

2020-08-09 JoinedUnited States

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  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to Asura_Of_Gluttony

    This is the only review I needed.

    Past life sage: This life a dual cultivator
    Eastern · purple_mage
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to Reddd

    The mf didn't even grammar check the description of his novel. So I can't imagine what the actual chapters are like...*

    Past life sage: This life a dual cultivator
    Eastern · purple_mage
  • Silver_Pact

    Find the free 1700, then come back here. It's amazing. If anyone disagrees, feel free to comment and i'll debate you with solid literary reasoning. It's one of the best novels i've ever found online, and I have read MANY.

    Lord's Empire
    Fantasy · LordFangYuan
  • Silver_Pact

    An honestly well-written novel. Intrinsic themes of power fantasy, bloodlines and out-of-game aspects affecting in-game occurrences. One thing I truly appreciate about this novel is that the main character isn't the only important person. He's certainly powerful, but he's not the only one. If I had to give a few minor critiques, it would be the forced stagnation of development for a few core supporting characters during several main story arcs, which the writer began to fix and remedy later into the novel. It's not trope-free, but it certainly uses the tropes in a healthy way that doesn't seem 'too' invasive. Except for the shameless trio, that goes way too far in some of their chapters, but you can honestly just skip those sections if it's not your cup of tea, with no detriment to your reading experience.

    Guild Wars
    Games · Kotario
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to ChrisV

    Serana is one of the most overrated characters in all of video game history. I say that as an absolute edge lord who adores the dawnguard DLC. She's nothing but a walking thirst trap for loner recluses who self diagnose mental disorders on themselves and blame their circumstances on anything or anyone but themselves. Harkon, on the other hand, was a man with an insufferable, abusive wife; Serana without any powers or tragic backstory as a daughter, and the knowledge of how to make the best of a bad situation. If you ask me, Harkon has been done incredibly ditty by an extremely biased author in this arc of the story. If you ever play through dawnguard and survive the Serana sympathy virus that's shoved down your throat, then come back and read these chapters, you'll realize Harkon could have been Jon's greatest friend and ally if the author wasn't thirsty for his daughter.

    Ch 363 Beauty and the Beast
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to El_Don

    This makes so much sense, I got the feeling that you didn't really like or understand her character despite adding her in. A by request character explains it aptly.

    Ch 363 Beauty and the Beast
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to Sir_Readsalot01

    They need to make sure no one escapes. Small elite team can get in and do work, but one or two bad guys might slip away.

    We moved that night leading a small force of two hundred Dare Dragon Mercenaries and our target was the coast near Ysgramor's Tomb.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to The_Record_Of_Fish

    No. She's kissing herself.

    Jon hugged her warmly but Jull was already taking her turn too, she leaned forward and started kissing both Alina and Jull.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to Akichi

    TBH, if i'm not at least as old as Lord Fyr by the time I kill my first dragon, I obviously haven't added enough extra content mods. Loverslab can really help pad the numbers.....

    Malyn himself was found in a haggard state after being isolated by me for some time. He has clearly become madder than before.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to Laztrites

    By "Forced", he means he was about to start cracking skulls and was appeased by being given lackeys to push people out of his way instead of killing them with his own hands.

    Lately, as I started walking through the roads of Winterhold, some people would gather around me and start complaining about all sort of stuff. I had to create a small office and for the complains and the requests but they never quit. Jull forced me to be accompanied with bodyguards since then.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact

    If Violence isn't solving all of your problems, you're obviously not using enough of it. ~ Jon Freaking Dare

    "I am talking about the Mercenary Corps and the Security Department."
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact

    Imagine being one of these people whoo thinks it's not a broken retardedly OP item for him to get. These are obviously the people who would waste an isekai opportunity by being average at best and dying normally.

    [AN: the Haven Cube is inspired by the mod 'Haven Bag by Haishao. Just an immersive and lore-friendly version of it.]
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact

    Okay, okay, okay. I hear you. Lots of enemies. But I raise you, Big Hammer. It's the perfect counter to the spheres and spiders. And for the Centurions, just....y'know....outrun them.

    'Now now, let's see what we have here… the room seems to be 100 meters long and 40 meters wide. Some platforms, eight dormant Dwarven Centurions so better not to wake them up, a total of fifty moving objects which are too small and moving with a lot of sounds, they should be Dwemer Spiders, and finally we have a total of twelve pipes in the walls, if I am not mistaken, these kinds of pipes is the one that the Dwemer Spheres. Not sure how many Spheres in each pipe but I read that they can store up to five. The worst case scenario is eight Dwemer Centurions, fifty Dwemer Spiders and sixty Dwemer Sphere… Damn!'
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact

    Uno Reverse

    [AN: If you didn't, I suggest reading the previous chapter carefully.]
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact

    It was definitely above 500 last time we saw his stats.

    HP: 125/390
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to _Yokai_

    Hear me out here, but maybe, it's because he's got very little actual combat experience considering his mental age, thus he has developed bad habits due to his inexperience and mindset. He's panicked right now, and in a very dangerous situation, thus he isn't thinking about subjects he's not comfortable with depending on, like a magic he's created but doesn't use often. Just because you, as a third party, sitting in a safe environment, under no duress or pressure, can think of something like that, doesn't mean he has that capacity. Keep in mind the dude is like 40 years old mentally and his only practical combat experience is from the past half decade or so, most of which has been in the past year. He doesn't have the experience nor wherewithall to be big-braining it up every single time he fights.

    The Bull Kagouti seemed to have no problems with it eyesight, Jon realized the fact but the Bull Kagouti started attacking.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to DeejaeSutherland


    Any 4000 years old person [A/N: needs verification if one was found] will soon develop a hobby to pass their time with, Divayth Fyr was a collector and he loved sport, back then the Corprusarium was a dungeon where he hid some of his treasures, he then invited thieves from any place to come and plunder his dungeon… if they could of course. As one can expect, the Corprusarium was filled deadly traps on the standards of a 4000 years old mage and no need to mention the ones afflicted with the corprus who were pretty much like those biohazardous zombies.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to _Felix_

    This happened near the end of Oblivion's story.

    "Another example was the late Champion of Cyrodiil or what people know as the Hero of Kvatch. He had three trials against the Daedric Prince Mehrune Dagon, the ancient Immortal Umaril the Unfeathered, and the Daedric Prince Jyggalag. During the last trial, the Hero was chosen to be Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness, to protect the Isles of Madness from Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order. Sources say that the Sheogorath was actually the cursed form of Jyggalag and the Hero managed to remove the curse from Jyggalag and thus keeping him free from becoming Sheogorath again. Jyggalag, again free to wander Oblivion in his true form, disclosed his story to the Champion and named him the new Prince of Madness before departing."
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to ChronosTimeTyrant

    Uhm, no? He's just making his own spells, not his own magic system thus far. He's got a (Well-deserved) superiority complex about himself being able to design better spells than the regular ones available.

    "Last year, he left Riften at the rank of 'Apprentice Mage'. Once he traveled through Skyrim, he had a fortuitous encounter and grasped some basics of the ways of the Psijics. He then started focusing his all on how to increase his power and learn how to control it but he faced a certain dilemma with his vitality, he found a way to cure himself and achieved a certain degree of balance and was recognized as an 'Expert Mage' lately."
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Silver_Pact
    Replied to SPRayKiNG

    Actually, they most certainly can! Especially vague feelings and events, like weather that wasn't extreme. You try remembering any random summer day from when you were 5, and try to describe the weather that day to me. Not to mention he's lived in what he considers perpetual winter since then. Most people would have forgotten the specifics about a summer day within a year, easily. Not to mention, as has ALREADY BEEN TOLD, the Thu'um is not just a human understanding of a word. It's a Dragon's understanding of a word. And he wasn't the Dragonborn in Egypt. Red Jon is the Dragonborn side of him, and Red Jon never experienced Egypt, thus he can't 'Understand' Egypt's weather. And lots of other reasons I could explain to you as to why he can't use the Thu'um.

    I had to use the 'Clear Skies' Thu'um to put down the storm but I haven't made any progress with the last word 'Koor' which means 'Summer'. Mostly because I haven't seen a real summer in a long time and it is hard to pull its effect out. Also, the word was so damn hard to use as a Thu'um.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don