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  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to VicL

    Spoiler alert for anyone reading this, this spoiler is related to Yuthia who the humans worship. Yuthia is actually a fox Demihuman who ascended to godhood. it’s kinda funny when the worshippers find out

    The continent Munas the one Kana was currently on, is mainly a human control continent. While they control most of the continent, they do not control it all since beastmen and dwarves also have huge kingdoms on it. The continent is home to six separate countries. There are four human countries, the Botus Empire, the Yuzxaris Kingdom, the Elurean Kingdom, and the Yuthia Theocracy. Where the human goddess Yuthia is worshiped. As for the dwarves, they rule the Stone Hammer Kingdom, which is tucked away in a large mountain range that spans many kilometers, and the Beastmen rule the Rural Kingdom.
    Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System
    Fantasy · invayne
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to iiVitality

    Yep my first read I thought it was a necromancy book, when she made the first nanotech dagger I had to go reread the title🤣

    The joy of watching anything grow from almost nothing to something was calming. It was a feeling that didn't come with the almost instantaneous creation of her Nano craft weapons.
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to NiGaBe

    Any branches off a standing dead will normally be dry enough to start a fire with after it gets started wood will burn unless it is completely soaked

    Alicia spent a good four hours in the woods to catch this one rabbit and collect a batch of dry firewood with tinder. She also found some solid rocks that she could use to create a spark. With her goods sitting in her basket and some wood slung over her back she took her sharpened wooden stick in one hand and walked out of the forest.
    Phantasia: The Princess Knight
    Fantasy · invayne
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to anon88

    I’m not sure normal is the right word.

    Ch 10 Bet
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to MilkGod

    Ima use my laptop to buy the parts for a new computer, forget buying it’s replacement, it’s buying the parts for its own replacement to be built infront of it

    Ch 9 Hidden Proficiency
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Beastwolf

    Um high level in this world is triple digits. Note I am a rereader so it’s understandable that other would not know, so this was just kinda an info comment

    "No worries. Is it something you can't control? I saw it get colder when you got annoyed outside." Lyrica said as Shiro nodded.
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to LynKate

    Eh why not, third or fourth time I’ve seen this exact comment, I’ll throw a reply in here as well

    To become a D rank adventurer, one of the requirements was to have a three-digit stat in any given area. Naturally, with a D rank adventurer being 5 times more powerful than average men could only mean those higher up in the ranks were monster amongst men.
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to PublishedLeaf

    Hey me too, I last left off on chapter 1238

    There were some monster meat that even granted permanent increments to one's stats such as dragon flesh which increases DEF, STR, AGI and VIT. Which is why every part of a high-ranking monster was precious and should be harvested without failure. Though raw flesh would be more harmful than beneficial.
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Shirabe


    Balance: 80 USD]
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Shirabe

    Ever done something well/right and gave your own work a little nod of appreciation? Least that’s how I pictured it.

    Plugging the points into areas she knows she would have to place her attention on, Shiro nodded at her stats.
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Rune_M

    I’m on like 5-6 now it’s kinda bad

    "It was during my 14th birthday that my village was raided. Parents were killed yadidadida… you get the idea. I was shocked at first but got over it since I had more important matters.
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to enO_rebmuN

    Wasn’t sure since even at that point some wonky stuff has happened

    After about ten seconds, everything seemed to return to normal.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Bananapants

    Probably? Now don’t insult someone who clearly was an expert on the topic.

    'wait no, I should not fall in love just because she can cook.' Shaman shook her head as she was having thoughts she has never had before since her love life beforehand was non-existent despite being asked out many times and rejecting all of them.
    I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?
    Fantasy · Shoomoon
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Xav232

    Everybody on this app needs sleep so make sure you get plenty

    'Maybe I should get a roommate that can cook. But that's for a future me to deal with, it's time to eat.'
    I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?
    Fantasy · Shoomoon
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Unwholesome_Idiot

    Just started a new play through with a friend,we did a random character creation and both got Breton we put a little twist on it as well, we can’t do any level glitches/exploits and it’s on legendary difficulty, we both normally play adept or expert just so it’s more fun.

    "Kitsuna, there are ice walls and boulders all over the place. Not even horses will be able to walk there easily," Lily said, sounding annoyed.
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Evie_Corvid

    Look I’m all for spreading proper information but this is essentially a joke and if your gonna be offended by it just don’t read it or skip over it, or even better yet don’t be so sensitive about what’s been written in a free unedited webnovel

    Flipping the other picking, I aimed downwards at his penis and spoke. "Congratulation, Hugo Boei, you will be the first transsexual of this world."
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to RedSkyShip

    If I remember correctly the Tachi has a straight blade not curved like a katana or an odachi, I could be wrong though.

    "Hmm, the length is fine, but the rest is a no-no," I said, making a katana the same length as hers, but this one was only 3 mm thick and 3 cm wide. Looking at the katana, I said. "I will only use this katana, seeing as everyone here has some reach, and you guys are only using your base stats. I will try and master my odachi."
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Arizea013

    I have less of an excuse this is like my forth time rereading and I still forgot

    Spinning on the spot, I looked for anything I could recognize. "Nope, I have no idea where I am. Hah, I'm lost."
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to Captain_0bvious

    Umm sir do you require therapy, please for the sake of all therapists if you go bring a second therapists number, it may be needed.

    Going back into the room she came from she came back with it on. "It's confirmed you look like the most dangerous person I have ever met. That is why we need to get you a class that fits with your looks." Her looks made me resolve to make her a legendary class wielder.
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie
  • Colton_Todd
    Replied to PrimalWhiteStar

    Not quite, stats can be grown without leveling up so really she levels slow but her stats will grow faster anyway and she can learn skills easier

    "Oh yeah. The left one is your lightning side, while your right side is your fireside. The lightning curse makes you experience pain 10 times worse than normal, while your status growth is also 10 times better. Your fireside really makes me jealous, though. It makes you level at a snail pace, but you will have an easier time obtaining skills. If a skill normally takes 10 years to get, you can get it in 5 years, something like that. It will still take effort, just not so much time." Stacy explains with a conflicting gaze.
    The Tale Of Kitsuna
    Fantasy · TheRealSkollie