


An amateur author with a wild imagination to showcase to the world. Hope you like my work.

2020-10-13 JoinedGlobal



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  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    Its time 😈

    The dust rose as the demons cheered seeing Lu Se step forward and bow to their King. Instead, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply a kiss Xiang Yu considered a farewell kiss because he was going to kill her. He was going to kill her in front of them then after that... he would kill his father.
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Zaidilue

    It's time for revenge 😈

    The Demon King rose, his steps deliberate. "Now I understand what your mother felt," he murmured before crouching down. "You are really hard to kill." He ran his fingers through Xiang Yu's hair at his nape his eyes like a beast on the prowl. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Stars_to_fall

    definitely deserves a smack upside his head

    Even though he was delayed the effects of the paralysis spell shouldn't have worn off. It should have held the half-demon captive for a few more hours, yet there was no sign of him. There was a strong scent of roses lingering in the air. Han Xin thought that he had called for back up and his companions came to pick him up. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Stars_to_fall

    This is discrimination sir. Not all demons are bad

    Han Xin's footsteps crunched on the forest floor as he approached the young man. The air thickened with tension as his guilt gnawed at him. He had seen the darkness in this half-demon and the sinister aura that clung to him like a shadow but the young man hadn't harmed the innocent.
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    She needs a good beating

    She lifted him effortlessly, her strength belying her delicate appearance. As she hauled him over her shoulder his jade pendant slipped down and fell to the ground. He tried to move his hand and grab it but his fingers refused to obey him. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Stars_to_fall


    Han Xin glanced at the whip that was silent and felt complex emotions. He couldn't help but wonder if it was broken. Were his father's forging skills that unreliable? 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    😭😭😭 the pain must excruciating

    "You ugly bastard... I didn't take an-... any children," he answered through the agony. With a loud gasp, he fell to his side the whip calming its fury. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Zaidilue

    and he really meant it too 🤣🤣🤣

    "You ugly bastard... I didn't take an-... any children," he answered through the agony. With a loud gasp, he fell to his side the whip calming its fury. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    He loves family and will create his own to fill the void 🥰

    The little girl who didn't want to leave her sister used her last strength to nod her head. Xiang Yu used his demon blood to save her and she became a demon cultivator and so did Mei. From then on they followed him as his little disciples.
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Stars_to_fall

    It's a skill at this point😭😭🤣🤣🤣

    Xiang Yu had no idea that his off-handed remark was over heard and that he was now a person wanted for questioning in Chang'an City. Yes, he had killed their father but their father murdered their mother and almost killed Lian. If a wounded Mei hadn't run out for help and coincidentally bumped into him during his night hunt both girls would be dead. He killed the man and because Lian was on the verge of death he asked her if she wanted to live.
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    She definitely deserved worse.

    Afterwards, he followed his mother in the shadows. And when she wasn't looking he slipped the contents of the bottle into the wine jug. He watched her in the darkness as she drank it with no awareness. The paralysis took hold, and she sank into the bath pool, eyes wide with terror. When she noticed his shadow she desperately called out, pleading but he stood there unmoving. The water swallowed her, and he coldly watched her demise.
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    His human self has finally merged with his demon side and now he sees memories of things he didn't remember 😨

    He suddenly collapsed, the ground rushing up to meet him. The demonic energy from the core pulsed within him, its malevolence seeping into every fibre of his being. Haunting whispers of his mother's voice calling his name echoed in his mind as his vision blurred. He could see her pale and slender hand reaching for him from the depth of the steaming water. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    It's time for the king to arise 👑

    His fingernails lengthened and with unimaginable force, he tore into the demon's flesh slowly his flaming eyes staring straight into its eyes. His actions were deliberate, extending the torture. A twisted smile appeared on his lips imagining that face being his father's. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    This is war. Let's charge 🔪🔪🔪

    The first demon, wiry and cunning, traced his fingers to Xiang Yu's chest feeling the pulsing demon core underneath his skin. "Last time, you had it," he hissed. "Now it's my turn."
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Pagalu

    He might as well been his father. He protected him like one 😭

    Yue Buqun burnt the robes in the kitchen furnace getting rid of the evidence before wiping the blood from Xiang Yu's blade. He had raised this kid for six years and there was no way he would abandon him even if he was of demon lineage. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to MsTempestNova

    If he werent in danger he would have let him stay 😢

    Yue Buqun burnt the robes in the kitchen furnace getting rid of the evidence before wiping the blood from Xiang Yu's blade. He had raised this kid for six years and there was no way he would abandon him even if he was of demon lineage. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to PatchworkArtist

    Lets attack. I will get the weapons🔪🔪🔪

    The servant pushed the cart, the wheels grinding against the gravel. When he reached the edge of the realm he met his companion who was eagerly waiting for the body. The servant had been commanded to cremate the body but just like the other times they planned on eating his flesh and absorbing his demon core so they could improve their strength and power. His companion licked his sharp teeth his drool almost dripping out of his mouth. This meal was going to be delicious.
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Star_S

    😭😭😭 I have no words. His parents are evil

    The servant pushed the cart, the wheels grinding against the gravel. When he reached the edge of the realm he met his companion who was eagerly waiting for the body. The servant had been commanded to cremate the body but just like the other times they planned on eating his flesh and absorbing his demon core so they could improve their strength and power. His companion licked his sharp teeth his drool almost dripping out of his mouth. This meal was going to be delicious.
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Star_S

    More like the devil 😭😭😭

    One concubine, her skin a dusky hue, sat on the king's lap. Her green dress left nothing to the imagination, and her hand rested possessively on his chest. Xiang Yu's brow creased slightly his thoughts unknown. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788
  • Andru_9788
    Replied to Pagalu

    He is one of the people who stopped him from blackening. bless this master's heart 🥰

    The killing intent emanating from his body was so intense almost tangible. Yue Buqun could sense his turmoil. He had long sensed the darkness that threatened to overwhelm his best disciple. The dead guards were meant to be cold and unfeeling, ruthless in their actions, but Xiang Yu was a different breed. He couldn't hide the blood thirst and cruelty underneath his skin from him. 
    Venerable Demon King & The Doting Immortal (QT)
    LGBT+ · Andru_9788