


Hello! I'm an aspiring author from Texas who would Samantha, please wake up! We love you, come back to us! love to take any feedback you may have as long as it is constructive.

2021-06-20 JoinedUnited States



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  • King_Rattata
    Replied to Tiny_Tim_5672

    Uhh... Interesting??? One 4 star, one 3 star, and one 1 star review. This is... interesting.

    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to Hyperman

    I feel like that's the case too, but I've gotten comments before about how I'm too heavy for a pokemon fanfic (which is weird because it's really not that heavy), and I need to add more jokes to make it more lighthearted. I guess I can stop trying to appeal to the little kids though if it's distractingly forced.

    Ch 3 One Way Forward
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to Bangbangbangboom

    He has met literally zero women in the entire story so far, or even in all my notes. If there's romance at all, chances are it will be an OC that I throw in there later on.

    Ch 1 Death and Rebirth
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to IcyReaperz

    No, I believe effects is correct.

    Your personal effects are untouched, excluding your spiked chain, which is not allowed in the hospital.
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to Dagoth_Ur_

    "There is no good and evil, only power." -Professor Quirrell

    The now young god threw a dart through David's head as he chuckled. "Yeah, fuck that. I think I'll do what gives me the most entertainment. That's why I make you modules after all. You didn't regain your memories from having karma removed, so I guess you just didn't know. I'm the head of the "Mad Scientist Lab" here in Purgatory. So you can get just the base package, which is your memories from your past life and slightly raised talent."
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to Dagoth_Ur_

    I think I get what you're saying here. He would have had more karma if he had done everything he did to help people, but apart from killing The Terror, he was forced to do everything else and he hated doing it, so he lost some karma points. He still got a lot for saving humanity on three occasions though.

    "Basically, you'll be going through three stages while here. First, you get wishes. Unfortunately, you get less karma because of your hatred for those you helped.
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to Dagoth_Ur_

    This isn't a self insert; I don't agree with everything the main character does, especially starting around what will probably be around chapter 16. Though to be fair he hates them because their parents had him killed to feed them. He thinks if they didn't exist he wouldn't have had to die for them. (Not that that's correct. If the kids weren't there he would die for the parents instead.) He just needs someone to hate to deal with the trauma basically.

    However, he stopped loathing them after his death. Not because he turned to nothingness as many atheists accept, but because he was face to face with a god. That's all the being could be, when the situation was considered.
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to P4NC4K3S

    Well, more like a soul literally created by the devil, but alright.

    Potential: 10/10 Luck, 4/10 Fighting, 2/10 Psychic, 1/10 Aura, 0.1/10 Origin
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to King_Rattata

    Granted, he doesn't actually know what those numbers mean specifically. The potential could be out of a million for all he knows. But high usually means good, so that's just what Dust went with. His guess is later confirmed by a Marshadow having a potential that he cannot recognize but is greater than ten. I'll add his thoughts about the numbers in since I think there are others that are worried about it.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to LeonTheDarkFlame

    Love that fanfic. Sad it got dropped.

    Death and Rebirth
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to WolfLord

    They make no sense at all!

    Ch 9 Was That a Game of Thrones Reference?
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to WolfLord

    Yeah he just can't hold an infinite amount of electricity. He ends up getting extremely damaged by too much, both in Hoenn and Unova.

    Ability: Lightning Rod, Overcharge (Can hold infinite mounts of electricity)
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to funmaxwell

    I just used them as an example but none of the grunts are ever really intelligent. Butch and Cassidy are supposed to be the competent versions of Jessie and James and always end up still becoming a joke. If you want a more serious example, Team Rocket grunts kill a Marowak to get some Cubone. Pidgeot is better than Marowak in my opinion, but there's this whole operation to get these things that ends in Red taking out a huge sector. Pokemon Origins btw, so not canon, but neither is this, now is it? I just don't think Team Rocket outside of the higher-ups is a very intelligent organization. They're comedic relief unless an executive or Giovanni shows up.

    Ch 1 Death and Rebirth
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to funmaxwell

    True. I still liked Mega Pidgeot though. Also it's Team Rocket. The same group that went on a wild goose chase after some Pikachu.

    Ch 1 Death and Rebirth
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to funmaxwell

    Ah, someone who has not attuned themselves to the secret teachings of Gangnam Style. Youtube is your friend.

    That was his town's original martial arts style whose name resulted in a chuckle from Dust every time he thought about it: The Gangnam Style.
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to vailein

    Ah, you're good, thanks!

    "Well, I don't remember my past life, or even if I had one, but I can tell you the situation of this forest." Chiki beckoned Dust to come to the river to get a drink. "Papa is the king of the Ironshroom Empire, where we Paras come from. We hold most of the Western part of this forest and are allied with the Vaccuvine Republic in the East. They are the weakest in this forest, mostly made up of Bellsprout, but it's generally the best place to live as inhabitants rarely wage war, and they have some sort of pact with a human settlement, meaning there's food and sometimes a human will choose an inhabitant as their partner."
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to system

    Thank you :)

    AN: My uncle who pretty much raised me passed yesterday so I didn't publish anything. Also, on that note, I should mention my schedule will most likely be 3 times per week or so unless homework is rough or something else happens.
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to Kurosis

    It's not like Paras is exactly my favorite pokemon, but when thinking of Kanto pokemon that are fairly weak to introduce at the start of the story, Ekans, Paras, and Oddish seemed about right. This is meant to be realistic fantasy, not a wish-fulfillment or OP from the start fic, meaning Dust has to take what he can get. Also tiny spoiler, but selling pokemon is illegal in this world. Thanks for the well-wishes!

    Ch 4 Inside New Minds
    Dust Off The Ashes
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata

    Yeah, it's really dropped

    Ch 15 Death To Those Who Deserve It.
    A Little Grudge
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata
  • King_Rattata
    Replied to Bloob

    Shisui beat Itachi in the fight they had but said Itachi would have likely won if he wasn't thinking about something else, that being the clan coup situation. Based only on strength, they are about equal, and I would give the edge to Itachi after he unlocked Mangekyo but before his illness started to limit him more. Of course, Kotoamatsukami is just a cheat code, and with that, Shisui can pretty much solo the Narutoverse with the exception of Urashiki because Urashiki would see the future and know not to look at Shisui.

    (This statement will end up with a bit of controversy, but yes, Itachi was only fourth strongest. First comes Juubi Madara, then Rinnegan Sasuke, then Juubi Obito, though deciding between Sasuke and Juubito is difficult, then Itachi. At least, so it seems to me, especially considering Itachi has a bad disease and only normal MS.)
    A Little Grudge
    Anime & Comics · King_Rattata