

2020-08-25 JoinedGlobal

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    Lovely webnovel, lots of references that are explained and described in ways that overtly yet also elegantly fit the world. My biggest grip, like every other person, is the Hiatus and possible droppage by the translator, especially considering I accidentally dropped this novel Years back at chapter 710 and forgot I had read to this point so seing the 718 chapters exited me until I hot to chapter 700, read the part I had read before and then checked and realised it hasn't been updated in nearly 2 years. The best part will always be the world building for me and not just including the various references but also tbe interaction with the system interface, npc interactions and the separate servers having their own advantages and disadvantages and would get smoothened after getting access to the Specialties of other servers. But nothing really offsets the hatred I feel, at the world in general not the author, that its been nearly 2 years without a word

    Fatal Shot
    Games · Ten Flares
  • Toby_Foxxer

    I love this story so much, its know one of my few favourites and I will whole heartedly re-read this in the future. For anyone else that gets here and sees this I hope you enjoyed Nine Star Burden as much as I have.

    Ch 1272 The end (2)
    Nine Star Burden
    Urban · Birth
  • Toby_Foxxer
    Replied to Toby_Foxxer

    Also, please try to read on for longer, the early chapters are mainly their to establish the core of the story. The World development ramps up later on and expands to just more than the MC, his sister, and his sisters best friend. You just need to trust the story and keep reading, don't be discouraged by the beginning. The story develops its characters as the plot progress' you just need to keep reading.

    Nine Star Burden
    Urban · Birth
  • Toby_Foxxer
    Replied to Toby_Foxxer

    As someone who has finished the story aswell let me give you mostly spoiler free run down on the situation. MC : generally speaking I believe he's a good main character especially later on as he develops into a more reliable man but keeps his core character traits. The Power System : Beings can utilise Star Power through abilities called star techniques that originate from a core beas in their bodies called Star Beads. Humans are unique in that they can absorb Stat Beads and possible gain a Star Technique from Star Beads. They do this through a star map inate to every human when they awaken as a star warrior. The Star Map has slots that can be filled from absorbing star Beads, the more slots a person has, the higher their Innate talent in Cultivation. Also Star Map form an image that represent something, the star map image can dictate what type of star techniques a person can and cannot absorb. The MC's Golden Finger: He has a System that allows him to Absorb all Star Techniques from a Star Bead in on star map slot instead of the usual one star Technique for one star slot for the majority of people; some talented people/lucky people can maybe have more techniques in a slot. The system also quantifies the power scaling. The MC's Black Finger: Unlike the majority or people who have 15 star slots on average MC has 9 which means he only can fill nine slots and he is very slow and Cultivation to higher levels, his star map also has an unusual shape which makes things difficult for hime later on.

    Nine Star Burden
    Urban · Birth
  • Toby_Foxxer

    I love this story, I temporarily dropped it around chapter 670 ish as the grammar kinda declined but reading the ending has made me love this story. It kinda falls into the pit of having a rushed ending feel but unlike others it really leaves me satisfied.

    Nine Star Burden
    Urban · Birth
  • Toby_Foxxer

    this is a very...limited power scale, hopefully their is more nuances in the different levels of powers otherwise this will be a big let down

    Ch -2 Ranking/Power level
    Beast Evolution
    Fantasy · Mhizta_Ray
  • Toby_Foxxer

    This feels a bit out of nowhere as we've haven't had any inkling of this being mentioned before, like not even an offhand quote from his father when they were talking about the MC not knowing any Spells. Or when he first realised all the boys where trapped but that might be my bad memory. Like A few crumbs of his childhood upbringing would of been nice

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    Again what is his Level? you left us on a cliffhanger at ch 50 and you didn't say his level in ch 51 either. So what is his level

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    Again What's his level?

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    What his level?

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    AGAIN with the Spells. Why are some Spells English and some another language?

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    Again, what is the reason skme Spells are in another language like this and others are in English! Like what is the reason

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    Again with the different languages used for Spells.l

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    I came for the Masturbation bait and I'm staying for the story. Like As of writing this I'm halfway through and like the writing has got me hooked. MC is denser than a brick of compressed Lead but still, I enjoy reading thjs

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    our bodies act differently depending on temperature. In hot environments makes our body subtle change to release more heat. This is bad when it's cold cause we need a certain level of body temperature to stay healthy. And if its cold outside and inside our bodies aswell, then death or atleast frostbite. It's the same with the cold, our body traps as much heat as possible when it's cold so we can function normally. This is bad in hot temperatures as overheating is extremely likely now as your trapping a lot of heat in the body causing heatstroke.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Toby_Foxxer

    Again why are they speaking in another language when they very obviously spoke in English beforehand

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    Why does Chaika say Flame Arts: Infernal Tsunami but these dudes say Uru instead of Float?

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  • Toby_Foxxer

    Reminder, Chaika is Level 49 Almost level 50, MC is level 1... Also just cause he was defiant doesn't mean he can't be kinde and humble and just cause he is kind and humble doesn't mean he can't be defiant and strong-willed

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  • Toby_Foxxer
    Replied to Kurotora

    It was probably so that he would have a more natural reaction when meeting them for the first time. Also it would show his true feelings on the matter and show whether or not he was part of the majority of men who are disgusted and hate the femboys or whether he was a man who thought of them as what they wanted to present

    This book has been deleted.
  • Toby_Foxxer
    Replied to Kurotora

    And nothing was mentioned about him being nice. It said that Chaika was trying to protect and help Koko and Kiyomi, it said nothing about him being nice.

    This book has been deleted.