


discord: Zazril79 #7318

2021-06-24 JoinedUnited States

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  • Zazril79

    thank god we have another editor on the boat now!!! i'm not only the lonely now, hehehe. but he is taking over more grammar editing while i still help our dear author to stick to the fluid line of her world here as much as possible. i'm glad that you all can enjoy her work!

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  • Zazril79

    guys we are also working on getting another editor into the fold that will try to help get the chapters out more uniform and timely due to my life changes that are happening right now (jumps for joy and squealing, I'm going to be a grand auntie!!!!)

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to CoffeePot

    my reply didn't go where I wanted it to go but my comment has been put up that was meant as a reply to your comment, happy reading dear reader. I will work on not skimping.

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  • Zazril79

    I tried to have it blocked in previous chapters but gave up on that fight this chapter for other battles 😈 noted on trying to keep the blocks of chat blocked off like in a previous chapter.

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  • Zazril79

    just remember guys our author has a discord server for her novel if you need to be invited to see possible steamy stuff leaked ahead of time or run thoughts or ideas with our wonderful author. we have our discord information available for you guys and the server information too.

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to Lazyladycat

    rofl, i think Kaito was a bit happier though :P

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to SimMermaid

    i was wondering about that :P

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  • Zazril79

    guys, this is your editor here, and i don't know how many will read this but your author is very happy with writing 40 chapters worth of rough drafts in her locker!!! she wants to celebrate with all of you but i strongly suggested to celebrate publishing 25 chapters!!! do you want a special shout out in her authors comments at the end of the chapter or would you rather have an extra chapter published or both? lets have a vote and see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to CoffeePot

    i'm still human, but thank you for the thumbs up. SimMermaid made sure to let me know on discord that we had new comments and that there was shout outs towards me. thank you again, i am the happy yet humble helper to help my dear author.

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to CoffeePot

    it is a detail that our dear author did explain to me in detail, she even said when she wanted to work that detail in later on. thanks for the feed back on the chapter, we love it.

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to Mollyballsoup

    Lionel seems to always be good on that stuff. i wonder where he gets it from...?

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to Mack_an_Cheese

    so wish to spoil you :P

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  • Zazril79

    insider knowledge, you'll like it :P

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to Brezze

    yeah i agree with our dear editor, most times the best story play is by the person that has the imagination for it in the first place. it's best to develop your ideas yourself since you could have way more twist on it in the way you anticipated. just jot down notes here and there till you have a good idea for it to where you could write at least 20 chapters with out fail. when you have that much information and character development it will be a cinch in the bag. we all can write stories, but they will all come out differently from one another. who knows what the future holds, but i even have a thing i started but haven't worked on in over a month.... wish you the best of luck on getting done with the fan fiction so you can use that time to write your own wonderful story.

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to Mollyballsoup

    i'm doing much better now thanks to antibiotics.

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  • Zazril79

    i was just being stubborn, everyone telling me to get some sleep.... so i plowed through so i wouldn't be the hang up... sorry again guys.

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  • Zazril79

    i think i left off on 22 so we shouldn't have too many hiccups for a bit on my part. again sorry guys our dear author works very hard to make sure that she has many chapters for your eyes to sink there teeth in. she loves to give you the juicy bits as much as possible, but make it wholesome for you guys as well. i'm about 10 chapters behind her for editing..... so i'll catch up to her asap *bows* my bad.

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to Mack_an_Cheese

    i blasted through some chapters last night and slept like a baby, even while i called the doc for an appointment i fell asleep while calling them haha. but i have an appointment set up so soon i won't be as cranky i'm hoping, everyone is telling me to go back to bed :(

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  • Zazril79

    sims if i finish editing chapter 19 before your midnight are you going to publish then? let me know on discord. muah!!!!

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  • Zazril79
    Replied to Brezze

    it's my fault we are running behind, i'm sick and i'm sorry. our dear author is so kind to think of me and i'll get to work on them now after reading all the comments. i'm finally out of bed.... our dear author has up to chapter 31 already written out for all the lovely readers out there, i'm the one that is lacking.... so soon we will be back on track with out delay.

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