

2021-03-19 JoinedUnited States

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  • William_Pendragon
    Replied to Shusendo

    i simply assumed it did

    Maybe even starlight was related to cultivation. This world might even have a cultivation technique that absorbed starlight.
    True Martial World
    Eastern · Cocooned Cow
  • William_Pendragon
    Replied to Christian_Cote

    spirit magic

    'Who would have thought that I'd find a new way to use the first dimensional spell that I've ever learned, Loop?' Friya thought to explain to her flabbergasted companions what had just happened.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • William_Pendragon

    an hour long cab ride would be ridiculously expensive haha

    Julian arrived at Ai's family home at precisely the agreed upon time. The girl had been kind enough to send a car to pick him up, and thus he did not have to spend his meager funds on a cab ride to the city. Despite visiting a girl's home while her parents were away, Julian thought nothing of it, and most certainly did not consider this evening to be a date in any shape or form.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    the uniform should have his last name and unit, should be pretty easy to identify him with a little bit of research

    Mizuno Ai sat in the library with a glum expression on her face. She was seated at the table where she and a peculiar young man usually sat across from one another. It had been two weeks since she met the arrogant bastard, and yet he still had not given her his name.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    this is rather impressive considering just how much work service academies entail

    "But... it's only Tuesday?"
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    considering it's extremely difficult to make it through the academy without making a single friend, as you suffer along with your brothers and sisters in arms almost every day, with an attitude like this i can see why no one likes this guy 😂

    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    considering the lack of women at service academies (the AF has the most to no one's surprise) this is highly accurate

    Ai was furious when she heard this remark. Why was this man so rude to her? She was young, pretty, and intelligent. Everyone had always treated with respect and kindness, and yet this man had shown her nothing but disdain since she sat down. She had half a mind to get up and leave. Yet when she realized there were no other tables available, she calmed herself with a heavy sigh. 
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    "five and dive" as we call it, is actually quite common (five years of active duty service... we don't count the reserve time as actual service time)

    "If you don't intend to make a career out of the military, then why are you here?"
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    i forgot the most important part! at least when i was attending one of the service academies (recently), the first year was mostly surrounding military history, the broad breakdown of military strategy, and of course the plethora of core classes. of course, they briefly touch on unconventional warfare, but you'd need to major in military strategy to really get into the nitty gritty. As a military, we adapted surprisingly well to an unconventional conflict, but the strategy itself was flawed, not in so much in our tactics and capabilities (we do abide by the geneva conventions, after all... most of the time)

    "No, I just find some of the text in that book to be antiquated is all. Alot of those tactics are designed to be used against a conventional force, which is not the enemy we have been fighting for the last twenty years. The probability of us engaging in a war against a conventional army during our years of service is slim, unless, of course, you intend to make a career out of being in the army."
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    i like how even with limited knowledge on West Point, you've definitely been able to grasp the kind of education there! The first year at West Point is of legendary difficulty, new cadets are called "Plebes" and exist under a very strict regimen that most consider spartan or in-humane. many under estimate the difficulty, zent if you have the chance you should definitely look into it. the library is historically not so much a study spot, and more a refuge for plebes to escape and retain a bit of their humanity

    "No, I just find some of the text in that book to be antiquated is all. Alot of those tactics are designed to be used against a conventional force, which is not the enemy we have been fighting for the last twenty years. The probability of us engaging in a war against a conventional army during our years of service is slim, unless, of course, you intend to make a career out of being in the army."
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    a quick read but certainly enrapturing! good taste!

    This young man had a perfectly average face, albeit he appeared younger than he actually was. He had strawberry blonde hair and sky-blue eyes in a sporting military cut, and pale white skin. The man was engrossed in a book that turned out to be "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli. This  was not required reading, but was rather a personal pleasure. 
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    Hey zent, loving this book so far. I hate to be the crabby old vet, but technically, West Point doesn't have a mechanical or civil engineering minor. unfortunate, i know, and a fact i'm sure no one else that's read this story knows-so it doesn't matter! i just thought you might like to learn that little tidbit. anyways, i'll continue enjoying this story! keep it up!

    It did not take long before the two were engaged in a heated rivalry centered on their respective fields. While Julian had majored in Civil Engineering with a Minor in mechanical engineering, she had done the opposite. Despite the difference in majors, both sought to outdo one another and rise in the ranks of the military as engineering officers. However, even though they were rivals, there was a close connection between the two.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon
    Replied to Ruth_White

    just read a little more and realized you're definitely right lol, how lazy

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon
    Replied to

    that, or it's a joke

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon
    Replied to romeotango148

    came here just to say this

    When we have built ourselves from the ashes of war into a peerless state, we will destroy the pathetic Crusade which the Catholic Church seeks to unleash upon our lands, and after we have broken the influence of the Papacy over European affairs, we will rise in its place as the single hegemon of the western world! It is the dawn of a new era, a German era! Henceforth, I declare myself Kaiser Berengar von Kufstein, Emperor of the German People! Rise my subjects, and claim your destiny!"
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon


    Henrietta was all too eager to announce her friend's name and how they met; as such, she quickly began to spit out the events of what happened as rapidly as machine gunfire. Not that such a thing existed in this world.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon

    we used to criticize them openly and as often as we could, bro makes it seem like the military is the thought police 😂

    Lt. Julian Weber gazed across the construction project his unit was responsible for. As the U.S. involvement in the war in Afghanistan came to a close, he was stuck building a bridge in the middle of nowhere for some god-forsaken country. If there was one thing he had learned during his four years as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, it was unwise to criticize the high command's stupidity openly.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • William_Pendragon
    Replied to Unholy_Divine_eye

    then thats what happened

    "War is cruel. My eyes were blinded by a flash grenade. My husband and I fled tirelessly before settling here. Even though life as a wanderer is not easy, it is better than war," An chimed in.
    The Legendary Mechanic
    Games · Qi Peijia
  • William_Pendragon
    Replied to General_Volkov

    whatever you say bro 😂

    Such is civilization. People are like the sediments in the river, destined to go with the flow.
    The Legendary Mechanic
    Games · Qi Peijia
  • William_Pendragon

    after reading the past two paragraphs, i can now understand why there are people that complain after every paragraph about this book yet still read it. Its a good book, but there are moments like this where the reasoning just straight up doesnt make sense. i can understand giving no quarter in the name of an absolute victory, thats basic warfare 101. but then letting them surrender because they pose no threat? neither did the routing armies that Berengar annihilated! i'm sure they tried to surrender, no rational person wouldn't in the face of such "overwhelming might" as the author has put it a hundred times. so what's different between the two? is it because of the siege? how would that change anything? the fact of the matter is; it doesn't. the way Berengar conducts war and distributes peace is nonsensical, but the hard part to have to deal with is the fact that it doesn't need to make sense - after all, this is a time where looting, pillaging, and r*pe is the norm. so instead of explaining it away as this high and mighty, "this is how civil men wage war" bs - keep it to the facts and stop with the conflicting messages. he isn't merciful because that's the civil way, he is merciful when it's convenient. he didn't run those peasants down because it would ensure a total victory - he doesn't need to as his weapons are literally centuries ahead of anything they've ever seen. he ran them down because he wanted to, because he liked the rush. we hear about how much Berengar loves warfare, killing, and fighting all the time, the author really drives it home over and over again. in fact, he talks to his soldiers about it, as we saw in a past chapter. Berengar isn't civil, he's no saint as the man himself proclaims; so why try to write him as if he is? tldr; 10/10 book and this is my third time rereading it.

    Berengar may be willing to give no quarter to enemies who had begun to flee in the face of his overwhelming might. Still, to a force who had properly surrendered and thrown themself at his mercy, only their leaders would pay the price for rising against him. The average soldier who was following orders could not be blamed for the actions of his superiors. This was how a civilized man conducted himself in the art of war.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister