

2021-05-21 JoinedUnited States

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  • Xedron

    2, if there was an option to have it be mainly kale then it would fit well.

    Ch 12 Help with FML
    Shallot's Dragon Ball
    Anime & Comics · Nob7
  • Xedron

    I wonder if Noir plans on taking crocodile's logia ability as well, considering he can probably use it more effectively than crocodile. Unless he has other talents that noir could take. Plus it seems like while he does consider being a hunter at heart.. He seems to be fitting in with being a pirate. 🤔

    Ch 47 Chapter 46: The Last O'hara
    One Piece: Talent Copy System!
    Anime & Comics · Dragoniax
  • Xedron
    Replied to Nevermore101

    From how I've seen different fanfics go out they tend to not have a role for them at first till they play out the chapters and get a feel of the character to decide on what their role should be. Which is the reason for asking. He does seem to be a lone wolf. But it wouldnt hurt to have a few helpers ever so often.(probably not yugi's group but yknow what I mean.)

    Ch 8 Unbeatable Hand
    The New Duel King
    Anime & Comics · Nevermore101
  • Xedron

    I quite like this series! I hope ot still continues. Though I wonder what role would you havw Dwain be in the series? An anti-hero? Protagonist? Antagonist? Im also curious to see what you plan on doing if he'll have a group of people to walk alongside him if it ainr kaiba or yugi and his group.

    Ch 8 Unbeatable Hand
    The New Duel King
    Anime & Comics · Nevermore101
  • Xedron
    Replied to Nob7

    Ahh, okay. I dont know why but I feel having those shoulder pads would make his armor look even more awesome. That's probably just me but o can see him rocking it.

    Ch 5 Civilization
    Shallot's Dragon Ball
    Anime & Comics · Nob7
  • Xedron

    Thank you for the chapter, here's a question for you. Sure shallot in the game had his own unique armor. But I wonder, what do you as an author feel he should have as an armor set? Plus if he had a scouter what do you think it would be(in terms of color, etc?)

    Ch 5 Civilization
    Shallot's Dragon Ball
    Anime & Comics · Nob7
  • Xedron

    Thank you for the chapter! I truly look forward to seeing how far you'll have him explore in time and fairy drsgon slayer magic. Though this is out of curiousity... Do you plan on having him learn darkness magic too somewhere down the line?

    Ch 7 Chapter 7
    A Flugel's Gacha
    Anime & Comics · Ezras_Hargrave
  • Xedron
    Replied to Nob7

    Understandable, I wonder if you'll be using the methods that Goku has used to control and expand his ki?

    Ch 4 A Week Later
    Shallot's Dragon Ball
    Anime & Comics · Nob7
  • Xedron
    Replied to Xedron

    Besides those, I think you're dping a good job at maintaining him to try to keep up with the progression. Trying not to bore us with the whole training while showing that there is progression in the story. ^_^

    Ch 4 A Week Later
    Shallot's Dragon Ball
    Anime & Comics · Nob7
  • Xedron

    Truthfully he could learn alot of different kinds of moves. Another thought is if you choose to try to create new moves you could pick and fuse together different moves that have the same general concept(like combining piccolo's light grenade with Broly's eraser cannon as an example) and play around with them until you find something plausible and something that he can improve upon as time progresses. Not to mention you could use his wiki page as an example of stuff he has learned from other characters. Plus I look forward to seeing how he'll interact and get along with the other universe 6 saiyans(cabba, Caulifa, and Kale to name a few.)

    Ch 4 A Week Later
    Shallot's Dragon Ball
    Anime & Comics · Nob7
  • Xedron

    Truthfully its too early to give reviews on this as it is only 2 chapters in. We can only ask questions at best. Like do you plan on giving him a squad of his own thats loyal to him? Do you plan on giving him numerous different types of moves that'll differentiate from the usual moves(like frieza's finger beam attack, turles meteor burst, kill driver, etc.) And perhaps even find some romance interests?

    Ch 2 Ki and Survival
    Shallot's Dragon Ball
    Anime & Comics · Nob7
  • Xedron

    Second one sounds pretty good. Though I do have a question, will the scenarios with the 3 girls(ayano, mei, and Kiana) remain the same or will you be slowing down the progress on their feelings towards the protagonist?

    Ch 1 Important Notice
    Honkai: The Reincarnated One
    Anime & Comics · Arata_San
  • Xedron

    Did the novel ever say how old Summer is?

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Forest Ranger's Career
    Pokemon: The Chosen Ranger
    Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
  • Xedron

    I can't help but be curious on if kaizen will end up meeting Kurenai. 🤔

    Ch 13 Foundations of Strength and Honor
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Anime & Comics · FearTcb
  • Xedron

    Thanks for the chapter, ai wonder how he will take to forming his own crew. If he'll go with quality over quanity(as in getting in the stronger people first before grabbing fodder to use as- well fodder.) Also does he still have the devil fruits he stole from denies lobby(bubble bubble no mi and giraffe model) in his possession? I truly look forward to seeing what you'll cook up.

    Ch 4 Hogback and Perona
    One Piece: Shadow Lord
    Anime & Comics · electronatom
  • Xedron

    I had a thought, what if you created a minion-type jutsu somewhere down the line. Kind of like that of a puppet, however doesn't require strings. Mostly through the mind. Also thank you for the chapters! ^_^

    Ch 24 Four Generations in Person
    Naruto: Shadow Mage
    Anime & Comics · OasisTL
  • Xedron

    Hmmm, I don't know why but I can't help but get the feeling that Irina's in a bit of self denial on her feelings. 🤔 course I could be wrong on that. I wonder if they ever do end up reach that point between the two of them. Unless they have set paths for each other to take. Regardless, thank you for the mass release! ^_^

    Ch 114 Chapter 114: Could This Spread Rumors?!
    Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts
    Book&Literature · electronatom
  • Xedron

    Oho.. How interesting for there to be two nine tails almost like minato's other half. I wonder if Chikage will get a unique element from this ninetails. If it's wind then you could see a possible kekkei genkai form later on. But I truly look forward to seeing how this journey leads for him. ^_^ especially when it's possible for him to have just about stolen kushina's heart instead of minato.

    Ch 3 chapter 3 Uchiha Chikage
    Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina
    Fantasy · lichter_Christenen
  • Xedron

    Thank you for the chapter! I quite find this story to be creative. Though I can't help but wonder a few things.. 1: is this during the beginning of the era alongside rocks d. Xebec and Gol. D Roger? Or when they are already up there in terms of standing? 2: will the crew be based on quality over quantity or will you be gathering up the supposed "commanders" first before gathering up some fodder to use? 3: Will there perhaps be more devil fruits to see in the future? I honestly quite look forward to seeing how you'll do on them on this journey. ^_^

    Ch 13 Chapter 13
    Inferno’s Ascension
    Anime & Comics · Kenneth_Ponteras19
  • Xedron
    Replied to Nevermore101

    Ahh okay, thank you for answering my question. I couldn't help but be curious on it since it feels like he could be able to benefit greatly from some of the events and get even more good cards.

    Ch 7 Adjusting the plan
    The New Duel King
    Anime & Comics · Nevermore101