN

    The longer you read the more irritating of a vibe you get from it, the inconceivable convenient plot armors, the whole chinese nationalist mentality that's lowkey kinda propaganda, I mean is it just me who is getting this subliminal message that chinese people are better than everyone, and this for me kills my immersion into novel, at the end I just dropped it.

    Swallowed Star
    Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Daoist5dpydN

    Just started reading but my first impression of it was why add the whole transmigration plot? Couldnt he just have the blessing? And in doing so the whole story and behavior would make much more sense, I am not a fan of having an adult transmigrated mc behave like teenager. And the whole progression of the story is kind of slow and dull, its arduous to read, I kind of get trying to make it more realistic with the whole normal cultivation but that's kinda duft since this is fantasy and cultivation in itself is fantasy so why try to make it realistic, give me so fast boosts man, give me some thrill.

    Primordial Dimensions
    Fantasy · HideousGrain