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  • Anthemion
    Replied to Dotencsure


    The Great Genetic Era
    Eastern · Pig Sanbu
  • Anthemion


    Ch 340 Second Order: Bai Zemin's evolution requirements
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anthemion
    Replied to Jack_N_Mikhail

    Thank you very, very much for your comment! I'm going to look into this Novels! 🤗

    Ch 1 The heart of a demon never has regret even in death
    Reverend Insanity
    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Anthemion
    Replied to Jack_N_Mikhail

    Just answering so I can find this comment again :)

    Ch 1 The heart of a demon never has regret even in death
    Reverend Insanity
    Eastern · Gu Zhen Ren
  • Anthemion

    Thank you! I am looking forward to it! :)

    Ch 57 Improvised Decision, A Manifestation Attempt
    Rise of the Limitless One
    Urban · Syphiinz
  • Anthemion

    These two chapters opened like 100,000 different possibilities to how the story will progress in the future. I'm looking forward to it!

    Ch 349 Unbelievable Revelations Part 2
    While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System
    Fantasy · Adam_A
  • Anthemion

    Thanks for the chapters!😗

    Ch 344 Three Special Rings
    While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System
    Fantasy · Adam_A
  • Anthemion

    Thank you for the chapters!🤗

    Ch 334 Losing Hope
    While Others Cultivate, I LVL UP In My Sleep Using The Dungeon System
    Fantasy · Adam_A
  • Anthemion
    Replied to knightleyRead

    After I read through my comment on chapter 40 the second time, I was just a little afraid that you might interpretate it as criticism to you or your work as whole, which it certainly is not because I really like the book (like I already said 10 times, but I want to make it clear, so that nobody misunderstands it as hate or anything :)). Because of this I also picked up the point of what I was trying to criticize (comment chapter 40) in the comment on chapter 42 again and tried to reflect and correct it a little bit. I really dislike when people bash on books because in the end somebody out there is sacrificing their own time, in which they could do anything they want, to write a novel to entertain others (of course there also other reasons why people write books but this one is certainly often present). This person, at least in normal cases, does not really get anything out of it (I don`t know how much webnovel pays but I think that it is probably not much). This person does not deserve that people read some chapters and then write in the comments “what a stupid author writes this way”. Of course, I understand that sometimes you do not like the characters of the book or the story, but why do people not just drop it then instead of hating on the person who is just trying to have a fun time writing and sharing? Why do people think they have the right to hate on somebody who is giving them something for free, who is working in his free time to entertain them for nothing? I really do not understand it. Everybody here should be happy, including me, that there are even authors like you who publish books for nearly no profit. Well, that wasn't really something that has to do with your comment right now, but I've been wanting to get rid of that for a while and it just seemed like the right moment. What I meant to say is that I am happy that my comment(s) did not come of just as trying to force my own ideas for the book on you but more of trying to show you what I disliked a little about Rhys character(development) and trying to help you understand how somebody from the outside as a reader might perceive him. In the end I have nothing more to say than thank you for the compliment, I am looking forward to Rhys development and his journey in the future. I freaking loved the way you presented him in this situation. The sentence “people change” was a perfect description for everything that happened until now and this chapter in particular. Rhys did change and I am totally here for it. :)

    Ch 42 42 Fall of the Gymnasium
    The Ghost System
    Fantasy · knightleyRead
  • Anthemion

    You pretty much just destroyed the main point of my whole previous comment with the 2 chapters, since pretty much exactly what I was criticizing didn't happen. And I love it! :) Because exactly what I meant, that according to my opinion he partly does not stand up for himself enough, he has now finally refuted here and shown everyone that he is also no one to mess with. He has reflected himself, found out what the problems were (why he is seen this way) and how it came to this and then proved everyone else wrong. I personally think that this very moment is the most important one so far (at least in his character development), not his evolution and not that he joined the military. He changed and got rid of one of the last variables from his "old" life with Sampson. Now it really starts. This moment, in my view, is a starting point of his new life and an ending point of his old one in which he was underestimated and mistreated. I just wanted to note again (because that may have come across wrong in the other comment with the whole point of criticizing) that I didn't mean to criticize how the author writes the book nor how the author writes Rhys. The point is that Rhys is written as he is with all his inconsistencies and flaws, because he is not an all-knowing genius and perfect, but just a teenager. Of course it's a bit annoying when the character makes mistakes or acts "stupid" according to ones own standards, but it's human! It's all about development! What I was trying to criticize is that Rhys was not developing and adapting fast enough in my opinion. However, the point here, as generally with any book we read here on Webnovel, is that I lost sight a bit of what position I was taking in everything. I am a spectator, someone who lives outside the world of the book, observing things and gathering information. For me from the outside it is easy to criticize that Rhys was sometimes too nice for my taste, but if I were really Rhys as a person in this universe would I really have acted so differently in parts? In a few places certainly but probably not in the important ones. We as readers are in a position where we hold all the information in our hands, but are never really confronted with the emotional impact of an action, which makes it very easy to say: he should have killed this one or that one and so on. But the question we all have to ask ourselves is: Would I really have acted different than the person? Would any of us have been able to kill people the first time for no other reason than it makes everything a little easier? I hope not, and it would also be boring if everything was easy from the beginning. I certainly still hope that Rhys becomes even a little more selfish and thinks more about himself and not others but that is a hard process. With this moment, however, he already took one of the first and most important steps! We are observers and quasi gods looking down on the worlds we read about and sometimes lose a bit of focus for the fact that the characters, like us, are human beings with flaws and weaknesses. Rhys has finally shown what he can do and what he is made of and that's all I wanted! Thanks for the chapters, I enjoyed it and I'm sure many others did too. :)

    Ch 42 42 Fall of the Gymnasium
    The Ghost System
    Fantasy · knightleyRead
  • Anthemion

    Bro, he could kill Sampson or any of the other guys so unbelievable easily. Why are they even trying? I mean why doesn't he talk back just a little for example by mentioning that he already spared Sampson ones and thus tries to get the focus away from him instead of just outright saying he won't fight which obviously is not a could way of getting out of that situation. He could talk back, embarrass Sampson and bring him out of concept but instead he says nothing and is just standing there. Also if he would have made clear from the beginning that he is not someone to be messed with (like for example connor) instead of being nice and making friends here and there these guys wouldn't even dare to try this little plan. If he wouldn't have spared Sampson or would have let himself talk down to by him like every single time they meet Sampson propably also wouldn't have dared to do something like this but he and all the others know that Rhys propably will just fall right into their trap and that no consequences will happen since he is so nice. He could also bluff and say that he is going to severly injure or kill the person who he fights with to make them nervous or maybe even back down. Rhys is basically just a flag that is waving back and forth in the wind (because the others are pushing him around without him doing anything like the wind does with the flag) and plays other people's games which they only try because they think they can get away with it because of his personality. I mean no one of them would to his to connor since they all know that connor is no one to be messed with because he at least seems to them merciless while Rhys made himself the image that people can talk down to him and nothing will happen because until now nothing ever happened. Hopefully now he will do something that they understand that he is also not someone to toy and mess with. Of course I don't know how he will get out of this situation in the next chapters and therefore I do not certainly know that my comment is valid but a least my point that he got himself into this situation because he is too nice to Sampson and others so that they can think they can play with him is certain (at least for me). If I'm not right someone can please correct me. I do not mean this as critism, I really like the book, (which is exactly because I'm even writing this, because I care) and Rhys is still young and has a lot of time to change his actions and image. I just wanted to show at least a little bit why I really do not like how he ended up in this situation. Thank you very much author that you created a book that I like so much that I really have emotions when reading that reach so far that I'm even commenting something like this because I just really care about it. This whole commentary is more of a declaration of love for this book wrapped in mild criticism of Rhy's actions. I am criticizing Rhys and not anyone else! So please, nobody should feel bad or angry at me. Maybe I'm also completely wrong and my opinion just stupid so if it is please somebody correct me. :)

    Ch 40 40 Power Dynamics
    The Ghost System
    Fantasy · knightleyRead
  • Anthemion
    Replied to daniel1366

    I kind of have no idea what you are talking about, sorry :)

    Ch 39 39 Intruder: Part 1
    The Ghost System
    Fantasy · knightleyRead
  • Anthemion
    Replied to Anthemion

    *just only make chains

    Ch 130 New subclass: Lower Leader!
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anthemion
    Replied to XIETIAN

    Oh, okay. But isn't it actually relatively easy for her to guess? Well, I mean, it's probably clear to everyone that he can't just make chains and spears with this skill like you already mentioned. And since the skill was enough to keep a First Order existence in check and to kill it, it should be relatively strong from her point of view? The possibility to create walls or other defensive forms doesn't seem so far-fetched then, does it? But it is such a little detail it doesn't matter. Thanks for the answer.

    Ch 130 New subclass: Lower Leader!
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anthemion
    Replied to Anthemion

    But hasn't Bing Xue already seen him use the Blood manipulation skill when he used it to kill the first order ape which had the regeneration skill (chapter 79)? He created chains and a spear out of blood while she was also there which basically confirms that he has a skill which can be used both offensively and defensively at the same time. So she should know that he has such skill that is actually relatively similar to her Ice Maker skill, shouldn't she? Or am I missing something here?

    Ch 130 New subclass: Lower Leader!
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anthemion

    oh my god. He is finally going to use it[img=recommend][img=update]

    Ch 89 The Point to Everything
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • Anthemion

    Bro it's so sad. Someone with the Metalic control skill who isn't an idiot would be so freaking cool. Why are humans just so dumb? He could have been such a cool character with this skill if he wouldn't have been so bad.

    Ch 128 Bai Zemin that cannot be defeated
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anthemion

    I do not know if gustav is going to be happy about this. Of course it ends the rumours and lies but I myself would not want such pictures and scenes to be broadcasted to an entire city. well, let's see what happens.[img=update]

    Ch 324 Biography Display
    The Bloodline System
    Fantasy · TimVic
  • Anthemion

    I kind of don't like how Rhys handled the whole situation. It seems to me like he just trusts people way too quickly. Also, the fact that he was so easily monitored and so easy to see through is extremely annoying to me. Nevertheless, thanks for the chapters! I'm glad that once again some have come!

    Ch 39 39 Intruder: Part 1
    The Ghost System
    Fantasy · knightleyRead
  • Anthemion

    Blood will is certainly such an interesting skill with incredible potential. I mean, when does a creature count as an opponent? Only when it actively tries to harm Bae Zemin or also when it does so only indirectly? And if it does it indirectly, does it matter if it does it consciously or unconsciously? Does hate and envy alone make a person an opponent? If a person lies to Bae Zemin in order to harm him, does that actually make him an enemy? It's really crazy to think that Soul Record has to be aware of all of this and is able to differ between them all all. The power that this entity has is simply incomprehensible. It would be really interesting to know the definition of an enemy of the soul record.

    Ch 110 Fourteen days, Two weeks & Taking separate paths (Part 3-Last)
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN