


i like reading and playing rainbow and stuff basically that's all i do, ;-; this is kinda depressing now that I'm realizing this, oh i also like moths

2021-04-24 JoinedAustralia

of reading


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  • Edisonmc
    Replied to Jaamoon

    it is a professer

    I could practically see the headache forming in her head as her eyebrows furrowed and her shoulders dropped as she sighed before rubbing her forehead. "Let me get this straight. First you head out into the wilderness without a pokemon but somewhere along the way you pick up a savage man with not one but two very dangerous pokemon?" she asked with a very frustrated tone. "Well that's just rude , Gaia wouldn't hurt a fly." I say with a smirk as May seems to short circuit from the ridiculous comment.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to Whadyamean


    The final step was that my organs were basically reformatted into a slightly stronger and more perfect state that caused me to throw up all over the ground. This process took nearly fifteen minutes and if Gaia hadn't left to go hunt dinner she would definitely think I was dying during that time. Despite the pain ending I didn't return to my normal state of mind for at least another fifteen minutes. Gaia returned at that point and immediately dropped the Zigzagoon corpses she had in a panic to come check on me. "I-I'm fine , just give me a moment." I said quietly and she relaxed a little bit but still watched me worriedly.
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to funmaxwell

    if its got dna still then yeah but im not sure how pokemons cloning tech works since they can revive fossils

    I was absolutely stunned at the systems appraisal of this tooth , how could I not be? This was the tooth of a literal god! No amount of in game knowledge could prepare me to face such a thing , are you kidding? A fucking TOOTH that was snapped off eons ago still had enough power in it to produce dense water type energy FOREVER. The sheer amount of power that Kyogre itself must have is beyond comprehension and I firmly believe that the games nerfed the unholy hell out of the thing in them as it was nowhere near so big or powerful in the games.
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to DandyCapone_9


    Not going to lie the thing was straight up nightmare fuel as it was about as big as myself in height but looked like a huge mix of a crab and a spider with the disturbing mouth parts and everything , the only difference was the huge red and yellow mushroom and lifeless white eyes. Gaia seemed to agree with me as she wasted no time at all ripping the thing apart with vicious resolve. She didn't level up from that but then again it wasn't much off a challenge since she did not give it an opportunity to use any moves.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Edisonmc

    yeah but any decent pokemon and your getting bodied

    What I learned stunned and confused me greatly all things considered. See according to this new information aura was the sort of vital force/spiritual energy of a living thing. It was esoteric as fuck to say the least but apparently with the right mindset , training and techniques it was possible for literally any living thing to tap into and manipulate their aura. The aura skill I just got was basically a training guide to mastering this energy which gives some frankly broken abilities in my opinion. For example if you have enough aura and skill it's possible for a human like me to directly fight a pokemon , moves and all.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Edisonmc

    ya know shoes would of been a way better reward?

    Thankfully it ended in only a minute as otherwise I am pretty sure I would have suffocated to death. I like any reasonable person had screamed out my entire air supply and was locked into a silent scream afterwards until the pain ended. Gasping down as much air as I possibly could with Gaia watching on concerned I angrily pulled off my tattered socks to make sure it was worth the suffering I just endured. There at the bottom of my feet was a layer of thick dark callus not unlike hard leather.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to LaxusDarkMoon

    I like em gives the story more depth/life

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Edisonmc

    your soul is trapped cut. it. out

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey
    Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to Trace7187

    yeah hes probs too old to be a student right?

    "Oh, so you already know who I am, that makes things easier.", Nezu stated, "I was going to ask if your grandfather and you wanted to come to the test we are holding today. You are going to be needing able-bodied people to work in your branch here, this is a good opportunity to see the next generation of Heroes."
    Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to Tim_Entler

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? aneurysm complete

    Looking at him in shock, I clenched my fist in anger. My father had no damn respect for my wishes, and it was beginning to wear thin on my nerves. Letting out a sigh, I thanked him as this was a much better alternative to marrying that woman.
    Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to RedCheetah07

    we got cures for a select few cancers even now the fact that even 400 years later they don't have cures for all cancers or cures for the life threatening cancers means that something might have happened

    Acknowledging that grandpa's mental health wasn't in a good place at the moment, I knew my dad was right. Having grown fond of the old man, I didn't want to see him sent off somewhere alone after having lost his wife to cancer.
    Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to herrscher_of_novel


    After the first time using my power, my family became quite clingy to me. My parents started showing an interest in learning my hobbies and going out on more family outings. Knowing that it was their attempt at trying to prevent me from becoming a villain, I played along with them and actually enjoyed some quality family time with them…something I never had in my prior lives. It was nice to see what a normalish family felt like after so many centuries of never having one myself.
    Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to DaoOfNoFucks

    we'll be finnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee mostly

    Taking me upstairs to a conference room, he sat me down and had me go over some coursework for kids my age. This was another one of my least favorite things about this process, being forced to sit through boring lectures. Five lifetimes had given me enough experience and knowledge to easily make me one of the smartest people in the world. Sliding the papers back a few minutes later, he gave it a once over before looking at me.
    Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit
    Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to Mattex97

    thats mostly just replacing nerves and bones with other materials and increasing the density of muscles with growth concoctions

    His infusions consisted of Heart-Shaped Herbs, Super Soilder Syrum, Yautjia Super Syrum and more infused into a Single Syrum. He stores it in his Storage Space for now as it is dangerous for his body currently.
    Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore
    Movies · Knight_Riku
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to Yandere_Obsession

    hes a protagonist not a hero lol there are novels where the mc is a villain

    "Damn it! Hikaru, Velys, I swear… I will make you all feel my pain."
    Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain
    Sci-fi · HikaruKiki
  • Edisonmc

    shouldn't it idk blow his leg off? since it should of hit the bone right?

    "AAA! My feet…my feet…"
    Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain
    Sci-fi · HikaruKiki
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to AculturedCitizen

    whats AOT stand for?

    The difference between the main character and the villain was probably the reader's perspective. When the main character does evil, readers would think that he was decisive, strong, and that what he did was right.
    Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain
    Sci-fi · HikaruKiki
  • Edisonmc

    if only like 0.01% of people survive then you would be good on fuel for atleast what like 5 years? since countrys stockpile fuel and even if you don't find storages of it its everywhere no?

    At that time, fuel would be extremely scarce because there was no longer a manufacturer, and without electricity and drinking water, no matter how expensive a car was, it could not be used.
    Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain
    Sci-fi · HikaruKiki
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to Nyameye_Nomafo

    just got flashbanged by words

    "Hahaha… okay, I'll call you Rika, okay?"
    Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain
    Sci-fi · HikaruKiki
  • Edisonmc
    Replied to Tuanku_Helmee

    lol how? he just doesnt want to fk anyone since hes got to stay focused on not dying

    Hikaru shook his head: "No need. I am just a passerby in this world, many women are of no use. When I go to the Fantasy world, I will set up a harem, but not this world. At that time, I can have as many people as I want, from any race."
    Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain
    Sci-fi · HikaruKiki