


I read stuff

2020-10-19 JoinedMalaysia

of reading


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  • MuserUser_00
    Replied to Jack_Ryan_3598

    jc la la ekrhekng fypkztkkt

    This book has been deleted.
  • MuserUser_00

    You're right! It just could as easily had been Agnes or Rosetta as the main character instead of Maxi. They're complete and interesting characters as well, not just a supporting cast. The author clearly put a lot of thought into each and every character she created

    Ch 191 Chapter 191
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00

    Bruh, if you're just slamming your hands against the keyboard, why bother including any lines of dialogue? Just describe things instead.

    This book has been deleted.
  • MuserUser_00

    Uhm...the first time he saw Airen he thought he was much older though?

    This book has been deleted.
  • MuserUser_00

    I was offended by the ugly comment, too! So I'm next in line for the kitty shoulder massage.

    This book has been deleted.
  • MuserUser_00

    Forgive me, my chemistry is woefully underutilized but -- metal gives water?

    This book has been deleted.
  • MuserUser_00

    Great job, Riftan. Despite Maxi repeatedly saying she hates herself, attack her self-esteem some more, by all means. I've been through this. Being with someone who is emotionally stunted, who keeps everything inside and doesn't communicate what they're feeling or going through, only to lash out at the most convenient bystander when they can't keep their emotions in check anymore. It hurts to be that person in the splash zone of their emotions, and it hurts them because nothing gets resolved properly while they keep repeating that cycle of mounting tension then explosive release. They hurt and they can't fix it, so they try to make you hurt, too. I understand why Riftan is like this and I feel for him but right now, my heart goes out to Maxi most.

    Ch 193 Chapter 193
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00
    Replied to The_wildside

    Came here to say this exact thing. Do not use your feelings to hold your partner hostage, that really isn't fair at all.

    He grabbed her forearm and, putting heavy emphasis on each word, said, "Will you still leave me then?"
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00
    Replied to cambiata

    I agree with this sentiment more. Previously, any time Maxi tries to discuss something with Riftan, he vetos her decision or pressures her into agreeing with his side. That's why Maxi always ends up going behind his back when doing anything (although disguising herself as a cleric to follow him all the way to Eth Lene Castle is a bit much if you ask me). On the other hand, Riftan did not discuss any of his plans with Maxi either. Both these people need to learn how to be less stubborn and communicate better. But that's the theme of this story, isn't it? We don't get a story without conflict and the true mark of good writing is that all the conflict so far is believable and I can empathize with both MCs. We'll get a glimpse into Riftan's psyche in the portion from his POV and glean some understanding of why he is the way he is.

    Riftan had no qualms about destroying himself over anything concerning Maxi, while she was possessed by the perpetual temptation to cling to him and hide from the outside world. Left to continue, he would suffocate her, and she would drag his future through the mud. They would destroy each other in the name of love.
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00

    I like how this novel doesn't pretend that Riftan's obsessive and possessive behavior is healthy or romantic. Yes, Maxi did follow Riftan to battle because she couldn't bear being away from him but that was more to do with the fact that she was worried about him dying in battle. Riftan, on the other hand, just does not want to be separated from Maxi. Or at the very least, he just wants her to be in Anatol if he needs to be away from her. How is that fair, Riftan? Also, I like how Agnes is low key sarcastic about being born a woman when Riftan threatened to duel her. Oh, she just had to fight for every bit of freedom she's had all her life, no big deal, but being able to avoid getting challenged to a duel? How lucky!

    Ch 191 Chapter 191
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00

    In all honesty, Riftan is a constraining presence for Maxi. Yes, it is all from a desire to protect and provide for her, but he's also imposing his own ideals of what women should be unto Maxi. He wants Maxi to be as pampered and protected as a princess but that's not what Maxi wants, isn't it? The only thing separating Riftan's behavior from that of a kidnapper is Maxi's reciprocation of his love. As much as I would also like to have a Riftan for myself, I'd have to admit that if at any point my wants diverged from his, I would feel suffocated as well.

    Ch 190 Chapter 190
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00
    Replied to Shawna_Lee_0312

    Wait, how many privileges are needed? That's crazy. There's supporting the creator and then there's greedy cashgrabbing. If that's true, Webnovel seems to be on the latter.

    Ch 184 Chapter 184
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00

    Maxi finally realizes how her self-hatred can hurt those who love her. I think Rosetta's harsh words helped her far more than kind words of encouragement could have. You see, if people say kind things, those with distorted self-esteem will automatically think that they are just trying to be kind. It's messed up, I know. But Maxi is messed up. So is Riftan. Goodness, these are such well written characters.

    Ch 179 Chapter 179
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00

    Maxi can't truly trust that Riftan loves her because she's been conditioned to think of herself as insignificant and useless. Even after hearing that the Remdragon Knights would willingly go to war for her, all she can feel is guilt and unworthiness. Rosetta's words were harsh but they're nowhere near the ugly thoughts Maxi directs at herself. The one who is cruelest to Maxi is Maxi herself. The difference between Maxi and Rosetta is that Maxi believes her abuse was due to something inherently wrong with herself. Meanwhile, Rosetta has simply lost faith in the concept of love in general. I hope Rosetta will learn to love after seeing Maxi successfully overcome her trauma. That would be the shocking truth that Maxi will slap Rosetta in the face with, in return. It'll take a while but I'm sure we'll get there.

    Ch 178 Chapter 178
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00

    I can only guess that the reason for Riftan's silence is that his mind is completely occupied with thoughts of the murder and destruction of Croyso.

    Ch 172 Chapter 172
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00

    No, we're not fighting Rosetta. It's most likely that she has suffered under that monster Croyso just as much as Maxi had, only in a different way. I really can't blame her for having no faith in men when her own father is pimping her out to the highest bidder just so she can produce more men (and potentially die in the process). Girl's got a cold empty heart because anything that ever grew in it had been ripped out and burnt. I wonder if she even knows what kindness is when all she's ever seen is either outright cruelty or artifice.

    Ch 170 Chapter 170
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00
    Replied to DaoistjG063b

    Agreed. To me, it felt like Rosetta saw hope in Maxi's escape from Croyso and that hope dashed when Maxi ended up back in their abusive father's clutches. She challenges Maxi's relationship with Riftan seems more in hopes that they'll debunk her cynical notions of love. It's also obvious that she cares for Maxi but her own stunted emotional growth prevents her from adequately showing it, likely fearing that any affection will come back to hurt her. She's so so broken but I feel like the author has left some good in there and hopefully the two sisters might eventually have a chance at a healthy bond.

    Ch 170 Chapter 170
    Under the Oak Tree
    Fantasy · Suji Kim
  • MuserUser_00
    Replied to Shooshella

    i think the actual literation should be something like Ba-wul. But Paul is funnier so Im glad they didn't stick to the "proper" translation in this case.

    [Intermediate dokkaebi 'Paul.' You shall be arrested for violating the Star Stream regulations.]
    Omniscient Reader
    Urban · 싱숑
  • MuserUser_00
    Replied to Awakenmylove

    What's the point of censoring that? Is he part of the "end" that we're not supposed to know yet? Weird.

    Ch 121 Episode 24 - Things that Can Be Changed (1)
    Omniscient Reader
    Urban · 싱숑
  • MuserUser_00

    Damn, my heart breaks slightly every time the small planet's constellation gives 10 coins, hoping it would help. The author really knows how to tug on my heart strings!

    Ch 121 Episode 24 - Things that Can Be Changed (1)
    Omniscient Reader
    Urban · 싱숑