


poor independent daoist

2020-09-02 JoinedPoland

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  • Vongola11

    well he did say that he will only protect northern region so his choice is not that unexpected though i wonder why Robin didn't take his personality into account when making this battle plan . At this rate Robin will just grow more and more paranoid and distrustfull of people in his surroundings not bound by soul contracts in the future which i'am not sure is welcome character development.

    At this moment, an instant space portal appeared next to Robin and a sword shadow hurried out, "Your Excellency, Hulac refuses to provide any support from the north!"
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11
    Replied to 1h_Hello

    You are naturaly right about their strenght being reward for many years of challenging cultivation but such an system makes numbers litterarly useless already in first realm which from my opinion really lacks balance since it means that in later realms practicioner one minor stage higher will be able to streamroll any number of cultivators minor stage lower and such situation always reminds my of my ptsd from my childhood when I read martial god asura where stage 6 utmost exalted cultivator (which was like 18th realm of cultivation) killed easily hundreds of thousands of stage 5 utmost exalted cultivators and that made me overlly paranoid about novels with bad power balance :D

    After all, they were just trivial underlings at the Martial Arts Postnatal Third Realm, and they posed no threat to him. He could have easily kept one of them alive first.
    Immortality: My cultivation Has No Bottleneck
    Eastern · The Old Chicken Eats Mushrooms
  • Vongola11

    When you change your point of view isn't Jabba doing kind of good job . Despite being threatend by enemy sovereign he didn't join battle and instead is tying down some of enemies forces that would go straight to battlefield . The only problem is how many forces in all Serpent Empire still have in reserve staying on standby on Nahiri

    Ch 778 Jabba's position
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    Well i understand his way of thinking since given his deal with all knowing god such a thing shouldn't be possible since to his information he should watch over Nahiri and prevent enemy overlord for sending its conciousness down or at least inform Robin about such an instances

    "STOP! Don't continue on this train of thought, understood? Jabba is stubborn and stone-headed and I need to teach him a lesson, but that's all." Robin replied sternly, how could he not notice what Zara was saying? But that idea never seemed logical at all.
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    That's really unexpected i thought that Jabba will ambush Robins troops while they are vulnerable . I guess he still hasn't completely resolved himself to it or menaged to convince the sect to follow his choice . But won't the chances of assasinating Robin f in the future decrease now that he directly creates distance between organisations ?

    An instant space portal opened next to Robin and a black-masked person walked out. The person took a few steps and bowed slightly, then spoke in a shocked voice: "Your Excellency, the Eastern Region refuses to participate in the battle."
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    So despite his feeling from before that he will be betrayed he doesn't suspect Jabba which is very fair given their shared history and Jabba sense of duty to protect Nahiri but i wonder how big of an impact on this war will his sudeen rebelion have and if he wil do it alone or sonehow compel his sect into joining.

    "Leave a quarter of your numbers here and let the rest go. If reinforcements do not arrive in time, then it doesn't matter if we win inside the city as everything will be useless." Robin returned to focusing on the city, "Also choose two of you to go to Jabba and Holak, give them a detailed report on what is happening, and help them move all their forces here immediately... Here, this is the coordinates of this location. Tell them that this will be the last fight and there's no need to hold anything back."
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    thanks for chapter i prfered authors previous book over this but nevertheless i quite enjoyed reading it as well though ending was little underwhelming

    Ch 791 Unlimited Immortal Dao (3)
    My Descendant Begged Me To Help Him Just After I Became A God
    Eastern · Let me laugh
  • Vongola11

    Thanks for chapter i wonder how Jabba convinced his sect to betray Robin .

    Ch 774 Power
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    Well it's nice that the followers that mc nurtured can be usefull for once . In author previous book they remained largely useless till the end.

    Ch 778 Dao Ancestor Gets Up
    My Descendant Begged Me To Help Him Just After I Became A God
    Eastern · Let me laugh
  • Vongola11
    Replied to Brthzkpr4lyf

    Because at present that is his best option to reverse the plight of giant race and other nahiri living beings . The only question is if he will go all out and fully comit to that or play as double spy , get to know more knowledge and use it as a chip to renegotiate with Robin the giants treatment . And the argumets that he won't do it just because he knows mc potential and ruthlessness are little absurd . As I said at present his concerns aren't about his own wellbeing but on wealthfare of giants and other races and therefore it's only natural for him to take action to resolve this issue even if it may lead him on a path of dammnation since he is not as cowardly as to ignore his own priorities. What's more he knows Robin so he probably is awere that even if he fails Robin won't take out his anger on enterity of myriad races of Nahiri (other than giants who are already doomed ). Therefore he has little to lose other than his own life since giants already can't be punished any more.

    Ch 753 A dark shadow -2
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11
    Replied to Brthzkpr4lyf

    Why are you speaking from the perspective of reader instead of Jabba when talking about correctness of his choice ? While he is aware of Robin immens potential and far reaching heights he will surely reach in future at present it's of little consequences . As for Jabba current mottivations he doesn't look at things by prismat of by following WHOM he can reach higher level in the future but how to better seafguard his motherplane and giant race . And while siding with overlord is far from ideal scenario for him as things are he is sure that Robin won't show giants any mercy and is perfectly capable of even useing all inhibitants of Nahiri as pawns to grind down enemies forces which is directly against what he stands for therefore from his perspective their roads has long since diverged from each other.

    Ch 753 A dark shadow -2
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    Wasn't this his original plan ? to ambush reinforcment to central region with this kind of array ? Or is he going to eliminate the currently present enemy armies in central region due to bad feelings ? As for enemy reinforcment comimg can they come from eastern region ? Even with Jabba cooperation it's hard to belive that people from sect will agree to cooperate with invanders without rasing at least big enough comotion for Robin to notice something off.

    "Now, Billy, we do what we've been waiting for for months." Alexander smiled, and a flash of killing intent crossed his eyes.
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    How did those coordinates leek ? Did he seriously make this portal go 4ways instead of just one way and convarge all his troops on evergreen before sending them out ?I kind of get that he couldn't know what his opponents are capable of but with his intelect he shoud still anticipate the possibility of something gooing wrong.

    Ch 759 Seed
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11
    Replied to Bookconsumer

    thanks for recomendation but i don't really like gaming novels that take place in virtual world . Perhaps because i have never been much of a gamer my self and i can't just feel any tension due to there being no risk of death which is integral part of this genre .

    Could this world actually contain cultivation techniques like the Qi Refinement Mantra and Rejuvenating Skill that are only found in the immortal world?
    Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife
    Eastern · Summer fades into autumn.
  • Vongola11

    he should just agree with her . Since Robin won't show giants any mercy their objectives differes and the roads has long since parted.

    Ch 753 A dark shadow -2
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    thanks for chapter . i still can't wait to see how will they resolve the consequences of opponent stealing coordinats :D

    Ch 744 Ambition and blood -2
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11
    Replied to Ardenleigh

    Well better Greenland than Jura . And with him being lord of this world he may find fighting there easier than on Nahiri but i pitty all those new residents that just gained land of their own.

    "Greenland is 100% under your rule now. The planet was divided into four kingdoms as you ordered, and the remaining rebellious human tribes were distributed among them. After the division was settled, we spread part of the wealth of the four dead Tree Fathers among the kingdoms to raise the standard of living of your citizens. We also published all the techniques permitted to be deployed and established many industrial areas to manufacture divine weapons from the bark of the Tree Fathers. That bark is no less solid than the metal Volheim used in golden armor, as you know. We have also established several factories to manufacture medications for raising affinity and many other pills that the Serum and Medicine Department within the research and development team has come up with."
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11

    So he didn't inform him about attack on teleportation device ? Talk about careless.

    Ch 741 Solution and evasion
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller
  • Vongola11
    Replied to Bloo_dReaper

    I don't understand anything.

    Henry's plans were to gradually integrate the barbarians into Stahl society, starting with their role as hunters to supply the Kingdom with food. Over time, as their loyalty was established, they would gradually become a part of the army.
    Building a Kingdom and Conquering the World
    War · Stoicist
  • Vongola11

    Didn't they create this portal on Nahiri or can it connected to Jura as well ?

    Ch 739 In two months
    Lord of the Truth
    War · TruthTeller