

2020-10-14 JoinedGlobal

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  • Daoist2aSIaX

    I'm so excited

    Ch 2 Becoming A Pirate
    One Piece: Transmigrated
    Action · DatEmperorTatsu
  • Daoist2aSIaX

    When will you complete the novel, will it be long ago 😑

    Ch 2 Becoming A Pirate
    One Piece: Transmigrated
    Action · DatEmperorTatsu
  • Daoist2aSIaX
    Replied to Daoist2aSIaX

    Well, I know, this is what I thought in the beginning as well, but the details are very many, although I read a few chapters, but it gave me a terrible headache, and I also understand that it is your right, since it is your own book, but to make it a son of the god that you invented and I expect that they met a lot during the story so I hope you reduce the many details. I was very excited about the novel, but I had a big wave of disappointments Sorry for saying so much 😘

    "Yes, that's like my son. It's been so long since someone called me that. Damn it, I miss Jesus. Why the hell did I send him to act as a messiah to that new civilization." he muttered.
    Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]
    Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
  • Daoist2aSIaX

    Well the writing, the idea, and everything is wonderful, but I never liked their detail in religion. I came to enjoy the story. Just why do I have to see and read something that I do not believe. Whoever wants to bear the curse in the novel reads it, read it for Chapter Three, and this was very annoying and a crack like a curse. Although I liked the novel and wanted to read, I don’t have to put up with this nonsense 😊🌺

    Ch 3 3. Purifying the first world
    Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]
    Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
  • Daoist2aSIaX

    Well, I try not to interfere with the issue of religions because I am not a sheikh or a mufti, but I think that the novel contains many religions and I think that you separated the religions too much, and this is annoying for those of other religions

    "Yes, that's like my son. It's been so long since someone called me that. Damn it, I miss Jesus. Why the hell did I send him to act as a messiah to that new civilization." he muttered.
    Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]
    Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
  • Daoist2aSIaX
    Alexander thought that he'd finally be able to see the afterlife, that is if it existed. But when he opened his eyes he found himself on a cloud-like floor. Everything around him was white. Except for the huge golden throne in front of him and the giant white-bearded man sitting on it.
    Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]
    Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    On his way, while his car was crossing an intersection. A semi-truck jumped the red light and hit his car at a very high speed. The car rolled many times and finally stopped in an upside-down position. The car was bulletproof and had a strong body so he didn't receive many injuries.
    Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]
    Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    What is probably the most notable thing that happened up to the date. Is a change in Felix's appearance. How many would guess this change came when we assimilitated our souls. He's now a few inches taller than me. And if I had to compare our appearances, then we are polar opposites. While my hair is long ebony black with one silver strand in them, his is short platinum blond with one grey strand in them. Our eye colour is also different. His are grey and my are blue. All in all he's mini father and I'm mini mother.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    My wandless magic was getting better and better every day. Even my core grew exponentially. But the biggest growing happened on my eleventh birthday. When I woke up and started to meditate I was stunned when I saw the size of my core. It went from a baseball ball size to football ball size overnight. Wandless magic after that became about fifty percent easier.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    But there were some dark moments as well, such as balls and other social events and gatherings. I hate them sooo much. Those pompous bastards think that they are better than anyone. That nobody is allowed without they permission to even breath. Gah! I don't even know how many of those ass kissers tried to gain connections to my parents through me. They were spouting such bullshit that it's not even funny! And, unfortunately, as a 'heir' Malfoy I had to smile politely and listen. Thankfully my mental connection with Felix allowed me to tune them out and in the right moment leave and spend the rest of the ball on toilet. I've gotten a bit earful from mom for that but it was worth it.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    Three years went by, and I can say that I enjoyed them fairly well. If I wasn't studying, practicing wandless magic or flying, I was spending my time with mom or Draco, I was still on neutral ground with Lucius and nothing in our relationship changed. I am also now capable of communication with Felix through newly created mental link.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    Hermione, the assuming one, Granger. Assuming one? Not know it all? Yes, it's assuming one. And for a reason too! See a house elf for a first time, what was assumed? It must be slavery! Can book give false information? Of course they can't! And I,I somehow can't think of anything else what should be my problem with her. Except when she thinks everything that comes out of her head must be right. Yeah that's the last problem I have with her.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX

    كفوا عليك

    Ronald, the jealous one, Weasley! I already know how I will interact with him. I will simply avoid him. I have nothing, except maybe some unknown disease, to gain from him. My thoughts on him are 'what is he trying to accomplish by becoming friends with Harry?', the only things Harry learned from him about the wizarding world is in summary : Gryffindor is the best house ever, in Slytherin everybody is evil, what is chocolate frog, what is quidditch and that's all. He is constantly doing choices for Harry ( read The Philosophers Stone), isn't loyal to Harry ( read The Goblet of Fire) and then thinks he can abandon him and return whenever he wants ( read The Deathly Hallows)! His work ethic is none existent as are his table manners. I would gladly make him look more like an idiot but then we would be here all day so let's move on.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    So this all indicates that it's time to think about my future. What I want to do with my future and other things. I should probably start with things that I won't do no matter what. First on the list is politics. I don't have the patience to deal with this shit. Based on this thought came forth another idea, unfortunately the consequences will not be pretty, I will have to make Lucius somehow give Draco the Malfoy heirship. Thanks to our current relationship it shouldn't be a problem. It will give him ego boost like hell but sacrifices has to be made.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    Lucius wasn't sure what exactly happened. He was about to cast the killing curse on the filthy muggle to end his worthless life. And what happened next completely baffled him. His wand giggled. Next he sees a meaty punch coming towards his face and then he can taste blood. After he apparated home he finnaly notice that he had all this time his first born's toy wand. He wasn't sure why he had it. But he was sure it was fault of the little gremlin. When he tried to blame him Narcissa looked at him like he was an idiot and that little shit had the decency to smirk at him! At least Draco is turning out to be the perfect Malfoy.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    I am currently introducing new words to my mom, they are read, there, go, food and poop, they work very well my favorite became the word read. My schedule now consist of wake up, eat, read with mom, eat, play with the awesome lion, nap, eat and sleep again.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    The toys were there. And they are awesome. When you have an enchanted lion than moves, roars and behave like a normal lion you quickly forget there might be something more interesting inside the box. I wonder if I can ask mom to get rid of Lucius and replace him with a toy lion. Turns out we can't.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    What did catch my eye is a big box in the corner, if my guess is right there will be toys inside. Well, it doesn't matter what is there, but it requires my immediate attention that I am sure of.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    From what I observed so far on my left the room is equipped with dark oak writing desk, on my right is a bookshelf again made of dark oak with what probably are children's books and in front of me is a wardrobe, surprise, surprise again made from dark oak. If you combine this with the emerald green tapestry that sometimes has a silver streak in them, it's like they are trying to indicate something, meh, it's pretty nice room, but this is totally not my style. Once I'm four there will be big remodeling.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak
  • Daoist2aSIaX


    Thankfully, after my insistence and at last one hundred words 'away!' later, I am now being introduced to my new room. The room is quite big, but that can be my inner toddler speaking, that king sized bed is certainly not for a toddler to inhabit, but I'm not complaining.
    Uninterested as a Malfoy in Harry Potter
    Fantasy · Krsak