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  • Iosif_72
    Replied to Matz_Herman

    I don't know if I understood you correctly but I am going to answer what I understood you asked me. You have told me that I could have ordered someone else to wash it but that cannot be since of the almost 30 followers they are all men, perhaps if I asked the hotel a woman could have washed it. But doing that has several things that I don't like, I needed a scene for their relationship to improve quickly and for her to get used to being a slave. (maybe if I make them wash each other better) So giving him a name + giving him a shower improves the relationship a lot. And I have a question, do you prefer that the slave become his right hand and run an intelligence organization or do you prefer that she become more like a "head maid" of Xue Sha and is *SPOILER* a descendant of some emperor? of Xing Luo from 100 years ago for example. Maybe I'll end up mixing them, if you have any idea what background to put I would love for you to tell me, I don't know why my ideas seem too cliché to me. I almost forgot, have I answered your question? because my English is quite bad and having to use a translator I don't know exactly what you're asking.

    Ch 43 Chapter 42: The Shower
    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to JRXPC

    It's a little difficult to explain, so you can understand it against Tang San or if it has to go against him since there can't be 2 "Sons of Luck" in the same world, that's obvious. Then with the Hall of Spirits it is a little more difficult, since first of all if it is against, against which party, against Bibi Dong or against The Great Priest. For now I'm thinking about going to kill against Bibi Dong and maybe help Qian Renxue, or at least have him as an ally. I also tell you, I have in mind that he becomes a prime minister with all the power of the kingdom where he is or something similar, I'll see. In the end you can say that it will kill both sides.

    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to Indian_Dark_Lord

    I'm sorry, it's just that at the beginning the novel was going to have another plot so it stayed that way, but don't worry, just pass that at the beginning.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: Mist and Destiny
    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to Indian_Dark_Lord

    Thank you very much for your comment, the \ error has now been fixed. That happens when I copy the text from one side and paste it here, sometimes those things come out. I would love to let me know if you find any errors.

    Ch 3 Chapter 3: The Awakening of the Martial Spirits: Part 1
    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to Flowwer_

    Sorry for what I'm going to say but, you don't have reading comprehension or what! If you read when the Pope gives Su Yuntao a ring, one with a bow martial spirit shoots 2 arrows, one arrow was for those in the forest to bring him the beast that Su Yuntao needed, the other is the one that arrived at the house of the village chief. The ability of a ring (right now I don't remember what ring it was) of that person is that it can "send an arrow through space." I guess now you understand, I guess when you saw five chapters of Su Yuntao you skipped them so this is what happens. Thank you for your comment, I hope you like my novel.

    Ch 11 Chapter 11: The Arrow's Alert
    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to HekAnwdn_

    I don't know why you say that because I never said that Su Yuntao is the protagonist. If you had read Douluo Dalu you would know who he is. If you continue reading you will understand a little better why that is. Maybe you have been confused because I have written 5 chapters of a secondary character. But maybe I have included too much of a secondary character but there are several things that I needed to include and I can't put them in a normal chapter, so that's how those chapters were born, for example where x city is and how long it takes to get from x to y. The AI ​​thing, I don't use it to create the chapter, I use it as if it were an editor, that is, I give it a draft and the AI ​​improves it and tells me you have x errors, change it or this thing doesn't match the other one. So there is no error, what there may be error is that when translating it into English things change and some things that sound good in Spanish in English look bad.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Su Yuntao's Urgent Mission: Part 5
    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72

    My apologies if you find any errors in this chapter, as I experienced insomnia last night and woke up very late. I only had about 40 minutes to write it, whereas I typically have 3 to 4 hours. Additionally, for those who dislike what might be considered "filler" chapters, I would like to inform you that in the next chapter, if possible, I will include a fight scene.

    Ch 24 Chapter 24: Zoology Class
    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72

    Mis disculpas si encuentran errores en este capítulo, ya que anoche experimenté insomnio y me desperté muy tarde. Solo pude dedicar unos 40 minutos a escribirlo, cuando normalmente dispongo de 3 a 4 horas. Además, para aquellos a quienes no les gustan los capítulos que podrían considerarse "de relleno", les adelanto que en el próximo capítulo, si es posible, incluiré una escena de pelea.

    Ch 24 Capítulo 24: Clase de Zoología
    Dominio de Douluo: La Maestría del Corazón Oscuro (Español)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to Matz_Herman

    If you remember a few chapters ago, the grandfather told him to approach the prince, and the surname of all the kings and emperor of the Tiandou Empire is Xue Therefore, although it seems annoying to say so, they have to become friends no matter what. On Xue Feng's part, what happens is that they have also told him to approach Xue Sha, but I understand that it seems that there has been a cut, but I didn't want to make a chapter about how they order the prince to approach the MC but Maybe I should have mentioned it so it doesn't seem so rushed.

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: From the Classroom to the Restaurant
    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to Matz_Herman

    what do you mean with that? Are you talking about them coming too close too soon?

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: From the Classroom to the Restaurant
    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72

    Lamento informarles que hoy, 7 de junio, no podré publicar un nuevo capítulo,nos vemos mañana

    Dominio de Douluo: La Maestría del Corazón Oscuro (Español)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72

    I regret to inform you that today, June 7th, I will not be able to publish a new chapter. See you tomorrow.

    Dominion of Douluo: The Dark Heart's Mastery (English)
    Anime & Comics · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72

    I am not going to upload chapters on Wednesday the 8th or Friday the 10th.

    Reborn in History: The Legacy of Alfonso VII (English)
    History · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72

    I'm sorry but this week there will be no chapters today or Friday, thank you for your understanding.

    Reborn in History: The Legacy of Alfonso VII (English)
    History · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to CassianAshborn

    You may have skipped it or I forgot to put it in, it is assumed that in chapter 10 of Raimundo's letter at the end of the chapter it says that the twins are going to be servants of Alfonso and Sancha

    Ch 21 Chapter 21: The Initial Learning: Part 1
    Reborn in History: The Legacy of Alfonso VII (English)
    History · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to CassianAshborn

    The rank of Count is not what you imagine, he should be called viscount but what I am going to do is I am going to divide the nobles into 2, which are those who have land and those who do not, by those who do not have land I mean that It is not his but they are more something similar to a mayor for x years and the owner in this case Raimundo can take away the lands that he manages whenever he wants but the others who have land are the vassals with whom he has pacts... The ranges will be: With land:-knight,-baron,-count. Landless:-knight,-baron,-viscount. I'm going to give you a spoiler: someone's children do not have to be theirs, they may be someone else's illegitimate children. About the maids' clothes, if you refer to chapter 21 it says: The twins, having woken up with the crowing of the roosters, had already showered and dressed in their new maids' clothes. This is referring to the clothes they are given to wear in the castle, when they arrived they dressed "well", maybe I missed explaining that they were given maids' clothes? And the fact that they are 3 years old, think of them as a child of 5-6 years old now or even older, and the fact that they speak formally is because they have been learning etiquette for at least 6 months. Do you have more questions?

    Ch 21 Chapter 21: The Initial Learning: Part 1
    Reborn in History: The Legacy of Alfonso VII (English)
    History · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to CassianAshborn

    Hi, thanks for the comment. Since you put it in Portuguese I had to use the translator, but when I translated it I still don't understand what you mean. 1-When did I say that when a nobleman becomes a servant of another nobleman he stops being noble? 2-I don't understand the next part of your comment. 3-Could you tell me what inconsistencies there are in the text? Thank you.

    Ch 21 Chapter 21: The Initial Learning: Part 1
    Reborn in History: The Legacy of Alfonso VII (English)
    History · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72

    Thank you for supporting, from now on I will only upload chapters Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:30 p.m. Spanish time

    Reborn in History: The Legacy of Alfonso VII (English)
    History · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to Bob_Uchiha_XD

    mi nombre es iosif con i , he elegido ese siglo porque lo que quiero es hacer una monarquía autoritaria, básicamente que el rey tenga el máximo poder posible , si elijo edades más avanzadas ya empiezan a aparecer cosas que limitan el poder del rey , también otra razón es que se pueda convertir en emperador ya que si quieres hacerlo en las edades que me has dicho es casi imposible solo al final del libro se podría porque para ser emperador necesitas coger la corona de Alemania o como también se puede entender la de Roma occidental , en la edad que he elegido es muy fácil porque ya de por sí al rey de leon se le llama emperador de todos los reinos cristianos españoles y fue Alfonso VII quien hizo que toda la península ibérica y partes del sur de Francia aceptasen el título y los convirtió en sus vasallos pero después de que murió dividió el reino y ya no hubo más emperadores de España desde entonces, aunque el imperio español se llamaba así como el título de emperador era de la Roma oriental no sirve porque son el imperio ruso quien tiene su línea de sangre.

    Renaciendo en la Historia: El Legado de Alfonso VII (Español)
    History · Iosif_72
  • Iosif_72
    Replied to Dawniel_Aurelio

    I'm sorry, it seems that I made a mistake, with ammunition I was referring to arrows, stones, etc., everything you need to shoot, thank you for pointing out the error.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Reborn in History: The Legacy of Alfonso VII (English)
    History · Iosif_72