


You, random people who have read my books, know the two things I need most... Powerstones, and inspiration. You can't give inspiration, but you CAN give powerstones! powerstones please :D?

2021-08-31 JoinedUnited States



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  • Lyric_Drake

    mmm yes free tutorials in the form of friends!

    I then noticed something near our feet, pointed at it, and stated the most intelligent query ever; "What's that?" they both looked at it and gasped. Kyle then said "That... is a Infernus core. Most mana beasts leave Mana cores behind, but a rare few, the Ender included, drop cores like that. Unlike Mana cores that just increase your Mana capacity and maybe control a little bit, these cores are rare and will greatly strengthen people in the specific element from the core, and will do one of a few options, which can be chosen after the first core is consumed. You can upgrade your body with the element, you can upgrade your Mana, and you can upgrade what is called 'Infusion'. Unlike the body and Mana, which is obvious, Infusion will make it so that weapons you use will be infused with that element. For example, an iron sword with a poison infusion of a certain strength and up will sicken whoever is cut by it, things like that."
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to ChocolateCat301

    Yessssss... Violence...

    He then said "Well, I can see from you that it isn't always evil... But is it not odd that the most evil people in the world flock to the Void and the dark powers from it?" I then realized, he really didn't know all that much about me. I may have essentially been a recluse in a little fort of sorts I built myself, but I swear I told at least some of this guys soldiers about myself... I then said "Do you even know where I am from?", after I said this he paused for a minute before saying "Now that I think about it... I know where you live, but not where you are from... And I tried talking to the High Priest and he simply said 'Ask and believe his words.' in the cryptic manner that all old people talk in. So, where are you from exactly?"
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    lol he might theoretically get that in the rewrite... He will literally become unstoppable. And the second he gets armor that cant break, he will literally be able to just... saunter up and punch people to death

    The person then said "I cannot know if you lie or not, so I ask that you follow us to be questioned by the high priest of our land, who is one of the few true mages, who will be able to tell if you lie... or not. I myself do not believe you, but if it is true or not is up to him, seeing as you are a Void user." I simply said "Go ahead. But please, why attack these people in the first place? They are a small settlement, and have no force to even be a problem. Given your apparent power, you could likely pass right by them without a bump. Is this speciesism (A/N: I don't know how to spell it LOL)? Never mind you might not know. Take me to this 'high priest' when your ready, I could use more knowledge of this area, and you can't really harm me permanently."
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    the MC Blud really went "Piss off or ill kill you"

    "I. Do. Not. Fear. Death."
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    cant heal if you die in one hit :)

    Ch 7 Outside communication
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to Classic_Balrog

    Also, the crafting is fairly simple. Furnace has the top slot and the bottom slot (theres a little tray seperating them :D), the crafting table has its grid on its top lol, anvils is basically left input on the left side, right additive on the right side, then whack it with a hammer, and enchanting tables are a sort of library of enchantments that you turn to and then place an item and some lapiz over. :)

    About a week or two later - you would be surprised how long it takes to mine and place enough stone and ladders, which I also figured out, over two stacks of blocks high with floors about every three blocks - I finished the tower, placing torches inside and around the top area, which was an open room of sorts with thinner pillars that Kyle - who I have identified as a construction worker of sorts - helped me to figure out. To our pleasant surprise, it actually turns out that anyone can use a crafting table and begin to use the strange powers I have, with the downside of them requiring tools crafted from the crafting table in order to continue getting the materials to keep building. The next day I went exploring on my own, leaving the others back to do their own things. I first went up to my watch tower, looking around for whatever looked most interesting, which I found in the form of a faint cloud of smoke or smog in the distance. It also looked man made, specifically, it looked like the kind of fire that would come from a large amount of fireplaces. I threw a stone I put ash on in order to keep track of the direction, and then climbed down.
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    not really, but blocks are pretty compact Think more like they only have a hotbar of space, technically, unless they use something like a backpack (or a shulker box) for better carrying capacity

    About a week or two later - you would be surprised how long it takes to mine and place enough stone and ladders, which I also figured out, over two stacks of blocks high with floors about every three blocks - I finished the tower, placing torches inside and around the top area, which was an open room of sorts with thinner pillars that Kyle - who I have identified as a construction worker of sorts - helped me to figure out. To our pleasant surprise, it actually turns out that anyone can use a crafting table and begin to use the strange powers I have, with the downside of them requiring tools crafted from the crafting table in order to continue getting the materials to keep building. The next day I went exploring on my own, leaving the others back to do their own things. I first went up to my watch tower, looking around for whatever looked most interesting, which I found in the form of a faint cloud of smoke or smog in the distance. It also looked man made, specifically, it looked like the kind of fire that would come from a large amount of fireplaces. I threw a stone I put ash on in order to keep track of the direction, and then climbed down.
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko


    "It was horrible for our people, and I can only pray that He doesn't ever return."
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    tbh thats prolly the closest description lol

    He then gave me a description of the world and the way it works, saying "The world we are in is an unnamed land, full of mana, monsters, which are sometimes called mobs, life, death, and strange happenings. Mana is the lifeblood of the world, the source of life, and an eternal source of enlightenment and power... for those who know how to use it. A few lucky creatures, and rarely even people, become infused with mana, gaining unprecedented manipulation of mana... at the cost of being corrupted and made evil. Most believe the world to be flat, but a few people, myself included, know that can't be true, even if we don't have proof. Now, this is all I will tell you until you tell me this... truth."
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    Well yes, but actually no

    I then kept going, putting torches down. Eventually I seemed to reach a deeper part, and at this point every part of me it seemed was simply frozen in fear. What was causing this, I still had no idea. I eventually reached a strange, strange area. The floor was marked with... black... residue. What this was, I had no idea, but I knew it was not good. At this point even my atoms it seemed were past the frozen in fear point, and were endlessly wanting to go back. Suddenly, this fear went silent, almost like my body was trying to hide from a predator. I started noticing a... chanting in the background. I cautiously crept for it, and found my way to a large cavern room. Inside were... beings that seemed to be evolved to serve evil - and this is from my future understanding, at the time of discovery I had no idea what I was looking at -.
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    he doesnt know that :)

    As I was exploring down, I encountered another cave 'room', and when I lite it up, I found something shocking. A ravine. This ravine was massive, and completely sliced a wall of the cave away in a glorious spectacle of nature. I went to the edge, and looked down. I couldn't see the bottom. I looked across, and was just barely able to discern lighter darkness indicating a wall. I then picked up a loose rock, and dropped it down. The clatter made was terrifying, echoing and reverberating up and down the entire place in such a way that I couldn't even identify how deep this tunnel was. I resolved that it would be amazing to get deeper down, where heavier elements would naturally occur, but for now... it was a hazard. I carefully set up a short barrier of stone, and put a pattern of torches on it, and continued on.
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    literally lol

    I eventually ran out of stone - in other words, after filling the foundation only. And it's just three blocks thick too! - and decided I would explore that cave I found. I went back into it, and literally just spun in a circle and went down the tunnel closest to where my pointing finger landed. Keeping torches to the right, I went down, mining whatever coal or iron I came upon. There was also a 'weird' green ore which I identified as oxidized copper, which not only meant that this cave system was ancient, but that it connects to the surface somewhere nearby in order to fully oxidize copper like that.
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    the funniest thing about all of this? when I started writing this randomly a while back, I literally had no real mod knowledge. I went "Mmm yes minecraft AU fanfiction" and researched NOTHING

    I went back to my home and put the meat - which obviously needed to just be cooked - in the furnace and started mucking around with the leather. I then put the leather in the center slot and put iron in the lower middle, left middle, right middle, and upper corners of the crafting table - on that strange intuition again - and to my surprise, the output was 'iron gauntlet'! I then made two of them - using all the leather - and tried putting them in the 'glove' slots in the armour area, and they went in! I then checked myself out as best as I could, and I looked like some sort of mighty knight at this point.
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    he woulda died :)

    I was just chilling in the pitch black hole of a house, looking around with my 23 planks left wondering what I could do, when suddenly (A/N: I hear a knock on the door ;D ) I hear some weird... groaning sounds? I then carefully knock a block of wood away to see what was making that noise, and I see a... person? But for some reason there was the smell of decay floating in, and I could see that their skin was not naturally colored. I then went 'crap a zombie' when it reached the hole. I expected it to just crawl in or maybe bash the remaining wood away, but it just... sat there, groaning and trying to reach me. I then tried to place the wood, and to my surprise I could, despite the zombies arms being in the way. I then sat around, waiting for 'day' to come, and to verify the time I knocked a hole away - in the ceiling -. It was then I saw that day was almost there.
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to British_neko

    hi (yeah im not dead, just had issues writing further and im planning a full rewrite) yeah close enough lol

    Eventually, after what felt like half an hour or longer, a piece of wood broke and the tree then fell... straight down? Like with the dirt, the wood came out almost in a cube, leaving a section of tree gone like someone had decided to disintegrated a perfect cube out of a tree. What was interesting about this, is that the tree didn't actually collapse onto its side like it would normally, but rather just... sat there. I then punched it, and to my surprise it started falling away from me.
    Minecraft: An Odyssey
    Video Games · Lyric_Drake
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to Master_Atlest


    "That's what you get for antagonizing them," she glared at me, "You are an idiot for going up against ability users like that. You can only see properly on your left side so before you even try to do anything you already have a handicap. That temper will get you killed."
    The Archaic Dragon Mage
    Fantasy · Angelina_Bennett
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to Lyric_Drake

    Note: you can also become an archaic, but that essentially takes away your humanity

    I was still only sixteen. If I did unlock an ability I would have a much better chance at making it in the military. Since my family was killed by an Archaic Elf mage. Most Archaic's were non humans. I skidded to a stop at the bus stop breathing heavily.
    The Archaic Dragon Mage
    Fantasy · Angelina_Bennett
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to Cheese_curdles

    The amusing part is that you learn later(ish) on that to be an archaic is... well... to not be human? So... yeah.

    I was still only sixteen. If I did unlock an ability I would have a much better chance at making it in the military. Since my family was killed by an Archaic Elf mage. Most Archaic's were non humans. I skidded to a stop at the bus stop breathing heavily.
    The Archaic Dragon Mage
    Fantasy · Angelina_Bennett
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to Angelina_Bennett

    I have written a little as a bit of a hobby, and I can tell you one thing. DO NOT act on those 'ideas'. I made a bad habit of it and now I have about six or seven books I'm juggling. It's a pain and I'm barely making any progress. You might want to record the ideas as inspiration for when you are DONE with this book, but don't act on them until then.

    The Archaic Dragon Mage
    Fantasy · Angelina_Bennett
  • Lyric_Drake
    Replied to KingGeorg

    author might have copied the first bit and could have accidentally pasted it without noticing. I almost did it once too.

    If words could kill, the Elven Prince were likened to of thousands of spears piercing through Aliathra's heart as she realizes that all her hard work, dreams and aspirations so far mean nothing to her own family and to the extend the whole Ethuilen society never for her own desires. In the end to them, no matter how much she tried before she had met Samantha, they only saw her as nothing more than a political tool to further the influence of her family. Aliathra fought both tears and anger that flood her head upon now fully acknowledging this horrible truth.
    Eodem: a Rifle and Sword Adventure
    Fantasy · Hackata_48