


Trying my best to write.

2020-07-08 JoinedUnited States



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  • PanPakapon

    Gotta say, this is a bit of a strange one. Although the start was a bit slow, it did pick up around the middle… but, if I had to sum up the story, I’d use the word “exhausting”… as for the MC, I’d use the phrase “endlessly pointlessly motivated”. Let me explain: The story has a long burn, building up this large conflict with a time crunch to add a sense of urgency… the issue is, this time crunch never goes away. Once the climax gets going, the time crunch gets even worse as drawn out action segments are only interrupted by lore dumps and new character introductions. It’s ambitious, but exhausting. I feel like the main character hasn’t slept in weeks and the last time he got the chance to actually just sit down and talk to someone without it being something dire was 300+ chapters ago. I appreciate the action, and the lord, but it’s very hard to believe his relationship with most of these people, especially the primary love interest. Now we get into more spoilery territory: Gosh, the MC is such an annoying busy body soemtimes, specifically with Stella. For some odd reason the MC fell in love with a blind girl he has barely interacted with, while Stella has fallen in love with the MC who she has barely interacted with. Stella’s feelings are a bit more understandable given her whole lonely rapunzel vibe, but after she confesses the MC finds the whole thing more annoying and awkward than anything. It’s not like he needs to say yes or anything, but if he doesn’t feel the same way can he stop leading her on? Stella has been treated horribly this entire novel, as the ancient magic user who constantly wants to help and do more for a guy she cares about, but either gets stonewalled or shoved in the background everytime she tries. MC is fleshed out well in terms of me understanding him… it’s just that the dude is an endless mountain of motivation and anger with an IQ of 3000 and the potential to bring heaven to its knees. Oh, he’s also super horny for thsi girl but refuses to admit it for some reason. Idk, I don’t get it. I thought his character would grow some, but he’s only become hornier, more motivated, more tired, and more angry. It’s like the guy has lost depth over time. And another thing because why not… the MC always talks about his family, and his people, and how much he cares for them, right…? Then why do we get so so little of the MC actually showing this outside of deadly combat? Like, the most emotional scene of care and love in this entire novel is him reuiniting with his father, because I truly believe it’s earned and built up well…. Idk, dude is just so emotionally shallow that I can’t anymore. Please don’t be afraid of having slower chapters or moments filled with character interactions and depth surrounding relationships and stuff. MC doesn’t have a single person that actually feels like a friend right now, and his infatuation with this blind girl through all this is over the top to say the least considering their total of… what, 3 or 4 chapters worth of dialogue? I’d sooner believe Tyr and the princess were in love than the mc and Cyneah, considering they actually interacted some. Also, I’m sorry, but you can’t have a time crunch for 700 chapters. That’s just… exhausting. 70+ chapters of raw combat and lore and political battles and negotiation is also exhausting. You write them well, but please, both the MC and us readers need a break sometimes. Keep raising the stakes and the tension and eventually you’ll exhaust everyone. Like, MC puts a sigil on the half uni half dragon dude? Cool! Awesome! Mini arc complete, let’s have a chapter or two of, idk, the MC trying to restore his energy, or confronting Nolan about the whole uncle thing so they can have a good character moment, or spending time with Cyneah so their romance or whatever is more believable. Build the characters. Build their relationships. Please. Thank you for the content.

    Legacy of the Dark Sage
    Fantasy · Lessyr