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  • Cherie_Salyers

    I just want Zameil and Heaven happy with no threats over there heads. With Zarin joining the Devil, it looks like that isn't going to happen and that saddens me. I wish Irene could talk since into him or was able to help them successed in getting him out of there way.

    Ch 206 Chapter 83
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    I was so hoping that Zarin could be redeemed and find his own mate. And I don't want the Devil interfering with Zamiel and Heaven. I just want them happy and live in peace. Zamiel definitely deserves it.

    Ch 205 Chapter 82
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    Yes! Finally they become one with eachother. Can't wait to read the next chapter .

    Ch 203 Chapter 80
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    I feel bad that Heaven and Zarin's friendship is over. I hope one day they will be able to work things out. That is after Zarin finds his own mate.I just worry he isn't done trying to come between them. We need more Zamiel and Heaven scenes!

    Ch 194 Chapter 71
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    Is it just me that thinks what lil relationship they do have is always based around one of them always hurting eachother? I didn't know Lucien had half siblings out their. As far as I can recall, it had never been mentioned. (especially since it is supposedly very hard for demon's to have children, and if they do it's usually only one or two offsprings). I'm referring to his father's kids, not the King's kids who terrorised him growing up. And what the heck is up with Heaven stabbing Zamiel? He was sleeping, not a threat to her even if she thought it was a trick. Also, isn't King Rufus the one Lucien had taken his identity to use to get back in the Castle to get to his brother so he could kill him and take the throne? I'm enjoying the book greatly, but I just wish we could get to where Zamiel and Heaven finally getting together on a more permanent level. I think a lil loving between the two will cure any problems or past hurt that they have. And, Oh Zarin dear, don't be trying to play with the big dogs. He will eat you up and spit you out. I love Zarin, but he is driving me crazy. He needs to find his mate, so he will truly be happy and he and Heaven can go back to being besties.

    Ch 183 Chapter 60
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    Great chapter! Can't wait to read the next one. Love Zamiel and Heaven together.

    Ch 179 Chapter 56
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers
    Replied to Brittany_Rungruang

    I don't remember reading a chapter about her Grandmother going to the desert the visit an old Witch there. I remember reading about her going away to visit someone for a few days, but I never read her POV about it. Well, none the less I'm glad that they are true mates. Now if we can just get them moved to the next phase of their romance.

    Ch 169 Chapter 46
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    I love the romantic side of them both! Heaven, "weather marked or marriage, I am already yours". and Zamiel talking about how she is bringing him back to life and he basically saying he wants to show her the world. I can't wait until they get more romantically involved, Hint hint Jasmine. I'm curious though, in this book how is a mate determined? They choose or is it like ALL the other books of true mates? I hope it's a true mate thing. We already know that even though he LOVED his wife, it wasn't like a true mate deal. I hope it is a true mate thing for them like her parents have. Zamiel is just so yummy and I like how Heaven his being jealous of Axia. Now I hope she will know how Zamiel feels when Zarin is brought up. All I have left to say is, "Way to go"!

    Ch 169 Chapter 46
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    Great chapter, but short. I'd love to get Zamiel's POV again. I hope their romance will hurry up soon. Love to see them together. He can be her King in every way.

    Ch 168 Chapter 45
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    Great read so far! I loved how Zamiel got there at the last second. Can't wait for some Heaven and Zamiel lovin. Zarin needs to find his Mate soon.

    Ch 167 Chapter 44
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Cherie_Salyers

    They grew up together basically as cousins. I know they aren't blood related, but grew up thinking that way is enough not to start a relationship like that. I vote for a Zamiel relationship for our Heaven! She needs someone to only love her and he deserves a second chance at a true love. Darin can habe a book of his own and find his true love. He just doesn't want to lose all her focus.

    Ch 165 Chapter 42
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef