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  • Drurlulu
    Replied to angra_mainyu

    You can't just post the two goofy people that sacrifices themselves lol

    Ch 27 Chapter 26
    True Magician (FatexDxD)
    Anime & Comics · Tiir_Rumibul_3715
  • Drurlulu

    ask that to one of the student of class b

    As Miquella and Malenia continued walking towards ground 8, they found themselves surrounded by more students, each dressed in their unique hero costumes. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as everyone chatted and admired each other's outfits. "Wow! Is that a sword? And I love your mask Miquella, it's really manly," exclaimed Kirishima. "But isn't it a bit dangerous for a hero to have?" asked Iida. Malenia glanced at Iida and simply replied, "It's blunt." "Ah, I see, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions," said Iida.
    In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)
    Anime & Comics · thereddeath
  • Drurlulu


    While walking, he encountered Malenia, who was dressed similarly to her character in the game but without any golden prosthetics. Her outfit featured more red, with her brown dress replaced by a deep blood-red one. Additionally, she was wielding a large golden blade. The reason for her outfit looking so similar was due to how she asked Miquella to design it, as she had no artistic bone in her body, and Miquella felt, 'Why fix something that isn't broken?'
    In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)
    Anime & Comics · thereddeath
  • Drurlulu

    St. Trina, All my other pics of her are too big for webnovel lol

    The outfit featured a deep purple half-mask, drawing inspiration from the sculptures and descriptions of St. Trina in Elden Ring. The mask had an eye-like design in the middle. Miquella also donned dark purple pants, gloves, and leather boots, along with a white shirt and a cloak. The cloak had a white exterior and a purple interior, adorned with gold accents. It was crafted from a durable yet flexible material, providing stab-proof and fire-resistant properties.
    In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)
    Anime & Comics · thereddeath
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to Konic

    Oh i know about the 2nd magic, that's why i immediately thought about it in this scene

    When I 'pressed' the button, the world seemed to warp and bend in infinite colors. Before I could realize what was happening, my body instinctively closed my eyes. This was not something I should see, that I could see without going crazy, I knew that, it was instinct. Looking at those colors was death.
    Streamer in the Omniverse
    Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to Bing_Hong_Woo

    That's how i learned most of my knowledge lol, although i do need to check if it's true

    He was fascinated and always got goosebumps whenever he saw them release their treasure. Because of that, he tried to learn about the series that had a connection to the so-called Nasuverse, but eventually gave up. He felt that everything about the series was too complicated, especially their magic system and the so-called Root, Alaya, and Gaia. So, in the end, he only chose to play FGO for the sake of the story and some of the waifus in it.
    Fate/Marvel: Chaldea Descent
    Anime & Comics · HoshinoAIsimp
  • Drurlulu

    ... If not because i don't have a stable internet connection i could have speedrun the singularities, i'm still stuck at Rome (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠), I didn't managed to get the anniversary rewards because of the shtty connection! (⁠T⁠T⁠)

    "What is even worse was that yesterday, I couldn't even finish the Babylonia Singularity. Because I was a free-to-play player, my servants, consisting of a few 5-stars and the average 4- and 3-star characters, always got wiped out.
    Fate/Marvel: Chaldea Descent
    Anime & Comics · HoshinoAIsimp
  • Drurlulu

    Most of the council agrees that: That's a skill issue

    "What is even worse was that yesterday, I couldn't even finish the Babylonia Singularity. Because I was a free-to-play player, my servants, consisting of a few 5-stars and the average 4- and 3-star characters, always got wiped out.
    Fate/Marvel: Chaldea Descent
    Anime & Comics · HoshinoAIsimp
  • Drurlulu

    sheesh, my boi's a poet

    The weight of familial expectations pressed upon him, their incessant demands echoing in his mind. "They know I'm already quite busy with college and my part-time job," he muttered to himself, frustration evident in his tone. "But their words... they're like a goddamn venom, seeping into my soul." The memory of his family's scrutinizing gazes at yesterday's gathering loomed large in his thoughts.
    Fate/Marvel: Chaldea Descent
    Anime & Comics · HoshinoAIsimp
  • Drurlulu

    ...god i fking hate this type of MCs.

    "It seems I have some free time tonight," he finally replies, a playful grin spreading across his face.
    Marvel: Psychiatrist
    Anime & Comics · ANelite
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to DaoistTranslator

    nah, not even 2 years can he be called number 1 maybe in 5 years when he's recognized by anyone that is pursuing that field, or related to it

    Leveraging this extraordinary power, Lorien pursued a career in psychology, which perfectly suited his desire to adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule without the need for overtime. Over time, he earned the reputation of being the top psychologist in the United States. In his professional journey, he befriended numerous notable figures, including Stephen Strange, who is on his path to becoming the Sorcerer Supreme. Even Bruce Banner, the Hulk, sought his counsel at one point.
    Marvel: Psychiatrist
    Anime & Comics · ANelite
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to RandomNPC112

    The powerscale is sht tho lol, and Issei is the owner of one of the Longinus, the one with the power to multiply his power, although Romani still stomps most if not all the characters in dxd with having True Magic and Solomon's memories, which include his experties in Magecraft

    True Magician (FatexDxD)
    Anime & Comics · Tiir_Rumibul_3715
  • Drurlulu

    Pretty Good, some of the readers are too concerned with him being nerfed for the plot and him not being able to do any big changes, which is a valid concern, but for me as long as it interesting and the character is not an arrogant prick that thinks they're a god and can do all the sht they want, which is an instant plus. I would like to raise an important point though, the MC IS changing the plot, just not destroying it outright, but steering it in a better direction, and most likely, he'll deal with most of the biggest threat to make sure that the plot go smoothly, because even at the start he doesn't even give a sht about the plot, he's just doing whathe wants until Alaya shows up, then he plans for some things and go back to doing what he wants, like I get how most of the readers here are seemed used to more ambitious MCs, if the many popular novels and top fanfic here seems to be. I recommend Game of Monsters, a DxD fanfic with a character that is more average, more human, but like all the readers want here, that one have changed the plot of DxD, be warned tho, it's a slow paced one and many chapters are of slice of life, so if it's not for you then don't read it. The Fanfic is in Fanfiction net which where i also found this fanfic (True Magician) first

    True Magician (FatexDxD)
    Anime & Comics · Tiir_Rumibul_3715
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to Hot_mature_5km

    No, he's not issei's bootlicker and have already been in contact with the higher ups of the three factions, is training issei, and he can do whatever he wants as long as the major plotpoints of DxD is not destroyed, like him klling the old satan factions to deal with a major threat, but he can do whatever he wants.

    True Magician (FatexDxD)
    Anime & Comics · Tiir_Rumibul_3715
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to Torithethird

    because they don't care about the people's opinion, which is quite confusing considering like this one here, they want to have connections, but their first impression is a negative one lol

    Just as Ronald watched Xie Roulin make her entry to the banquet halls, he couldn't help but notice a handsome figure wearing a colorful shirt, white shorts, and sandles walk pass him and towards Luna.
    Transmigrated As A Villain, The Heroines Are Also Reborn?
    Urban · Dudedude5000
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to Siege_Jay

    or corrupted, like how Amy Dallon "died" and became Red Queen

    "It said that Superman would die before the end of the year."
    Rapturous Rhapsody
    Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to Infinite_Shadow_57

    this Miquella did have motivation, just not as ambitious as the Miquella that dropped St. Trina, he just wants to be a hero, i don't know if the author will have other plans to make the mc have a change of plans though, but if there's no big changes, the mc most likely will stay in wanting to be a hero. Personally, I would like if the mc did have more plans than just being a hero, especially on how shtty the world of MHA is.

    Miquella was happy to find out that his quirk came unnaturally fast to him. While right now his light attacks weren't the most dangerous in the world, only able to slightly damage targets, he knew he would get there someday. Another thing he was able to test was Torrent, who due to being from his quirk, changed quite a bit in appearance. The stead's almost matted look from the game was replaced with silky white hair and he had a rather simple yet elegant saddle, and the most dramatic change was Torrent's horns, which now had what looked to be gold engraved into them. Ability-wise, Torrent was much the same, being able to double jump and go at insane speeds, reaching up to 65 MPH. Both quirks seemed to rely on stamina, with light attacks using more and Torrent practically using what felt like zero. 
    In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)
    Anime & Comics · thereddeath
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to Infinite_Shadow_57

    I mean, what's the point of potential if they don't the right motivation and brains for it? i haven't played elden ring but as you said, Miquella did have a way to become a god, but that is that Miquella, the one who is in a cruel world and is motivated to ascend due to it, and this miquella is just a teenager that suddenly died and got powers, at the very least he's not led by his hormones from the he just described Marika's appearance normally and without any shtty remarks that shows lust.

    Miquella was happy to find out that his quirk came unnaturally fast to him. While right now his light attacks weren't the most dangerous in the world, only able to slightly damage targets, he knew he would get there someday. Another thing he was able to test was Torrent, who due to being from his quirk, changed quite a bit in appearance. The stead's almost matted look from the game was replaced with silky white hair and he had a rather simple yet elegant saddle, and the most dramatic change was Torrent's horns, which now had what looked to be gold engraved into them. Ability-wise, Torrent was much the same, being able to double jump and go at insane speeds, reaching up to 65 MPH. Both quirks seemed to rely on stamina, with light attacks using more and Torrent practically using what felt like zero. 
    In mha as Miquella the kind (MHA/Elden Ring)
    Anime & Comics · thereddeath
  • Drurlulu
    Replied to _TheGoodHunter_

    that is one in a million lol, an anomaly, and even if they don't have trauma before they decided to become a hero, they will have one. Trauma is in the job description.

    "Damn it," Adam muttered under his breath, 'Other guys get transported to some fantasy world, find a glowing sword in a cave, and bam – instant hero. Me? I get the Batsuit, a city full of maniacs.'
    DC: I am Batman
    Anime & Comics · LIl_wretch
  • Drurlulu

    oh, one of the best novel i've read in this forsaken app finally updated! Praise Miquella!

    A Chance To Become More
    Transmigrated As A Villain, The Heroines Are Also Reborn?
    Urban · Dudedude5000