

2020-08-28 JoinedGlobal

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  • Kenneth_Welever

    mentioned a grand total of once that he would look into martial arts when he first arrived in the mortal realm and inspected his troops....

    [Physical Body: Innate Stage Tier 3 martial artist]
    I Hide And Farm In The World Of Cultivation To Increase My Proficiency
    Eastern · Flying Fatty
  • Kenneth_Welever

    it's because he is a pathetic worm with no spine. go with your first instinct. I'd have gone to the sect leader and applied to leave the sect entirely to avoid his obnoxious daughter and I'd have phrased it exactly that way. telling him I'd rather run the risk of being caught by a demonic sect and turned into a pill furnace than having my cultivation interrupted every 5-10 days by his brat.a gifted alchemist can name his price in any sect. one of them will enforce his solitude while encouraging him to produce pills of greater strength

    Why was that when it came to him, he was the one being madly toyed with by the beautiful women? Could it be that he didn't have a majestic aura, nor the effect of making these beauties love-blind?
    I Hide And Farm In The World Of Cultivation To Increase My Proficiency
    Eastern · Flying Fatty
  • Kenneth_Welever
    Replied to Nathan_Smead

    With great power comes greater stupidity.

    Only covered by Artan's finger when he looked at it.
    I Reincarnated As A Stick
    Fantasy · TrueDawn
  • Kenneth_Welever
    Replied to Celtend

    She started way ahead of him and if she doesn't stay ahead for a while she gonna fall way behind.

    "Reward has been rolled. The passive skill [Blessing of the Tetraelemental Tempest] has been acquired."
    I Reincarnated As A Stick
    Fantasy · TrueDawn
  • Kenneth_Welever

    I thought her name was Taylor?

    "Tyler is here to see you, Chelsea," I heard Yuri say, making me look up.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    We must attempt as much. FOR SCIENCE!!!!!

    Donavens grandchild, or even Great Grandchild, was a tall man almost towering over me at six foot three and stood close enough that I would have to crane my head. His smile was polite and even inviting as he tried to cozy up with me and more or less ask my women to back off. Mally wasn't having much of that, and neither was Emily, with them both holding onto an Arm. That didn't mean Asahi, Trisha, Tina, Rose, Kate, Alexia, and Yuri, were happy about it. Betsy was finding the drinks to her liking, and I couldn't help in the back of my head if she drank enough, would I be able to get drunk off her milk?
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever
    Replied to THE_4TH

    Ahh the follies of youth. Such a simple solution without ever seeing it.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    I believe this chapter is in the wrong place. It appears she is still on the boat while the last chapter she was leaving the boat.....

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    I think you meant Alchemist instead of Enchanter since Chelsea just got done explaining why alchemy wouldn't be a solution.

    "Wonderful! An enchanter, too; I have met someone that actually is pretty smart. I wouldn't dare try anything with the Succubus Queen here if that makes you feel better." Taylor said, and I snorted.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever
    Replied to Drakon_Drakar

    She has to get her necrofreak on at some point. Might as well start here.

    "Fascinating," I smiled and couldn't help but question something. "I have to ask this question then," I began, "Taylor," I continued slowly addressing the Liches name, "Are you male or female, and what race are you?" I asked.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever
    Replied to dethrophes

    Hackles = The hairs, spines or feathers of an animal, (Normally along the back) which are raised when the creature in question is distressed. Heckles = plural of Heckle. verb of the descriptor heckler. It's what happens when people in the audience mock standing comedians. Easy to get the two confused.

    "Incorrect," The Lich replied with a smile sitting back down on a crate, "Only those raised with manipulation of mana to raise the dead into zombies and skeletons will you. Or even Liches if they didn't choose to be raised from the dead. Those like myself who became a Lich on their own terms and created their own phylactery to preserve their body so they may continue to explore the depths of mana will not raise your instincts." The Lich explained, "I am the only one I know who uses Life Necromancy, and so I looked into why and haven't quite come to a conclusion. The fact that undead makes your skin crawl seems to be an automatic response from every living creature I have discovered. Fascinating research, I guarantee you." The Lich stopped.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    "I said, my voice muffled in my breasts" is incorrect. While this could be an inner thought of possessiveness over Rose's breasts the sentence should be "I said, my voice muffled in her breasts" indicating that Chelsea is indicating Rose and not mushing her head into her own breasts.

    Deeper frowns showed, and I got up and turned myself, letting my face fall into Rose's breasts. "Forget that," I said, my voice muffled in my breasts, "Let's have some fun back in the room!" I said loudly.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    "We wouldn't be unable to win" is a double negative here. Unless you are wishing to imply that winning would be possible but slim which doesn't fit with the rest of the paragraph you should use "We would be unable to win" or "We wouldn't be able to win"

    The more I thought about it, the more I knew that we wouldn't survive a long-term war with the Empire without the help of allies. Without the Demon Lands fully declaring war and mobilizing against the Empire, we wouldn't be unable to win. I knew in my heart and mind it would come down to a simple yet serious problem.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever
    Replied to dethrophes

    Maybe it was "Hostilities"? I could see autocorrect flubbing the two.

    The sudden eruption of festivities between the two surprised me, and the glare told me this was a long time coming.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    She has a system granted book on the void she is blatently NOT studying.

    I frowned as I meditated, now letting mana soak into my whirlpools, collecting mana easily as I thought. No, the void was something of a mystery that I needed to solve on my own slowly. I never heard of a wizard tower that focused on the void even though it was known all over.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    Ending of the third sentence. You wrote water efforts instead of war efforts.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    I think you mean "fiery red head" not firey read head" The first word is simply misspelled while the second words are homonyms. They can sound the same but mean something completely different.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Futanari System
    Fantasy · Madjic
  • Kenneth_Welever

    I would like to join Patreon. please take money so I can read 20 more chapters please. I really don't like stopping here.

    Ch 117 117 - Set Free
    The Legendary Monster Layer!
    Fantasy · blakebalatron
  • Kenneth_Welever

    So I'd really like to become a Patreon to get at the next 20 chapters but he's on break as of April 15th. it is a painful tease. I can't even make him take my money to get at them.

    The Legendary Monster Layer!
    Fantasy · blakebalatron
  • Kenneth_Welever
    Replied to DemonLord_OTRT


    "What.. a waste." Reginald painfully squeezed from his lips. "That should have been my expert mech…"
    The Mech Touch
    Sci-fi · Exlor