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  • Carrots123
    Replied to Lektival

    Yeah, Marauder is Esau's mercenary code name, Maelstrom is his hero codename while Black Hood was his Anti-Hero/Vigilante codename.

    "Maelstrom, I," Batgirl spoke up. "I think we should take him up on his offer. He has information on not only the inner workings of the factory but also gives us a way to get inside without being seen. It's worth the risk."
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Arthur_Freed

    People who have also been suffering under Black Mask finally seeing someone stand up and wanting to do what they can to help.

    It's a good job that he had already reached out to a few people to keep an eye and ear out for anything remotely related to Black Mask. Already he had a few men and women reporting mysterious activity in one of the abandoned warehouses just on Gotham's outskirts in the territories of the Cosa Nostra. Far out of the way, giving him plenty of time to sneak in and kill Black Mask before Batman or someone else arrived to interfere.
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to _Spectator_

    Yeah, this is a rewrite of that one, wasn't happy with how I handled things following the Deathstroke arc and it's cos I was focused on how to include elements from Naruto. I intend to fix that mistake in this one.

    Ch 5 Disagreement
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to DaoistuQngeZ

    I will be don't worry.

    Ch 5 Disagreement
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Azmuth

    Exactly what is happening and I'm glad you noticed.

    "I think that underneath all their strength and skill, they're actually cowards." He answered and it took everything Barbara had to not let the hurt and sadness show on her face, especially considering Esau's situation is one of the main reasons she goes out to fight crime. To have that person say that she is a coward is more hurtful than any injury she has suffered before.
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Drogo_Nyoga

    His powers will awaken in a variety of ways and all powers are locked behind walls of the mental kind. Heroes will purposefully limit their powers in order to not damage the world around them, only truly using their powers when they are pushed beyond their limits. Villains in moments of desperation will also find new ways to surpass their limits when they feel their dreams slipping away from them.

    'Sometimes, the world doesn't need another hero.' He thought back to something the elderly man, Wilfred who used to live next door to him before passing away. He was kind and had practically helped Esau live and had also taught him various martial arts. 'What it needs, is a monster.' He smiled ruefully, becoming a monster to keep the criminals in line isn't exactly something he had planned to be doing, but if no one else was going to do it, then he would, for Barbara.
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Drogo_Nyoga

    The thing is, a weak-to-strong story doesn't need to have a system or ability. That's very generic and stereotypical but not true in the slightest. Yes, DC is a verse filled with monstrously powerful beings, yet you don't need a system or ability to survive in it or grow stronger.

    Ch 4 Recovery
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to plzclickmyprofile

    That is precisely it, as Black Masks' property so to speak, Esau has been semi-sheltered from the other dangers in Gotham so his main fear is Black Mask.

    "Black Mask," Esau whispered, fear evident in his voice as he took a step back. Esau feared very few things, but Black Mask was one such thing. Ever since his father died when he was seven, leaving just him and his mother, Black Mask would constantly come around. The things he said, the things he did, forced Esau to watch and later what Esau had learned from people around him about who Black Mask was, had left a deep-rooted fear in Esau as a child. It was something that Esau thought had lessened over time, that by becoming stronger and better thanks to the UFR, just this moment had made it clear to him that Black Mask would always be someone he was scared of.
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Arthur_Freed

    Cos in one of my other fics I had two characters called Esau and Jacob and I liked the names so I went with it.

    Her eyes did stall slightly as they looked at the few pictures on the walls, they were wonky and looked to be on the verge of falling off, the wall itself damp in some areas and rotting in others. Most were of her and her childhood friend, Esau and even a few of her uncle and foster father, James as they grew up however, there were two that caught her attention the most.
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to EroFan

    I'm gonna be starting to update again soon, but I will only be keeping the harem to 3 possibly 4 people at most.

    As strong as a thousand men and the most powerful of heroes. He who stood at the pinnacle of heroism, worshipped as a God by many, one whose symbol was known and revered by all and feared by those who were in the shadows. Yet also one who held the respect and admiration of the innocent, one who came to their aid with strength and speed that reflected his divinity. A hero who put people at ease with a smile on his face and the gentleness with which he treated them.
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Ab_Maxz

    It's because his actual age wasn't known by a lot of the Justice League until after he joined and for most of them, that being much later on.

    Ch -1 Justice League - Team Roster
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Monster22

    He doesn't know

    Ch 142 New Dreams
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Ghostbuster_Boy

    He died in the battle against Tywin during the final charge.

    Luckily for him, Rodrick, the new Lord Forrester had been around Robb to know precisely where this conversation was going also. "And you wanted to know what rewards you would receive?" He cut in, Robb thankful for that, his mood had begun to worsen and he didn't want Arya to see that. "Do you believe the King so incompetent as to not reward you properly for your actions throughout the war?"
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Rogan_Albus

    Not cities but keeps, there are a lot of keeps in Westeros every nobleman has one including lands upon them.

    Ch 55 Beginning of the End
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to That_was_fast

    There are two distinct types of Wildling tribes, the cannibalistic ones and the not. It's similar to the Northern Mountain Tribes and the Tribes of Skagos Island in the North. Skagosi tribesmen are cannibals while the Northern Mountain tribesmen are not. But they're both tribesmen. However, again, the Wildlings at this point in time are being viewed as purely a resource to be used.

    The Wildings were the answer to that problem.
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to That_was_fast

    Oh no, I'm not going down that route this isn't that kind of a fic. No, the North are purely looking at the Wildlings as a resource that can be used in their favour.

    "I want a raven sent to the King." The Maester of Deepwood Motte bowed. "Inform him of the situation here and ask him if he would be willing to offer land to the Wildlings and a place to live in return for their aid in retaking the North."
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to Subject876

    Catelyn's fingers

    Ch 50 No Longer Holding Back
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to aceZ0

    The X-Men are the main centre point yes, but there will be many crossovers with other hero teams.

    Especially with the Baxter Building now apparently being in Chicago.
    Cyclops: Fear No Gods (Marvel)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to whyudothat_

    That very picture is the inspiration for it.

    That was when she heard the snapping of branches and looked to see Grey Wind appear from her side. Smiling, Margaery extended one hand and the Direwolf moved forwards, sniffing it before pushing his head against her palm.
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123
  • Carrots123
    Replied to That_was_fast

    She won't, by the end of the War of Five Kings Brienne won't even be apart of the Kingsguard though that's not because she's dead.

    "I know, but I ask that you stay here and protect my son. I am marching North to Winterfell. Every day the Ironborn are being beaten back, I will be safe there. My son is not, the Tyrell's have their own ambitions and my son, many enemies. It would make me feel much more secure if you were to remain here and join my son's personal guard. Protect and serve him as you would me, please."
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123