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2020-12-26 JoinedGlobal

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  • _anasabrina_

    Sorry, unrelated but can someone explain why can't I read the previous chapters? I'm studying for some important exams and coming here only to vote and was planning to read all that I missed after the results but I can't access the previous ones at all lol is it normal or? 😅

    Ch 71 Can't stop, won't stop [R].
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_

    Omg I'll be stuDYING for the next 2 weeks so no comments anymore 😭 but I'll make a exception just to warn yall that my babe Aerum is not a bitch, she's a strong determinated woman that don't give up without fighting, leave my girl alone or else I'll fight too

    Ch 64 Training of sorts [R]
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to _anasabrina_

    Just hope they won't hurt Aerum too much, both YunKi, Soojin and the author, her only mistake is to love and I have second female lead syndrome be kind to me pls

    Ch 61 He Who Lurks [R]
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_

    Seriously YongSun is a lunatic stalker, is he some beast in heat? I'm really scared for Soojin and what he would be capable to do with her, he's obsessed and I wonder if it is cause she's his brother's wife or a virgin or both. And ngl I like to see AerumKi interactions but I wish Yunki could be sincere with her, I know he doesn't want to hurt her but he should openly says that they can't have anything sexual anymore or he'll end up hurting her even more, just open up and say she can just be a dear friend from now on. And is he dumb hugging Aerum in front of Soojin's chamber (I wanna know if she'll talk to Aerum like the other day lol the other time it surprised me but this time it would be funny even knowing it'll probably not happen since YunKi's presence can intimidate her)

    Ch 61 He Who Lurks [R]
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to Lily_Yass

    My only fear is that YongSun asks her to left YunKi out of this...

    Ch 60 Dirty Confessions and Paling Faces [R]
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to _anasabrina_

    And YongSun really surprised me this time, I wonder what will be his next step and one thing particulary got me thinking... many people doesn't even know about his existence or thinks he's dead, it wouldn't be difficult for him to impersonate his brother since he's so good at manipulating and pretending

    Ch 60 Dirty Confessions and Paling Faces [R]
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_

    I would say it's not fair for Soojin to feel this way but I do understand her... I mean, even today when a woman trusts a men and find out she's being used by him one of the first things in her mind is the feeling of shame, even if it's not her fault she'll feel dirty and I bet many of us had sadly been in soojin's place at least once (while reading I really felt her shame too and could clearly remember some past incidents in my life) and if is difficult for us imagine for her that is a queen in a time that her actions could lead to death. It makes me worried, to protect her is necessary find bohoja as fast as possible and kill him, just imagine what would happen if YongSun decides to destroy the queen's reputation with the story of their affair and her betrayal? He has her wrapped around his fingers and I hate that this really happens in real life, it can represent the reality of many women out there

    Ch 60 Dirty Confessions and Paling Faces [R]
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to Raneem_Soo

    Tbh, I don't know about the cheating part lol I mean, for a king to have concubines it was normal and accepted and I thought Soojin herself wouldn't mind since she hated him at the time, but then she cried when YongSun showed Aerum and YunKi being intimate that night so... it seems like in the end she'll be hurt with this situation, that's why I called cheating, but you're right, they didn't had a clear relantionshipp before so this shouldn't matter that much. But the YongJin part... if not cheating, it was at least a betrayl, Soojin didn't knew bohoja was the bad guy but she did wanted to help him get the throne, she's actually lucky that this story didn't blow up cause if others knew I'm afraid not even YunKi would be able to protect her, it was a serius crime against the King and the reign, people (even the commoners) would want her death. And the Aerum part... I don't think YunKi can simply cut bonds with her, I do think he shouldn't sleep with her anymore but for a long time she was the only confort he knew, she was always by his side and he liked her to the point that his mother had to interfere, Aerum is not only a concubine she's his best friend like he said someone he can trust, Soojin will probably have to accept their friendshipp, it may be diffucult for her as a wife but I don't think is fair to make him choose since he can't discart the person who was there for him in his darkest times, he may not love her but surely doesn't consider her as only a concubine.

    Ch 59 Addressing the Elephant in the room.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to _anasabrina_

    Although I feel bad for Soojin since she too was fooled, I can't help but feel worst for YunKi. Like, imagine having your own demon that is attached at you forever and makes sure to destroy everything you love the most. That's YongSun. He basically suck away all his brother's hapiness, YunKi's misery is his everyday meal

    Ch 59 Addressing the Elephant in the room.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_

    YunKi doesn't even have the right to be mad at Soojin being sexually intimate with Yong Sun since he himself has lots of concubines but in some way I think is worst for him. Soojin didn't really liked him much when he slept with other women but with YongSun... is not just his male ego, is the fact that he always felt like a shadow and his brother always made sure to take away everything from him. In some way, even if he wasn't a faithful husband, it feels like her cheating hurts more for him because it was with the person that's responsible for all his disgraceful life

    Ch 59 Addressing the Elephant in the room.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to _anasabrina_

    People in the comments wanting Aerum and YunKi to not interact anymore but just this possibility make me wanna cry lol I think they're too important for each other to fall apart this way, hope Aerum understands he loves his wife and back off a little but they should still be friends since their bond seems strong and beautiful

    Ch 58 Cupid's Arrow.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_

    Soojin is starting to be wiser, hope she could understand how Aerum is important to YunKi, she's the one he can trust to always find support and our queen is trying to slowly take that place (bet she'll succeed)

    Ch 58 Cupid's Arrow.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to _anasabrina_

    Lol I always write whole essays in every chapter, guess I'm so into the story but can't help it it's so good

    Ch 57 It's okay, It's love.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_

    so good to see YunKi standing up for himself in a respectfully way, being mature, he's really gaining a king's aura. At the beginning of the story he was turning into someone evil and selfish, using his title only for his own pleasure without reconizing his responsability as a king, if he didn't change in time it would sadly become not different from YongSun. Now his actions are clearer, he's thinking for the reign and not only for himself and instead of his twin he's reminding his father and Seokmin and I think that's exactly what his people need

    Ch 57 It's okay, It's love.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to Jinfiction

    Omg thank you sm

    Ch 56 I want you to feel warm.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_

    This flashbacks of YunKi with his mother are so sad for me cause it shows how the circunstances can change a person. I hope this nostalgic aura he's giving to be a sign that he can turn back into the good hearted, humble and smart boy he was before, but first he needs to realize he's not the cursed one, the problem is YongSun not him, this crave for love really shows how damage he is, seems like it stops him of feeling capable enough, makes him vulnerable for his brother to manipulate

    Ch 56 I want you to feel warm.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to _anasabrina_

    Also, my heart broke for her when he said he couldn't forgive right now but its understandable. The death of his mother was a consequence of the proximity of his brother, but it seems like a question of time since he recognizes his fault too

    Ch 56 I want you to feel warm.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_

    YASSS It's really good to see Soojin apologizing and making the first move for reconciliation at the same time that YunKi is afraid of ruining her, this shows he knows that he too was in the wrong and sadly was the main reason why bohoja succeed in fool his wife. They realizing their mistakes together seems like a good step for their bond, they broke each other but can both heal each other too

    Ch 56 I want you to feel warm.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to Jinfiction

    Oh thank you for the reply, I really love your work <3

    Ch 55 Sending the Dead Away.
    History · Jinfiction
  • _anasabrina_
    Replied to Nikki012

    True, she's young and was only a commoner before, but she'll need to mature fast if she wants to use this title. Ngl she proclaiming herself as a queen in the day of the latest queen death ceremony with this much arrogance had me very surprised. My point is, she can't just put "I'm the queen, I'm on another level" card without really acting like one. She can't even talk with her husband to fix the mess they both criate and how it will negatively affect the people of their reign but can start using this title to sound like a tyrane out of jelousy? She was a commoner before so she knows very well how this titles are used to enslave and bring people down. But maybe I'm overreacting since I really wasn't expecting her to act like this lol let's wait to see her next steps 😅

    Ch 55 Sending the Dead Away.
    History · Jinfiction