


Hello! I am Wellington Oliver, a writer of fiction stories and poems, with a passion for storytelling and wordplay. I'm a lifelong learner, always seeking to refine my craft and explore new ideas. In addition to writing, I enjoy finding solace in nature through fishing – the peacefulness of the water helps me clear my mind and spark new ideas. I'm also a lover of calm weather, where the stillness and tranquility allow me to tap into my creativity and find inspiration. As I continue on my writing journey, I'm seeking guidance and support to help me overcome challenges, develop my unique writing style, and bring my stories to life. As someone who is still learning English, I'm also looking for resources and tips to help me improve my language skills and express myself more confidently. I'm excited to connect with fellow writers and learn from their experiences, and I'm inspired by the wisdom of Martin Luther King, Jr., who reminded us that 'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.'

2021-06-26 JoinedZimbabwe



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