

2021-02-05 JoinedGlobal

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  • _crazy4MILFS_

    ur giving her a really easy way out

    Huo Yuhao is currently at the tallest tree in the forest and made a sniper rifle with Eas. He aimed at the maid quarter or precisely the head maid's office. "A modern weapon is the best for quiet assassination." He whispered while loading a poison-filled bullet into the chamber.
    My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)
    Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds
  • _crazy4MILFS_
    Replied to Sorenmageofmareth

    so it's justified?

    "Did we truly win? Vanessa and this organization called the Fingers were looking for that key. I don't think I can trust Vanessa either, even though she helped in the end."
    All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins
    Fantasy · Ryongul
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    just die already

    'What that boy Nick said... Does it seem like maybe I've been wrong all these years?' Sonia looked at her son's back and an expression of regret made her want to cry, if that's what it was, she really was a horrible mother.
    Amon, The Legendary Overlord
    Fantasy · Lruska
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    yeah right

    It felt like he underestimated me even though I knew that he was doing his best. But that was a good enough reason for me to kick him in his stomach after I dodged his wide swing. I didn't like being underestimated. I had pride as the strongest player in Horizon Online.
    Sins Paradise: Domination System
    Fantasy · MarudameOssan
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    some great way to fking ruin ur own work..gud luck and see tht u take ur mc in this s*mp route till the end..but me no pathetic to continue no more.

    Ch 35 [35] In Exchange… (1)
    In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    bruhh thts wat u would get when u simp for the people who tried to kill u

    "Fucking hell. Why?"
    In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_
    Replied to The_Overthinker

    sure bro

    Kushina chuckled as she was praised as a beautiful woman, and even though Minato looked slightly annoyed, he didn't issue any complaints.
    Anime Netori System
    Anime & Comics · rysan_shine
  • _crazy4MILFS_
    Replied to The_Overthinker

    i like tht..

    Kushina chuckled as she was praised as a beautiful woman, and even though Minato looked slightly annoyed, he didn't issue any complaints.
    Anime Netori System
    Anime & Comics · rysan_shine
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    her liking for him is far better than tht fake care tht hinabi and hinata showed all the mc these years..

    "I will leave the village and follow you around!"
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_
    Replied to ArtoriaSimp

    man, ur the only one who still have some self respect left🙁..this novel is seriously messed up at this point

    "I… did." Hanabi said after a while. "But I asked you… I prayed to you… to not kill my father, to not cripple him… but… I am less important than your revenge, you didn't listen to me. You… didn't even look at me. You know how much that hurts right, Onii-sama? I am sure you do."
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    yeah right..fking s*mp

    Great. So he hadn't misjudged her personality. Different from her canon she might be, she was still a good girl at heart.
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    she likes him but is ok if he dies for her?? am i the only one who hates hypocrites?

    Her daughter liked Neji, that boy. If not, she wouldn't have touched herself indecently late at night after accidentally seeing him mate with the commoner girl last night.
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    man, the story had a pretty solid start, but went downhill pretty soon.. he hardly gains power in all the years he grinded and suddenly turns godly in a month just bcoz of plot.. he gets nerfed in the end of first volume to a point tht is unbearable, tht i dropped it entirely..but i was bored out of my wits tht i came back to read it is as if reading a new book but damn, the s*mping in this novel was pretty high since the beginning but man in just 5 chapters into Naruto arc where i learnt how hypocrite abt the hyuga b*tches are!!? they don't want to kill a guy who was nice to them , but will do either way so they can get his power?? no, i dont blame them, i blame the author for fking trying to justify hinata and later put her in the harem and make ppl like her!! just how fking messed up is the mc to s*mp for such a hypocritic b*tch... i aint a man with a least amount of pride of i countinue reading from there on..

    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_
    That was a lie. Abstract Beings didn't have the need of a partner, though most did play around from time to time for amusement, and so did Lady Luck, however that little didn't give them much experience. Her previous boytoys were certainly stronger than Neji, but they weren't 'better' at bed. Their dick wasn't so good, so great and so mind-blowing. No, they couldn't even compare.
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_
    Replied to ScarletBloodMoon

    oh yea? maybe my wording is wrong, but what's the point of him telling all this despite doing it? isn't it just to lessen the hate of the readers ? there's nothing to assume here , ur just blind if u can't see something so obvious

    Neji hated himself for doing this. He wanted to punch himself in the face, and he actually did,  thrice before… But… he didn't like the sound of it since he hated it a lot, but this… was for the greater good. For her greater good, and his too.
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_
    Replied to herrscher_of_novel

    think dude..it's just like now. Some guy replied to my comment here and i came back to say "i dropped it a long time ago"..

    The next day, I went to Rumi's house to train, it was already the 4th day of the internship. Honestly, I have started to enjoy training with Rumi in just three days. We spent our whole time learning more moves about hand-to-hand combat. We also worked out together, to say it was quite enjoyable.
    The Epic of Leviathan
    Anime & Comics · InGlorious
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    i dont understand...if his defence is stronger than lion's attack power, how could a simple strike from its paws deal such damage to him???

    His sword broke and he was sent flying. His body clashed with a tree before stopping.
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasy · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • _crazy4MILFS_
    Replied to isekaienjoyer372


    This was also her biggest regret in her life and also the reason why she forced her son to join the Royal Academy even though he had the same thought as the past her.
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasy · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    man, it would have been alright if he atleast had 800-1000 lvls but 290??? was a really good novel so far and thanks for it, but can't go on any more after this stunt here the author pulled..sayonara

    Ch 203 203: The Cursed Gamer?
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall
  • _crazy4MILFS_

    the previous gamer was dope

    Primordial sighed at his daughter's silence. She didn't seem so confident, the opposite even. He could understand why though, she was the one who faced the wrath of the previous Gamer the most. She was forced to watch her friends die, while her husband was forced to watch her as she was got r@ped by the Gamer before he was killed too.
    The Cursed Gamer
    Anime & Comics · Master4thWall