

2021-04-20 JoinedGlobal

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  • Blue_Magenta

    Like how could one perform surgery without bright lights? Unless she has night vision, then I guess that would be ok. But then, the assisting doctor/s, anaesthesiologist and nurses should have night vision, too, shouldn't they?

    "OK, there's no harm in it. How do you manage to perform surgeries with your eyes, don't you have troubles?"
    Unpredictable Marriage.
    General · Paschalinelily
  • Blue_Magenta
    Replied to Paripreity

    What's more, a person with that kind of eye disorder and be a (cardiac?) surgeon. Novels really. *smh but then goes back to reading*

    Chen Lihua came back to Country C three months ago after obtaining a medical degree in Bachelor of medicine, Bachelor of surgery (MBBS, MBchB, BMBS) at Harvard University in the United States of America.
    Unpredictable Marriage.
    General · Paschalinelily
  • Blue_Magenta

    Are you sure this is China? I'm pretty sure size 8 is on the "heavier" side in China, I mean, for her "identity" and "stature".

    Chen Lihua being a size 8(USA size), chose a straight cut size 8 off shoulder royal blue knee length gown with a side slit.
    Unpredictable Marriage.
    General · Paschalinelily
  • Blue_Magenta

    I thought she had waist length hair? How could this length be a "bob"??? Author??

    Lady Chen said that she wanted her hair washed and wanted a Bob hairstyle because of the length of her hair, While Chen Lihua wanted her hair washed and styled in a French plait/braid.
    Unpredictable Marriage.
    General · Paschalinelily
  • Blue_Magenta

    This use of pronouns and nouns is really annoying. It's either the author isn't quite sure of her grammar/sentence construction or she thinks readers are dumb that they cannot follow.

    House keeper Zin passed the breakfast to Madam Chen while the driver closed the car door for them (lady Chen and Lihua) and walked over to the driver's side, entered the car and drove off.
    Unpredictable Marriage.
    General · Paschalinelily
  • Blue_Magenta

    Tommy Hilfifer? I thought they were rich?

    After relaying the instructions, she put on her shoes, carried her Tommy Hilfiger's hand bag and went straight to Chen Lihua's room.
    Unpredictable Marriage.
    General · Paschalinelily
  • Blue_Magenta

    best friend and don't even know her name.. i swear this novel is giving me wrinkles. author, really?

    He looked at her for a second before he averted his gaze towards the road to focus on driving.He didn't want to say all this to her.But, its better to come clean at once.He sighed "I once told you that I used to play pentamix with my best friend and she was my junior too.We were in the same school.I liked her back then but later on she suddenly left the school and I don't even know her full name."
    From Dusk till Dawn!
    Urban · Auroraaa
  • Blue_Magenta

    Is this the author's first novel? A bigger question would be, is the author a teen? First, a man of that importance would never ever have a bodyguard as insolent as that. Even a common bodyguard is trained enough to know his place. Two, whats with all the luxury brand naming? It's so cringey. It's cringey because they are inaccurate and unnecessary to mention unless it's relevant. It just overall gives the feeling that the author is trying so hard, attention to details should be put on the more relevant matters. I noticed that the comments that were prevalent at the start of the novel stopped. I did stop for a while, too. It just got to a point where I could have commented on every paragraph but got frustrated and decided to just leave it for it's not worth the effort anymore. But here I am, about to drop the novel. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I think it's written by someone an immature, naive, and inexperienced in life and love. So unrealistic.

    The bodyguard behind the man shouted as he said "Are you blind? Can't you see that you broke our boss' phone? Do you even know how expensive it is? Compensate for it...."The handsome man glared at his bodyguard and he immediately shut up.
    From Dusk till Dawn!
    Urban · Auroraaa
  • Blue_Magenta

    What, no freshening up? No changing of clothes? No brushing of teeth???

    Just as she was about to lay down, the man held her in his arms and said "Sleep like this. Laying down instantly after eating will make you feel unwell.''
    From Dusk till Dawn!
    Urban · Auroraaa
  • Blue_Magenta

    Enter the annoying side character.. Such cliché

    Her heart burnt with jealousy; she couldn't express the feeling. She has tried to seduce Mo Yuhan countless times but he has never once glanced at her.
    From Dusk till Dawn!
    Urban · Auroraaa
  • Blue_Magenta

    I don't get why they had to hold information about their identities. That is just so immature. Okay, there may be business people who prefer not to disclose their identities to the public for whatever reasons they may have, but to get married to someone without knowing each other's names? that's just BS.

    The way he addressed his wife, he could guess that she must be his superior.
    From Dusk till Dawn!
    Urban · Auroraaa
  • Blue_Magenta

    Asking someone, "Who is...?" is rude, much more asking your boss. One could say, "May I know who..?"

    He then straightened up his body "It's our honor to have you here, Ma'am. It's been a long time. Ahh, who is this Young Master beside...."
    From Dusk till Dawn!
    Urban · Auroraaa
  • Blue_Magenta

    How can one rise to that position without knowing such information? Really, author? As in any business, information is key to success. How can someone not know fellow business people? Even if they do not have business transactions, business people do keep up to date to the latest happenings and people. I keep reminding myself that this is fiction, but, really, author?

    If only, she was a little bit interested in magazines, Weibo or news, she would have long known his identity. Sigh... She stayed miles away from such boring things.
    From Dusk till Dawn!
    Urban · Auroraaa
  • Blue_Magenta

    This is just stupid. How can someone be worth billions of dollars and cannot even do proper background checks on her employees, more so a VP? Really, author?

    Tang Li was taken aback for a bit when she caught the viciousness in mariner-blue eyes. For a second, she felt as if she caught a glance of her Mo Yuhan in him. Those rare eyes were identical to her husband's. Are they related? Won't it be too much of a coincidence then? She shrugged off her thoughts considering them to be absurd.
    From Dusk till Dawn!
    Urban · Auroraaa
  • Blue_Magenta

    Enjoying this immensely! Though I can't figure out why such a family didn't get rid of these Bai's soon enough. Argh! For such an insignificant family, they sure have a lot of screen time. How many more chapters to go? I might just put it on hold and maybe come back for it when it ends (and for sure skip the Bai's parts) if I remember to.

    The Hidden Wife Of The Cold CEO
    Urban · Paschalinelily
  • Blue_Magenta
    Replied to Eazy_Hard

    There's nothing wrong in using an English translator app, if it would mean readers would be able to read your novel with ease and thus enjoying reading it more. Plus, without knowing where your english grammar mistakes are, how would you know how to correct them? Challenge yourself writing using the english language as much as you can, but polish it before posting. Then it would be a win-win situation, you learn, we don't get headaches reading 😬

    Mafia's Little Angel : Married to the Cold-Blooded Devil
    Urban · Eazy_Hard
  • Blue_Magenta

    I am someone who usually read comments before choosing anything (to read, watch, buy, etc.), and although comments and ratings are not the end all and be all for me when choosing , they give me a rough idea more or less on what the story holds. So having decided to read the novel (primarily because it's one of the shorter ones), I'm here asking myself at barely 1/3s of the novel, "Am I the only one not fully appreciating the pace of the story?". Firstly, theres the grammatical errors (the improper placements or lack of punctuation marks gives the my OC self anxiety, I'm sorry), there are parts of paragraphs missing, too. I've been skipping chapters til I've reached the ending already, which more often than not is an indicator for me that I will not be reading the novel in full and get the gist of the story from my "skipping" or bookmark it and maybe come back to it in the future. I understand though that this was the author's first novel (reading from the Author's Note), so it's quite understandable that there would be misses and lapses along the story. I'm most likely be checking out Love Struck and see if the writing has gotten better there. Well, that plus that I found Ah Hai here to be cute (being the youngest). Oh and btw, whatever happened to Qi Cheng and Onita? Like. did I miss anything (from skipping-I'm very sorry, Author) or their story just really ended after the 3 girls plan to use Neil to make Qi Cheng jealous?

    The Typhoon's Wife
    Urban · har_k