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  • Latasha_Betterly

    Why cant she have intercourse in the first trimester? For real life pregnancy, this abstinence is not necessary.

    Ch 318 Girl Talk
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    Loved this chapter

    Ch 316 Foolish Girl (2)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    FINALLY! Its nice to see the old Alicia back. That was very cunning to use her momentary illness against Deborah. Why is it that shes only smart enough to outwit Leons suiters. I’d really like to see that survival mode of hers come out in other chapters more. Become a strategist just as great as Leon. His equal, in all things. Here’s to hoping it comes out in the next few chapters.

    Ch 313 The Destia Siblings (2)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    Guess Im the odd woman out in these comments. I actually found Leon to be hypocritical. Seriously, your wife doesnt tell you immediately about her pregnancy and YOU are hurt by that? How many times have you kept things from Alicia? Does anyone even know if he came out and told her about torturing her Step mother the Queen? Because I dont. How absurd. Even more absurd is Alicia bawling like a little baby. Yeah the hormones would definitely kick in, but that doesnt have to be the only emotion she shows. How about some anger! Its not too hard to believe that Leon would send her home. She was right to assume so. Not only that, but finding out about a pregancy only a couple of weeks in is unheard of. It was smart of her not to say anything right away in case something goes wrong in the developmental stage of the embryo. Not that the author mentioned that as a fear, but all of this submissive behavior of the female lead character is making it hard to relate to her. Shes starting to annoy me. And theres a definite feel of ***ism coming off of Leon now. The chivalry is heading more towards misogny. I may end up not finishing this book, and that really sucks because the stories main plot ws really creative.

    Ch 308 Couple’s First Quarrel (1)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    In chapter 298, the author stated that the first key was only 2 days from them with the help of the young siren. But in this chapter, nearly 10 chapter later, the author writes that the keys are 4 days away. Be careful with timefeames.

    Ch 307 Pregnancy Symptoms (2)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    Okay, I skimmed the rest of this chapter after reading up to the one on one duel. That pretty much already happened. The duel is redundant. And, with the fight taking this long, it surpasses Leons fight with the Queen Siren. Mercenary or not, having a human, non magical, fighter last longer than a century old magical creature eho was also friends woth the Almighty just doesnt work for me.

    Ch 305 The Bandits Annihilation (3)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    I liked how the author went back to provide the reader with some insight. Especially right before the reader finds out how this plot twist ends. I am put off, however, with the open display of admiration from the men. Having personal experience in the military... no one does this. Most mercenaries have some experience in the military. Men will size each other up and give a slight nod, but no one would say anything. If anything, those with more experience and skill would openly contest another fighter. Kind of like the author had Gladi and Leon do in the beginning of the book. We would trash talk our brother an sister in arms a thousand times over before we ever even delivered one compliment. And those very few compliments were always attached with contructive criticism such as, “ You managed 4:5 at the range. Great job Marine! Where the **** were you with that last shot though dumb****?! Get your head out of your ass.” PTSD is also present in almost every fighter. It will also affect how fighters are first introduced to each other. Consider it like that song by Twenty One Pilots. “Heathens” Always on guard. Not very trusting.

    Ch 303 The Bandits Annihilation (1)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    So, I am both pleased and confused by this chapter. Leon chastises and admonishes Alicia to stay out of the bandits/mercenary fight. He wisely decrees that they have other business to attend to and the mercenaries are handling the sItuation. Not what I wanted. I would have enjoyed a fight. BUT THEN he turns around and appears to prepare to handle the situation himself. I dont really care for the hypocrisy in his character. Not to mention how demeaning he was to Alicia in front of others. Providing the mercenaries with useful information and or a suggestion on strategy would have lent more strength to the character development, in my opinion. *side notes/thoughts- I’m curious to know how Leon met his familiar and why havent we heard more about Alicia’s telepathic capabilities since she left the north? I recall her being able to speak with those of Atlantian blood, and we now know Leon is a royal descendant as well... why haven’t they begun communicating this way?

    Ch 300 Some Peaceful Time (2)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    Alicias decision to end her journey after collecting the keys is a great transition and shows that the author really knows about the dos and donts of pregnancy. Any horse riding after the 3rd month (12 weeks) is forbidden as the baby transitions to the pelvic girdle in a woman. She’d be putting the child at risk if she continued on. Good chapter in terms of plot. Grammar still needs work.

    Ch 299 Some Peaceful Time (1)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    The pregnancy is great news, but I like that Alicia has also formed a strong bond with the young siren. Her instincts and first impression of people; The way she forms bonds, is really great and keeps me hopeful of her character development. Her constant giggling and fainting make her appear weak. I’d like to see more strength come from her in the coming chapters. Shes about to become a mother and her familiar is a tiger when provoked. She needs to start protecting others more instead of just being a supportive role to Leon. Leon being the one who always comes in and finishes what was started/saves the day. Great character. Great story. Im just hoping for a little more from our leading female character.

    Ch 296 Something Unexpected (2)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    Disappointed. I was really hoping Alicia would have been the savior in these chapters. All of her training and education, and she still cant stand on her own. I’m starting to feel like she is not Leon’s equal.

    Ch 291 In for a Surprise (1)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly
    Replied to Latasha_Betterly

    Commenting via cell phone. I apologize for the grammatical errors.

    Ch 290 Hands Off my Husband! (2)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01
  • Latasha_Betterly

    Alicia doesnt seem strong or even powerful in thIs chapter or the prevIous one. Yeah, She can weild magic and control multiple at once, but shes only evading and not doing ang real damage. reading that shes only holding out for Leon’s familiar to save her was very disappointing. ive been hoping that all of her training over the years would have developed this character more; That she’d have more of a spine. So what if the Siren Queen has Leon. im exoecting more ingenuity and gunption for a character now made Queen and with the possibility of ve in Empress.

    Ch 290 Hands Off my Husband! (2)
    The Forgotten Princess
    History · Les01