


DAG is a life-span developmental psychology specialist who loves to read fiction or nonfiction (via any modality: manga, webnovels, song lyrics, etc.,) about the mystery we call human connection.

2021-05-18 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • DAGseesTrue

    A fine choice: dam-father. As a life-span human behavioral specialist, I am admittedly in favour of functional behaviour - not gender - as worthy descriptors of a character’s role. Your story-telling style and your delightful approach to enlightening your readers is truly appreciated! DAG of DAGseesTrue

    Ch 3 The Wolf broods
    [BL] Wolf King and his Fox Consort
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • DAGseesTrue
    Replied to LivChanin

    Author LivChanin is absoluty correct. ‘Bribe’ is definitely funnier! Looking forward to reading more of your brilliantly funny writing! DAG

    Ch 48 Update
    Maybe Mine
    Urban · LivChanin
  • DAGseesTrue

    Lol LivChanin! “Percolating” is such a perfect process-word for you! It suits your writing style as it’s so much more action-packed and oh! (bad pun alert!) - and it’s just so dang ”perky”!

    Ch 48 Update
    Maybe Mine
    Urban · LivChanin
  • DAGseesTrue

    Dear LivChanin, Thank you for letting us know that you need to pause for a bit to reflect on Derek and Layla and all those who love them in Maybe Mine. I can’t speak for others, but I will wait joyfully because I know that giving yourself permission to pause and ponder without the pressure to produce is a sign of wisdom! Frankly, even when writing non-fiction, I find that when I try to force the words to come, I’m bound to tangle myself up. So I tend to walk away and rather than think about what I am struggling to say, I do semi-mindless things like washing clothes or doing the dishes or my best bit: sleeping on it! So many times my best words have appeared when I am not thinking about anything in particular or when I just wake up. I have taken to calling my walking-away process “gestating”, and who knows? It may work for you, too! Also, I want you to know that you should feel free to use any thoughts or words I share because sharing in the arts helps artists create even more art! Oh, and here’s a one-liner I say (even to myself, lol): ”I reserve the right to revise and resubmit.” DAG

    Ch 48 Update
    Maybe Mine
    Urban · LivChanin
  • DAGseesTrue
    Replied to LivChanin

    Lol, LivChanin - of course I can’t hate Derek! I‘m downright fond of the man, even when he’s fit-throwing and flinging sarcasm like he’s flinging beads from a float at the Mardi Gras parade! I just figure Derek’s got a lot of talent and even more love to share, especially with the most lovable Layla on the face of this Earth! But yeah, poor Derek’s gonna have to learn that sarcasm is actually a form of aggression - and self-sabotage is never truly just about self - it ripples on out to sink others he cares about - others who’re just tryin’ to keep their heads above water…

    Maybe Mine
    Urban · LivChanin
  • DAGseesTrue

    Before I forget, Layla needs to know her rights re: Brody’s harrassment and then Brody needs to get whapped upside his head with a legal restraining order!

    Ch 44 Misplaced Anger (1/1)
    Maybe Mine
    Urban · LivChanin
  • DAGseesTrue
    Replied to DAGseesTrue

    First, I am sorry about the typos in my previous review of Maybe Mine by talented author LivChanin. It appears that I became a bit too excited about this new novel to properly proof my own work. Sorry. However, it was a joy to learn that author LivChanin and I share a love for the song Layla by Derek (Eric Clapton) and the Dominoes. Yes, instrumental versions of Layla do inspire creativity…and if you listen ever so care-fully…you may even hear the rain pounding the sorely-wounded hearts of Derek and Layla in Maybe Mine.

    Maybe Mine
    Urban · LivChanin
  • DAGseesTrue

    This novel grabbed me from the first chapter - LivChanin’s plot, character development, setting, wordplay, and brilliantly-believable psychological and compelling romantic narrative combine to make this my favorite new work of the year. I laugh, cry, mourn, swoon and share my care & concern during each moment of this compelling story. I find myself re-reading chapters nit only because they are beautifully craftes, but also because I just can’t wait for the next chapter to be released! DAG P.S. One delightful detail I must mention is that even the charming names of the protagonists - Derek & Layla - fills my heart with joy. For those who love rock & roll music history, look up the early work of guitarist & singer Eric Clapton and his friends in the band called “Derek & the Dominoes” and there you will find their now-mega-classic song “Layla” (1970). Did LivChanin honor Derek & Layla or it simply a musical miracle? The author need not say - I’m okay with letting a mystery remain a mystery!

    Maybe Mine
    Urban · LivChanin
  • DAGseesTrue

    I began reading Talons some time ago, but let it lie fallow for some months because Shen YeChi’s plot development feels like a tapestry is being woven by a true artist. Author Shen’s character development is so beautifully rendered, I can’t help but feel like her characters are real-for-real(!) human beings - persons that I wonder about, worry about, and care for as if they were true friends and family members. In particular, I admire the way in which Shen YeChi illustrates her deeply flawed character Colton in such a way that I’m convinced he can only spiral downward into madness and destruction, but no! Author Shen gives Colton the gifts of self-reflection, insight, and shame, and Shen gives us gifts of ompassion and hope as we witness Colton’s painful growth in care and concern for the also-flawed young genius Rhea aka Brain aka Baby B(ird) Talons. I shake my head in awe and admiration as I wish and hope for many more chapters to come (soon)! DAG

    Ch 35 XXXV. The Tutor
    Fantasy · Shenyechi
  • DAGseesTrue
    Replied to Shenyechi

    Dear Shenyechi, Thank you for clarifying your word choice (rupture) as it regards baby Lady’s emerging first teeth. I agree that the word (rupture) is quite effective in expressing this poor infant’s acute pain and suffering and thus is likely to be the most powerful way to “paint the picture” and to elicit your readers’ empathy! Masterful work - and special thanks for your noteworthy care and concern for your youngest character - as well as for us, your readers!

    Ch 732 Chapter 732: Tests...
    When a Genius Makes a Mistake
    Urban · Shenyechi
  • DAGseesTrue

    I think you mean to say that baby Lady’s teeth are soon to erupt (break through the gums; appear from below the surface). To rupture would mean that little Lady’s teeth will break or disintegrate.

    Ch 732 Chapter 732: Tests...
    When a Genius Makes a Mistake
    Urban · Shenyechi
  • DAGseesTrue

    See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: Easy Money
    When a Genius Makes a Mistake
    Urban · Shenyechi