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  • Louiz_Arqueiro

    Eu estou imaginando um outra pessoa reencarnada como formiga for para essa, pois imagina como seria a reação dela tipo essa colônia toda está fazendo tanto progresso que chega a ser impressionante

    Ch 694 What Goes on Above pt 2
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Louiz_Arqueiro

    It's an excellent story, but my vision I don't know what happened I just lost interest and like I was always seeing the very thing that got to a point where the story was empty for me I almost don't understand how the world works right, how people can get stronger, it's like the whole story is only focused on a single character than Soran, and one of the things I hate the most and the guy fate thing that is so cloying because it makes it look like everything should be that way it doesn't give you an idea that the character is alive or if his choices play out like a puppet game. The main character I know he must have already evolved in his personality but man I just know he's a cruel killer who only cares about a sister, by the way it's just that, it's like he's just gray he's just there to take drama, at first I felt he was alive, but now I feel he's a puppet who doesn't feel like it. Another problem and the sibling relationship is more like writing than anything else, as it does not demonstrate anything as an action, for example it does not demonstrate what they do, how their conversations are with each other or how far they go to help each other, I did not like the progress of relationship because it does not have, it is very described verbally. It's like meeting two brothers you do know them but very superficially. Give the illusion that what you deviate from as personality or relationship enhancement has happened a long time ago and that we are jumping from beginning to end. It's as if the author wasn't in the mood to write anymore and is just writing for the sake of writing just to finish what he started. Well that's it, I'm going to stop after reading about 300 caps, not because the story is bad because for me it lost its color and became empty. If you read this review I want you to know that I'm not a professional I'm just a tomboy locate in a bed writing how you feel about this story so I hope you understand

    Abyss Domination
    Games · Eminent Student Of Buddha
  • Louiz_Arqueiro

    Muito obrigado pelo cap tinha deixado para acumular e não me arrependo Rinoz espero que continue com o bom trabalho e obrigado novamente pelo cap!!

    Ch 688 Tour Guide
    Fantasy · RinoZ