


Myths, legends, and magical shenanigans

2021-01-25 JoinedIndonesia

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  • Feruru

    Dang cliffhanger. It's just getting good.

    He then said aloud, "My name is Swordsman," and grabbed the blade. At the moment of contact, his aura seemed to retract into his body while going completely berserk and strengthening itself many times over.
    The Reincarnator's Tavern
    Movies · GnomeBob
  • Feruru
    Replied to Dao_of_laziness420
    "Do you think you can invite yourself like this? Who do you think I am?"
    Competent Poseidon
    Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH
  • Feruru
    Replied to Graylies

    Nah, what you talking about is Senjutsu. Youjutsu uses Youki. Youki literally means Demonic Energy.

    Youjutsu, huh? It's the power inherent by Youkai, like how Demonic Energy is inherent by Devils. Yasaka doesn't use it much, specializing more in Touki than the former.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Feruru

    Synopsis: A man who was reincarnated into DxD and lived peacefully for 20 years obtained the Celestial System when he took a devil pamphlet. S*** just got real after that. No meta knowledge, Touki build MC, the funny Blender, and best girl Ereskigal Review: Don't know how to write a review so I'll just list what I liked and dislike Like: 1. Touki. It's rare to find a fic about Touki, especially one with a decent story. I cast fist all the way. 2. The Grind. MC never skips practice. Always look for ways to improve his training and we can see his progress. Have good mentality too. Rarely complains, doesn't overthink like DxD next door MC. Just grind and enjoy the gains. He is a bit dumb tho. Lol 3. Away from Kuoh MC is in America, far from Canon. So no Rias desperate recruitment, no Sona forced chess match, no fake Dio, no fallen trio who somehow entered the harem, and of course there is no need to think about plans to rob Issei of boosted gear. It's nice to get away from these overused fic plots once in a while. 4. OP Protein Blender 5. Ereskigal Dislike: Cursed chapter 16. Spoiler, he made male AI. A male AI in harem story. What could be wrong? Read chapter 16. The flags are everywhere. Ended up being a false alarm, but still not a pleasant experience.

    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru
    He tilted his head in confusion before his lips slowly stretched into a grin. 'Those thighs of hers are simply divine.'
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru

    Lol, those are prayers from Gacha victims. Never thought that the Evil Gacha could save the best girl from loneliness. Best story ever 🤣

    Then everything changed, starting with the loud and perverted mortal that frequently called her his favorite Death God. That always made her heart skip a beat when she heard it. Ereshkigal was someone's favorite Death God! His prayers used to be quieter back then, but they were just as startling. Then out of nowhere, Ereshkigal started receiving even more prayers!
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru

    Bro take the meme seriously 💀

    "Because he introduced me to the amazing world of femboys?" Azazel asked before he quickly started explaining himself once he saw everyone's expressions. "No, no, hear me out. Femboys are the perfect lovers. They know when you just want to cuddle, they know when you want to have sex, and they know when you want to be left alone to tinker. They also don't nag you like a woman! How are they not perfect?"
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru

    I saw 3 red flags from Helel. Should have just made a VI instead of an AI.

    Ch 17 Chapter 16
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru

    If only bro, if only 😅

    "I swear it's the First True Magic, Denial of Nothingness!"
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru

    Nice indeed

    Cori blinked at me before nodding. "You're… not wrong. And that mature version came out really nice…"
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru

    Best girl

    That reminded me of something. I had to look into the Mesopotamian Pantheon. Just had to check if there were any images of Ereshkigal floating around for… reasons. I needed to know if she resembled a particular gem obsessed girl or not. Purely out of curiosity. Mhm.
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru

    Good. Take both. Doom path is the way.

    It was far better to combine the two paths, in my opinion. Why settle for one when I could easily do both and all that jazz? It seemed obvious to me that Magictech was the way to go.
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru
    "You just have to believe in yourself and never give up," he continued with his Talk-no-Jutsu.
    I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)
    Anime & Comics · purplestormtaken
  • Feruru
    Replied to sataneal

    Don't worry bro. The author of the original fic has just updated it on webnovel. Go to "I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)" by purplestormtaken.

    I Cast Fist (DxD - Celestial Grimoire)
    Anime & Comics · GRZG12
  • Feruru

    Stolen fic! Auto 1 star! Guys, the author of the original fic has just updated it on webnovel. Go to "I Cast Fist (Celestial Grimoire - DxD)" by purplestormtaken.

    I Cast Fist (DxD - Celestial Grimoire)
    Anime & Comics · GRZG12
  • Feruru
    Replied to Caedus_Aldric

    A little trivia about Type Moon swords First. Caliburn (not to be confused with Excalibur) is modeled on Gram. And yes, Caliburn is weaker than Gram due to being a newer incarnation of the sword in the stone. Second. Gram itself is not the original. The original for the sword in the stone is Merodach which is the model for Gram itself. Third. Gram is said to be the strongest demonic sword that can only be equaled to the strongest holy sword Excalibur.

    Yeah, it wasn't exactly 'sapient' but it had its own intelligence. It was more like it was putting up with her as opposed to wanting her to wield it. Almost like it could recognize Excalibur and begrudgingly admitted its inferiority and just stayed quiet in her hands.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Feruru
    Replied to midgetydeath

    Hard cap. The limit you said is nonsense. In DxD, Holy ain't Light. Light is just a natural element. But Holy? It's a higher form of energy used by Gods. Using it means touching the Domain of the Gods. Instead of being useless against non-dark species, holy energy actually provides extra damage. It just isn't super effective against them like against devils. It's Canon that, among all Holy Weapons, True Longinus is leagues above Holy Swords and the like. And it's canon that non-dark species will not survive without harm from the sher flex of the holy aura of Cao Cao Balance Breaker. Even outside of fighting, it is still very useful. This spear is canonically super effective in breaking through any kind of barrier and seal. Super convenient.

    [There is a reason it's rated as the strongest Sacred Gear.] Ddraig added making me pause again.
    A Nascent Kaleidoscope.
    Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
  • Feruru
    Replied to YamiMoon

    This comment didn't age well

    [Annihilation Maker (Admin): The world isn't pretty or friendly as it looks like now... It a place filled with darkness and despair which create an abyss that'll swallow any weak person and leave only the strong]
    Annihilation Maker DXD
    Anime & Comics · Soul_Caliber
  • Feruru
    Replied to crimsoncobra97

    Nah, she's fine. The video only shows Serafall's embarrassing little incident. Remember when the Gremory Ancestor threw a tantrum? Protocol said to incapacitate her, but Serafall intervened and was electrocuted too. Literally 'Idiot at Work'. That's what happens when you take a job without reading the instructions 🤣

    "If you want something, just follow your greed'. Though I am sure she is regretting doing all that." Marcus chuckled as he recalled watching a video where his knights opened fire on the last remaining Satan aboard her airship.
    It Started With Devils & Artefacts
    Anime & Comics · Dragon15681
  • Feruru
    "Agh-Agh! Look at me. I am the captain now!" Thin, bald and scrawny pirate dressed in slippers, shorts and a cheap t-shirt pointed his fingers at the captain and then at himself. Declaring that he was the captain now.
    It Started With Devils & Artefacts
    Anime & Comics · Dragon15681