


a smartass who should be studying 📖 instead of reading

2020-09-20 JoinedIraq

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  • Mohammad_mostafa8
    Replied to KopiCAT

    I was thinking of experience, but I wasn’t too far off since experience comes with maturity (usually), also in this situation it’s different, in the real world Viciousness is not bred in the large populous, but in this world, it most definitely is

    His sister was not nearly vicious enough.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8
    Replied to KopiCAT

    the arch of the longbow when drawn by an archer shows a human element not found in the crossbow, since with the crossbow you are just pressing a trigger, also the crossbow, while efficient, lacks the fluidity and grace of the longbow. since its design prioritizes function over form.

    Anyone could use a spear with a decent level of effectiveness. That was why it ruled the battlefield for thousands of years — unlike the sword, a person didn't need endless hours of practice to become a proficient amateur with it.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8
    Replied to KopiCAT

    Yea that why I said he is turning back for himself this time

    After remaining motionless for a long time, Sunny quietly sighed, turned his back to it, and slowly walked into the darkness.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    Man this story really shines here, i have never seen a more human mc in a power progression fantasy, sure it makes me sad and very frustrated that this happened but it truly shows how this story has logic, there is no winning here it’s impossible no matter how much prep time or resources it would have been illogical for sunless to pull a win out of thin air

    And then, he watched as the spark of life was gradually extinguished inside them. Samara was first, and then Dorn. Belle was the last to go.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    Another creature enters the hit list

    He ran away.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    This novel is too good for the site is it on, if this novel was on the likes of RR then it would have instantly been on the top of best ongoing because it is one of the only novels not afraid to show humanity in a main character nor does it give our main character a cheap op ability that instantly makes him the most powerful in his rank, instead our main character must climb through the ranks and slowly but surely match and outwit the ones at the top, The grammar in the story is top notch, there aren’t any mistakes that will break immersion and the vocabulary is understandable There are a plethora of different characters and personalities and most of the characters aren’t one dimensional Update stability has never changed once it’s always two chapters per day and if it’s one then the next day holds three he world is very animated and obviously thought out, you will never feel like it’s underwhelming or find something wrong with it, the author obviously spent a lot of time on it

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    congrats on the 900th chapter! i honestly didn't expect the novel to be long but i do love a lengthy novel

    Ch 900 Don't Look Back
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    Noted, just because you have equipment that protects you from mind attacks doesn’t mean that your mind can’t be influenced in some way, or in this case se.duced?

    The words of the unknown language seemed to seep straight into his mind, unobstructed. They echoed and resonated with each other there, making him feel a bit weird. However, their influence was not invasive or harmful. Instead, it was rather… pleasant.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    Although I was wrong about mordret joining sunny, I wasn’t wrong about sunless forming a cohort of his own

    Shadow Cohort
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    finally a true shadow cohort is going to be assembled, I mean even the readers (myself included) didn’t really notice her

    This young woman was going to be the first cornerstone of his cohort.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    It’s nice knowing that he wouldn’t have to worry about his sister if she gets infected while he’s in antarctica

    [Grace of Shadows] Ability Description: "The master of the Soul Serpent can grace another with the trust and companionship of their Shadow Guide. One should be careful whom they bestow with their grace; entrusting others with the loyalty of Shadows is the same as sharing one's soul, and thus should not be offered lightly."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    Nah man you guys got to stop the shipping for a while, this isn’t a romantic moment it’s a serious moment

    "...Because I don't need anyone to follow me against their will. I don't need a magical collar to make people serve me. I don't need slaves. That is not enough for me, Sunny. Why should I settle for submission when I can have loyalty? People who will follow me, serve me, and obey me will do so because that is their most ardent desire. They will do so with a smile. If I ever want to make you mine, Sunny, you will become mine — not because you were forced to, but because you would want to. That... is also a fact."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    you’ve lost the ability to make that claim when you used it for your own selfishness, you used it once already so what is stopping you from using it again?

    "...Nothing. I will never order you to do something for me, ever again."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    that statement will fill mordret with dread once sunny acquires a domain

    "You like to talk big, Mordret, and make it seem as if I should be afraid of you. But that is true the other way around, too. I can be scary when I want to, too. Think long... and think hard... before making me your enemy. Or you will learn to fear the shadows."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    she did say that she was infused with the fire if im not wrong

    Nephis had already hinted that the lineage of Sun God strengthened it somehow. But that only accounted for the quantity of her force. There was also the quality… Sunny had a hunch that Mordret would be burning himself alive if he tried to invade her radiant Soul Sea.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    i'm surprised that sunny's eyes can't spot mordret

    If not for Sunny's random shot in the dark, no one would indeed have noticed the transient reflection.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    Exactly, also is anyone having problems accessing the webnovel app on mobile? The only way I’m able to enter is to delete and redownload it

    "The power you talk about might be real, but it is fragile and insubstantial. It can be broken just as easily as it was created… unless the person wielding it has actual strength to defend it. At the end of the day, nothing that has been handed to you is as valuable as what you have nurtured and cultivated yourself. So… don't slack off in your training."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    it’s fake power in this world, because people will start asking questions, they won’t follow you blindly out of nowhere you need to have the strength to back you up, let’s say that I am extremely weak but I was declared as the world’s strongest man, now people might believe it for a month before asking for proof and when you delay their opinion shifts and changes My point is this power is taken as easily as it is given

    "Think about it. If Lady Nephis decides to appear in public tomorrow and appeal for people to take arms and join the government army, tens of thousands of new recruits will answer the call. Maybe even hundreds of thousands! How can something that can affect hundreds of thousands of lives not be real? So, she is different from a celebrity like Night, or a Master like you. She is the real deal."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8

    you need to consolidate your strengths sunless, you haven’t even started comprehending the fundamentals of your newfound strength, the ability to command shadows.

    'Maybe I am not utilizing its full potential…'
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree
  • Mohammad_mostafa8
    For a while, the underground chamber was filled with nothing but the sounds of heavy breathing and flesh hitting flesh. Both fighters were exerting themselves to the utmost degree. Sunny had it easier since he was defending, but receiving so many crushing blows in a row was still not for the weak of heart.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy ¡ Guiltythree