


A can of beans disguised as a banana.

2021-03-14 JoinedUnited Kingdom



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  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to cheeki_breeki

    He asked the same question a few chapters back and despite me giving him a definitive answer, he still asked it again on this chapter.

    Ch 6 After A Long Night, There's Nothing Better Than Takeout
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Spelloyal

    “Fantasy: 1. the faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things.“ If something is fantasy, it's by definition unrealistic and impossible. It doesn't matter what it's based off of. Even then, Taoism, Daoism and most things like it, are unreal. Just like Christianity or Judaism or Islam - it's all about magical forces that don't exist. Cultivation is unrealistic because there isn't some magical force that you can use to empower yourself or make yourself into something more than human. It can be based off of whatever it wants, but in the end, Cultivation is massively unrealistic and is just fantasy. I wanna point out I mean no offense by what I said above. If you believe in any of these things, that's cool and I respect your faith - but don't try and push it onto me like it's 100% real and infallible.

    I wondered how I'd gained physical strength in the Skin Level but knowledge soon popped into my head - the Metal Qi imbued into my skin was slowly tricking down into my muscles and bones, meaning I was gaining a strength increase even when the Skin Level was purely about defensive ability.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to EraldrirTheGrey

    Thank you, thank you~

    The White Tiger follows a pretty simple Body Tempering method. You start with the Skin, then you move inward to the Muscles, and then to the Veins and Blood within them, then you move to the Bones, then you go even deeper and enter the Marrow, and then you finish with the Internal Organs. Which leads to six levels to the Body Tempering stage. Each level gives a boost of between 2.5 tonnes and 5 tonnes, depending on your body's potential and it's baseline strength.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Spelloyal

    And here we go. A guy defending the realism of Cultivation. I've seen it all now.

    I wondered how I'd gained physical strength in the Skin Level but knowledge soon popped into my head - the Metal Qi imbued into my skin was slowly tricking down into my muscles and bones, meaning I was gaining a strength increase even when the Skin Level was purely about defensive ability.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Spelloyal

    No, it really isn't. This is a Cultivation Method used by pseudo-Divine beings to become True Divine Beings. It's going to be over the top. If you don't like that, leave. I don't need people calling out the realism of a Cultivation Method when Cultivation itself is unrealistic and completely fantasy. Especially Cultivation in the MCU, a fictional world with superheroes in it. Think about what you're complaining about before you waste your time writing said complaint. You could've saved the both of us some time.

    I wondered how I'd gained physical strength in the Skin Level but knowledge soon popped into my head - the Metal Qi imbued into my skin was slowly tricking down into my muscles and bones, meaning I was gaining a strength increase even when the Skin Level was purely about defensive ability.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Spelloyal


    The White Tiger follows a pretty simple Body Tempering method. You start with the Skin, then you move inward to the Muscles, and then to the Veins and Blood within them, then you move to the Bones, then you go even deeper and enter the Marrow, and then you finish with the Internal Organs. Which leads to six levels to the Body Tempering stage. Each level gives a boost of between 2.5 tonnes and 5 tonnes, depending on your body's potential and it's baseline strength.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to D_REAPER

    And? What exactly is your point?

    Everyone has bioelectricity inside them while inanimate objects don't have this same bioelectricity. Which paints a pretty accurate picture in my head of what's around me and what's alive and what isn't. I could probably walk around this entire place with my eyes closed and just focusing on this radar alongside my enhanced animal-like senses.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to D_REAPER

    But he's not looking for electromagnetic fields. He's looking for the bioelectricity present in things alive. Besides, even if the electromagnetic fields did show up in this special radar vision of his - wouldn't it just give him a clearer view of his surroundings?

    Everyone has bioelectricity inside them while inanimate objects don't have this same bioelectricity. Which paints a pretty accurate picture in my head of what's around me and what's alive and what isn't. I could probably walk around this entire place with my eyes closed and just focusing on this radar alongside my enhanced animal-like senses.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Lomyril

    No need to be sorry, mate. Thanks for telling me.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to MadesDaoist

    The metals he absorbs Metal Qi from become useless. So he can't absorb anything from Cap's shield unless he wants America's Poster Boy to hold a grudge against him. But other than that, if it's a metal, he can absorb Metal Qi from it. All he needs to do is make a trip to Africa, find that dude who stole Vibranium from Wakanda, kill him, steal his Vibranium and then deliver his head to Wakanda alongside some of the Vibranium recovered (they wouldn't know how much that dude had left after a decade of use) and the MC will foster good relations with the most powerful nation on Earth.

    Ch 6 After A Long Night, There's Nothing Better Than Takeout
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to cheeki_breeki

    Read the synopsis and the tags. I'd recommend doing that before you ever read a book on this site. Because this book is gonna have harem elements in it.

    Ch 6 After A Long Night, There's Nothing Better Than Takeout
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to dei

    Ego will be around. Celestials are all dead as how it was in the MCU (they're mentioned to be extinct, with Ego being the only Celestial left). One Above All (I think you mean this guy, because All For One is an anime character) does exist but he'll never be a part of the story in any way, shape or form. The Power Scaling, for the most part, is the same as the MCU. So, there aren't any real Galaxy-level threats other than Thanos or people with really massive armies like the Kree.

    Ch 6 After A Long Night, There's Nothing Better Than Takeout
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Eunus

    No. Because the MC would never be able to trust her. She's, you know, a spy. A spy for an organization of the best spies.

    Ch 1 Death, Successor and Life
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Xion_77

    He didn't give out his address. Don't jump to conclusions and assume things - it makes you look stupid. What threats? There really aren't any around yet. Asgardians are, you know, still on Asgard. Thanos is probably genociding halfway across the Galaxy and definitely doesn't car about the ball of dirt and water called Earth. There's nothing that can kill him. Money is useless to him. He can steal whatever he needs and force others to give it to him if he can't be bothered to steal it. Does Yujiro Hanma have to work to earn money? Does he need to invent things? No. MC is practically this world's Yujiro Hanma. Nobody currently on Earth is physically stronger than him and his cultivation powers pretty much make conventional weaponry useless against him. If someone has a metal he wants for cultivation, he can just take it. Who's gonna stop him? SHIELD? It's hilarious you think they could handle him. Tech would be useless to him as well. He'll eventually outgrow it physically. Besides, he's not a tech genius. He's not the type of MC who can just shit out multi-million dollar ideas lmao. Also, relying on brute force isn't what got him killed in his last life - are you implying that if he were some sort of genius tech guru, he wouldn't have been betrayed and poisoned? Because if you are, that's absurd. And hilariously naive. I don't know how many times I have to say this but I'll keep saying it when people stupid enough go on about it - the MC has a trauma. It doesn't just go away because it's inconvenient. It's not there to be cute or whatever the hell you're talking about. It's there to show that he's not some emotionally dense blockhead who got over being betrayed and killed by his lover like most trash MC's in fanfics nowadays.

    Ch 6 After A Long Night, There's Nothing Better Than Takeout
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to blueDaoist

    I've answered this question before - and the answer is still no.

    Ch 6 After A Long Night, There's Nothing Better Than Takeout
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to vkg313

    Bruh, it's Harley, the Joker and some of Joker's goons. That's hardly a 'mass crossover'. Stop exaggerating lmao.

    Ch 4 Meeting A Crazed Woman In The Weirdest Of Places
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Roktah

    He reacted the same way as a normal person who detests skin contact would - he didn't pull her into an intricate arm bar and snap her arm or anything, like your words imply. He was simply caught off guard by some random person holding his hand and his hand snapped shut and gripped the hand out of fear. The only reason it broke bone was because of his inhuman strength even before cultivation. If he were normal, the worst that would've happened would have been bruising on the person's hand. It's obviously improved and is improving as time goes by as well. The fact he isn't reacting subconsciously to physical contact with violence shows progress. Are you being willfully ignorant of that or something? Besides, why are you trying to blow it out of proportion? "It was like every instinct inside me was screaming at me to let go of her and back away before she could hurt me" - is what went through the MC's mind as he hugged his aunt. Nothing about twisting her neck. So, stop trying to twist the MC's trauma and past actions to suit your argument. I'm showing what trauma would do to someone with superpowers, and you don't like that for some reason you haven't even shared. If you don't like it, then leave. I'm not here to cater to you desires, mate.

    Ch 3 Gwen Stacy and Spider Woman--All In One Night!
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Balance

    ...I wouldn't go that far lol.

    But right now, my attention was on the attacker of this place. The slaughterer who'd killed dozens of people just to get here. And who was this terribly efficient killer? It was a small blond woman. She must've been about 5'4" and I'd say she couldn't be any heavier than 120lbs - she was exceptionally lithe. Like a gymnast. Most of her weight was probably held in her thick thighs, her bubbly ass or the breasts that were pretty big for a woman her height. Both of which nearly distracted me from the fact she was currently beating a man's head in with an oversized mallet.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Balance

    I'd prefer the descriptive word 'paranoid'.

    Since then, I've improved my control over this unnecessary physical response but even then, I still hated touching someone or being touched by someone. Even now, as I hugged my aunt to try an reassure her, it was like every instinct inside me was screaming at me to let go of her and back away before she could hurt me.
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana
  • Bean_Banana
    Replied to Roktah

    He...he can touch her though? You're complaining about something that hasn't happened lmao. He just doesn't enjoy touching people. It's a trauma - it's not supposed to be fun to read about or anything like that. Traumas are bad and they aren't meant to be romanticized. They also aren't easy to get over. Honestly, seeing you so annoyed, it kinda makes me want to do that bullshit you don't want to happen. It's such an outlandish thought, and I don't know where you got it from, that I'm starting to think you're trying to reverse psychology me into writing it. Keep being such a salty mf and I'll make it so a corny ass moment happens where him and Natasha touch and sparks fly and the two of them fall in love with one another lmao. Some people smh. I'll say it now because it doesn't seem to be getting through that thick skull of yours: HE CAN TOUCH PEOPLE, HE JUST DOESN'T ENJOY IT. He hugged his aunt because he felt the need to comfort her because he loves her - the fact he pushed through his trauma and hugged her should show just how much she means to him. Like, goddamn, man.

    Ch 3 Gwen Stacy and Spider Woman--All In One Night!
    MCU: White Tiger Technique
    Movies · Bean_Banana