

2021-03-16 JoinedGlobal

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  • LuckyHorniReaper

    Here's an advice, don't plagiarize. So you tweaked some things here and there, so what? You think we won't notice? Tsk, tsk, tsk, you silly melon. You don't have a skill check in sneaking and you never will. Now take this down, you disgusting scum of a plagiarizer. PS: There's a lot more of us incoming, so make like a League of Legends player in a losing game, and forfeit.

    Fourth Calamity of the Beasts Pirates
    Anime & Comics · BlackGoku222
  • LuckyHorniReaper
    Replied to Shifty_Sword

    dont call them an author shifty...they dont deserve to be called that

    The Game Must Go On
    Fantasy · enzo_san_pedro
  • LuckyHorniReaper

    Ah another plagiarized work...even if you gave credit to Mirlnir, without the author's PERMISSION, its all for nothing cuz you are still plagiarizing. Plagiarizing is the most petty thing you can do, and just as I did the same to a certain "author" who plagiarized another, here's the definition of plagiarizing. Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. You are STEALING somebody else's work and POSSIBLY PROFITING from it. You are taking the shortcut, STEALING from an author that me and a lot of others know put his EFFORT and a lot of WORK into his stories. I may be a rat who uses rat tactics, but what you are doing is the lowest of the low. If you think that you can get away with this, think again. You have just become another target for crusading. If you have even a SINGLE brain cell then you must do the right thing and delete this, you don't even need to apologize, all you have to do is delete this and we will consider that as your apology...or don't, either way you're about to get your ticket cuz you're about to be reported to the SHADOW WEALM! Either delete this or prepare to be crusaded by a bunch of people who I know are gonna have a bone to pick with you.

    Play the Game Differently
    Anime & Comics · TheEternalWanderer
  • LuckyHorniReaper

    Congratulations, you ignored our "spams" and now you have been reported. Good job you sorry excuse of an "author", can't even call you a translator, a bloody thief is more appropriate...no, being called a thief is too good for you. You're just a nobody who found a fantastic story and happened to have enough brain cells to think that you can earn money on this without any problems. Too bad ****o, if only you tried your hand at writing then maybe this didn't happen. But you just had to take a shortcut straight to the sewers where you belong don't ya?

    This book has been deleted.
  • LuckyHorniReaper
    Replied to LuckyHorniReaper

    Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade. Failure to delete this story will only result in us continuing our crusade.

    This book has been deleted.
  • LuckyHorniReaper

    Doesn't matter if you call us goons or other things, doesn't change the fact that you PLAGIARIZED. And since you have no brain cells whatsoever here's the google definition of plagiarism. "Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition." You did not ask for permission, you "translated" an ENGLISH story into an ENGLISH story. Oh yeah, translator, replace that with plagiarizer. I find it pathetic that you have the AUDACITY of calling us goons and making yourself look like the victim. It doesn't work like that. Oh and your name is I_Am_Busy. Good, "I Am Busy" copy pasting and calling myself a translator for a fucking ENGLISH story. If only you asked for permission, but you didn't. And you're wondering and raging why we from Shiro are calling you out. Cry all you want, only way we're stopping is if you drop the act and delete this. As an author at FF.net, I. AM. DISGUSTED.

    This book has been deleted.