

2021-01-08 JoinedGlobal

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  • Michael_Waite_3906
    Replied to TheRealSkollie

    But... they're doing it in private, it seems? Doesn't it basically defeat the purpose of using them as an example if the witnesses they want to be there are absent?

    Ch 48 Chapter 48: We prayer for your Soul
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    You know, unless they have some kind of magic or something to prevent the prisoners from telling lies, torture is kinda pointless. It's just not a reliable way to gather intel -- people will say anything to get it to stop. This is also fairly well known here on Earth, so odds are somebody has reincarnated with that knowledge. And if it's being used as a punishment, well... that's just a waste of time and resources. If the prisoner is sentence to be tortured to death, it's far more efficient to just straight up kill them immediately. If the prisoner is just sentenced to be tortured, it's a waste of resources because torture often ends up crippling the victim, so that person can no longer fully contribute to society. Maybe you could have something in the next chapter(s) that proves it's not a pointless exercise in sadism in this world? Because it real life it is exactly that.

    Ch 48 Chapter 48: We prayer for your Soul
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    That is a horrific way of thinking Kitsuna is displaying here... It's also based on a false premise. Earth is FAR from peaceful.

    Ch 47 Chapter 47:
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    ecdysis NOUN zoology the process of shedding the old skin (in reptiles) or casting off the outer cuticle (in insects and other arthropods). I... don't think it's the word you were looking for. Did you perhaps mean epidermis? It would be weird, because people normally say skin instead, but it would at least make grammatical sense.

    'It looks like Kayda is distracted with something on her back, seeing as she is crashing it the entire time.' I thought, raising an eyebrow. I walked over to Kaydas' back. I pulled her shirt back to peeking in, making her yelp. Looking at her back, I got even more confused. See her ecdysis?
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906
    Replied to EthEn

    Basically, yeah. Refuses to update the story unless it hits the top 200 on the site, and the odds of that happening with no new updates is literally zero. And with no site activity from them since the Autumn of 2020, it appears they've stopped writing altogether (or at least under that penname).

    This chapter has been deleted.
    The Bard's Isekai System
    Fantasy · EthEn
  • Michael_Waite_3906
    Replied to EthEn

    You... are a horrible person. Because we can't do that anymore. The author of that quit... T_T

    This chapter has been deleted.
    The Bard's Isekai System
    Fantasy · EthEn
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    Okay, it was nice to see Arpious finally realize she's doing some... pretty heinous stuff... but it felt less like introspection and more like her just shrugging it off. No thoughts on if she should be doing things differently? Nothing to rationalize it to herself, such as wanting to protect the kingdom she's made? It just kinda felt like she went, "Well, I guess I'm a monster now lol nice talk brain now lets get back to eating people."

    Ch 47 Bandits (2)
    Arpious of the Planes
    Fantasy · equuip
  • Michael_Waite_3906
    Replied to TheRealSkollie

    Wow, grammarly is just as stupid and useless as all other google products, huh? It should be "are you" not "is you".

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    Magic. Duh. Magic also means no penis is necessary. Hurray for magic!

    I never wanted kids in my past life because I thought they were pests, but maybe I could have them in this life. How would I even do that though…
    Arpious of the Planes
    Fantasy · equuip
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    Question: Will Arpious ever wonder about why she's so... sanguine about eating sapient creatures? For a human mind (from Earth), sapience is only seen in humans, therefore eating a sapient would be cannibalism. When added to our tendency anthropomorphize EVERYTHING, especially those things/creatures we like, unless she was a sociopath before she died, eating anything and everything that moves would be... quite the mental disconnect.

    Ch 38 Kumos Revenge (1)
    Arpious of the Planes
    Fantasy · equuip
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    Fucken, noun: A very vulgar chicken.

    "It took 2 hours just to get a fucken phone. What the hell," I said, annoyed. Looking at the scroll, it operated as any standard smartphone on earth. The only difference was that it was thinner and only glass with our house symbol at the back.
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    Medieval, not middle eval. It's a weirdly-spelled word.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    ~I wanna know what love is I want you to show me I wanna feel what love is I know you can show me~

    Chapter 39: What is love
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    18? First status window of the chapter had her at level 21. Last status window of the chapter had her at 32. That's 11, not 18...

    [You leveled up (x18)]
    Arpious of the Planes
    Fantasy · equuip
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    Weird English fact: In situations like this, where a quote continues over multiple paragraphs, each additional paragraph starts with an opening quotation mark, and only the final paragraph contains a closing quotation mark. In other words, this paragraph and the next should start with quotation marks. Example: "In a month, in the... "We will just need to train, I heard that the selection was very difficult."

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    Is this the bizarro-world version of Michael Jackson?

    "Melanin Jackson." 
    VANILLA: A Lesbian Story
    LGBT+ · lilmamaaisha
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    "out rashest"? Pretty sure you meant "outrageous".

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Michael_Waite_3906
    Replied to LoddoTheDodo

    Ah. I see the misunderstanding, now. Most of the gender bender isekai stories I've seen, especially those from Japan? If the character is flat-chested, it's because they're younger than 14. The worst I've seen involved a 5 year old. It's pretty disgusting, really. It doesn't help that the term "loli" is actually shortened slang for "Lolita Complex," which is literally just slang for pedophilia. The term comes from a book that is actually about a pedophile... some of the more civilized sections of the internet have started putting reasonable restrictions on the use of the term (no asking for lolis, no referring to young female characters as lolis, etc.), because of that. It's a very sexualized term, after all.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    The Bard's Isekai System
    Fantasy · EthEn
  • Michael_Waite_3906

    Part of me feels like I should be sad that Annoying Bird is dead... but the rest of me remembers playing old platforming games, and living in the same house as a pet bird, and thus recalls the truism: Birds are jerks. I kinda hope you never get a contract for this story. It's so good, and those contracts always sound like a massive scam to me... plus I'm the type of person who finds owning their own intellectual property to have more value than MAYBE a few hundred bucks a month for doing a full-time job. But that's just me.

    Ch 19 Ancient Temple Part Two
    Eternal Saga: The Beginning
    Fantasy · invayne
  • Michael_Waite_3906
    Replied to LoddoTheDodo

    See, you're completely wrong. Most people aren't sexually attracted to children. Also the irony of using a gif where the character shouting justice is also average to large-breasted, and bouncing...

    This chapter has been deleted.
    The Bard's Isekai System
    Fantasy · EthEn