

2020-08-13 JoinedGlobal

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  • Crystonian
    Replied to Karstag

    Agreed, its a nice change from all the other edgy fan characters in other fics

    Watching as the baker wondered off, Jack turned his eyes to the child as he dropped them to their feet, but before they could run off like a mouse in the crowd of thousands. He pinned them, placing a hand on their head until he pulled a small bento box of fried chicken strips and mashed potatoes and handed it to the child.
    Overlord and the Seraphim
    Anime & Comics · ZGearCecil
  • Crystonian
    "How about no?" The Seraphim frowned as he drew 'Seraph' from his item box, 「Devour」, was the spell he would cast almost immediately. The sword, the armor and the entire being of the knight would begin to contort as if being crushed and twisted about by an invisible force.
    Overlord and the Seraphim
    Anime & Comics · ZGearCecil
  • Crystonian

    I liked how he was. He felt real

    The most obvious place to start would be, well, the start. The beginning of Steel Waste was rather controversial if I do say so myself, the Mc's rather blasé actions and attitude rubbing a few people the wrong way... Many didn't like the way I present the Mc, as he wasn't really something most would consider 'good'... He was lazy, unmotivated, disrespectful to his parents, and pretty arrogant.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    He has space travel?

    Thus, in the few months after hearing about Shani's vision of 'destruction' he'd only managed to create two extra orbital lasers. Of course, this wasn't just going to help against whatever attack was going to happen, it'd also be useful against the Brotherhood whenever they tried to attack.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian


    Up close you'd immediately spot the strange film covering the metal of the aircraft, it was matte black, and would prevent any light refraction, and make it incredibly hard to notice for anyone during the night.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    Ssh....no witnesses

    By the time security arrived at the room, the duo had left the same way they came. Silently, and undetected. The daughter would say her father tripped, and that the room was haunted, but her words were either ignored, or to taken seriously at all... While it wasn't all that common, people tripped and perished occasionally... Nothing to be worried about... Right?
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    Oh yeah, I completely forgot that he was English. That makes a lot of sense actually

    "I'll have a... Tea, if you have it." he says, wanting to see how extensive House's stocks truly are... Tea is almost impossible to come by outside of Big Mt, plus, he was still an Englishman, a night of alcohol requires a morning with tea.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian
    Replied to UberNuber

    This was probably over a course of a few weeks

    If the citizens that were for the war were 'eager' before, now they were outright bloodthirsty. Anyone who spoke out to try and pull out was regarded as a coward and traitor, not willing to avenge their President.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    Afton, I think your safe from that stuff. It seems to only cover the east coast

    Huh, he thought they'd be able to contact Tamia once she reached the end of the Railway tunnel, but apparently, something had happened to prevent that... "Hmm, she could handle herself. Probably?... Send some patrols through the railway tunnel and search for any discrepancies, uh,er yeah... If you find any Cuthulu's hiding down there don't tell me about it, I'm definitely not dealing with that Lovecraft shit." he states before getting back to work.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian
    Replied to ThatOneGUy

    Connecticut Institute of Technology

    Another ten minutes of silence and Mobius finally speaks up again, "The Institute I believe they are called... An organisation not so dissimilar to our own, one preaching innovation and the scientific method, while specialising with robotics... I think?"
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian
    Replied to SlyImmortalDevil

    In all honesty, they probably made something like that

    Another ten minutes of silence and Mobius finally speaks up again, "The Institute I believe they are called... An organisation not so dissimilar to our own, one preaching innovation and the scientific method, while specialising with robotics... I think?"
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    Don't forget Vault 79 in Appalachia. That holds copious amounts of gold

    The NCR used to hold many stockpiles of gold that they'd inherited from pre-war America, but the Brotherhood stole and destroyed a large portion of it, leading to their collapsed and weak economy. If they got word that Bulwark held more gold than they had, even in their prime, war would be inevitable.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    Oh good for them

    People quickly noticed the giant Cyberdog and Veronica at his sides and parted like the red sea, allowing him and his bodyguards through into Primm itself. The place was chock-full of people, hundreds or perhaps even thousands had turned up. No doubt the Bison Steve Hotel was racking in the cash.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian
    Replied to Mgaballah

    Yeah, that would be the friendly Enclave

    Scorpion-Man didn't give produce more background radiation than a regular person, but he didn't know that, allowing Afton to claim he did. "As for your options? Well, you have a number of them, though, I doubt you'll like most... The first and most obvious is to join me and my organisation, Bulwark. We are probably one the most technologically advanced groups on earth, the only others that might match us are the Brotherhood and Enclave, both of which would execute you for being a mutant." Afton states before continuing,
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    Nah, Elite is far better

    "A few years ago the Van Graffs had an unfortunate encounter with a riot/rebel group. The NCR was quick in their dealing of this however, sending their Elite Soldiers to deal with it. During the skirmish, a couple of them fell in battle, allowing the Van Graffs to 'requisition' it. I'm sure you've heard of the NCR's Advanced Riot Gear?"
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    The Enlcave in some regards do have superior technology than him. Only in some

    Of course, Afton was bluffing slightly... His armour was definitely more advanced than whatever the Brotherhood had, but the Enclave was another matter entirely... He simply had no idea what tech they had or even if they could properly use it.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian
    Replied to ImuSama

    No, but Shady Sands would be know to most people since it was the Capital of the NCR.

    Just imagine it... The Capital of New California, Shady Sands, a peaceful yet boring day when, *Zap!*, hundreds of bolts of lightning flash down from the sky, each bolt of lightning as it struck the ground leaving behind squads of heavily armoured warriors in power armour...
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    He'll be like, "Thanks for the new perk"

    "Mercenary, you will rue the day you crossed Caesars Legion. You will be treated like the last traitor, covered in oil and tossed down a canyon." he mutters to himself with a sadistic smile.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    I WISH THIS WAS IN THE GAME! While it wasn't that hard to clear it out at level 30 with a set of Elite Riot Gear and some AP .50 Cal ammo, it would have been nice to get a reward like that

    "Considering the road the Deathclaws are infesting is a crucial trade route, the reward isn't anything to scoff at... If you manage to clear this road our caravans and supplies would be much, much safer... The other route is too near to the front lines and Legion encampments, making them easy targets to ambush... The current reward is 30000 caps, but I may be able to boost the price by talking to the higher-ups. As stingy as those fuckers are, they know when something needs to get done." he says.
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Crystonian

    Welp, we just figured out this run. Yes Man run

    Though, that does bring something to mind... Conquer the Mojave?
    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross