

2020-12-16 JoinedGlobal

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  • ludek
    Replied to CrazyNousagi

    lmao for someone who doesn't care you write quitw long paragraphs. You're delusional. Man, reading your comment made me wish I had no eyes. So he was being unreasonable. Whatever. If you hit somebody, prepare to hit back. The gangsters weren't unreasonable to you? Threatening his mother with a knife? Lmao sit down. You're acting like a grade A piece of shit.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek
    Replied to pacul

    imagine outing yourelf like that

    Ch 55 Oh 300 II
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek
    Replied to CrazyNousagi

    It's not a goddamn demon in the beginning you dumbass. 'The book is not bad per se' oh shut up, no one cares about your review about the book, when you can't string together a coherent sentence. Look, everyone has a sad backstory, who knows, maybe the gangsters mother died and he is coerced into this role, but fact is, they are thrratening innocent people (people the MC views favorable) with violence; if you want to hit someone, be prepared to be hit back. It's that easy. Everyone has their story. That doesn't absolve you fron your actions and the underlying consequences. They are, from this perspective, the bad guys, extorting and assaulting random passerbys (They hit first, and with no provication too, you may forget). And define edgy. You keep using the word. I don't think you know what it means. The point is, the MC can do whatever he wants because he is strong; how hard is it to understand? I don't care if you have a personal grudge against the MC, it's not my story Idgaf, but your review is barely coherent at best. Do you live like this in real life too?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek
    Replied to CrazyNousagi

    this comment is fucking retarded lmao what demons and stuff? why u making stuff up that don't appear in this novel? and he clearly is a lot stronger than a normal teenager... or did you not read the same ass-whopping as I did? It's not Chuuni if it's the truth: He is fucking strong. Also, what's with all that Just a few gangsters tryna make a living', you're hilarious are you listening to yourself? Who gives a shit what their reasons are? Do you justify this stuff about criminals in real life too? Unbelievable. It sounds like you are trying to shit on the MC just for the sake of it... and you are doing a poor job of it. And what do you mean when he's strong he doesn't need to care about ants beneath him? He's strong so he can do whatever he wants. Clearly he finds enjoyment in fighting, why would he choose not to have fun? Really, I can't stand stupid takes on good novels thinking they are hot shit. Your comment is full of holes. Clearly you just have something personal against the MC. Gtf outta here, with ur wackass review. The only one embarrassing here is you (and maybe me for getting riled up, but I can't help it, your comment made me activrly lose braincells).

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek
    Replied to _M4_

    lmao chill

    The teacher's anger subsided. Instead, there arose a cold contempt as she listened to Lee Dojin speak. That was the problem with kids these days, having never been part of the real world. They expect everything to fall their ways; as if they could change fate itself. And from those frequent thoughts of rebellion arose. It will only be in a few years that they think about this moment and feel the shame that kept them up at night. All she could do as a teacher was helping him pass the moment as painlessly as possible. "I understand. Well, would you like to continue the lesson if you are this capable then?" She wrote something on the blackboard. "As you know, many regard Zhuge Liang as the once-in-a-millennia genius, as he not only displayed an otherworldly mind for strategems, but also had an impeccable talent for machinery, dubbing himself as an inventor and engineer. However, there is one less remembered man of that era, Ma Jun a servant of Cao Wei, who is often overshadowed by him. What was his most famous invention?"
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek

    just wanted to explain a quick stuff for peeps that are new to the author. Those who have read RoaBD know the author always likes to add metaphors and other stuff which kinda is like solving a puzzle when u realize it. It seems like we have that here too. Kin Taewon says that a place is in the soul (hence the title 'soul place') and that one needed a to find their place oe be lost in all the bs of a big city. in the dream, there was something interesting mentioned though. As the caretaker Alitta was described as having soulless eyes. And what was the title of him? The Wanderer; As in someone without a place. You've done it again author

    Ch 27 Soul Place
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek


    Ch 7 Skills
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek

    interesting skill system!

    Ch 7 Skills
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek

    it's not new year yet jkjk

    Happy New Year
    Fallen Lightbringers' Return
    Fantasy · Hyowha
  • ludek
    Replied to Thehypehouse

    Thanks for the reiview

    The Actress: Sweet Sponsor's Seduction
    · 최경아/Mr Blue