


Look under your bed... I dare ya cause then you would've wasted your time cause I'm already gone... I also like books and reading :)

2020-06-14 JoinedGlobal

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  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Its contradictory when he talks about survival and then does this. He says he has a strong urge to return back to his sister yet it seems that Noelle and Ellen are “weak” spots for him or those with younger sisters/sinlings. I wonder would he give up his chance to see his sister to save these two? We could assume that he did this so that these two could be calmer for what could possibly happen but I doubt that explanation. He seems to genuinly want to comfort them, compared to how he treats the others, not just a “they are not useful so I will treat them with indifference,” but I feel like he would genuinly let the other die, justifying it with his need to see his sister. But thats just based on the interacgions I’ve seen thus far. He did state earlier that they are two people simply using eachother but it seems that some part of him retains that semblance of a normal working part of society. But that could also put into question that if they are two people using eachother then why is he trying to get closer with them, example being him trying to get Noelle to open up to him. That maybe his older brother side of him talking though it does put the doubt in the back of my mind that he would give up survival for these two if he chooses to get any closer and not to maintain a barrier between them. I wonder when he will cast that away if ever and what choices will arrive out of that conclusion.

    Those were the only words I uttered, but surprisingly they had a reassuring effect on Ellen and Noelle. It was somewhat curious, actually. I wondered about the image they had of me, for such simple words to bring them so much comfort.
    Death's return (A LitRPG story)
    Fantasy · Rowen_Kun
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Would he? The wolf is also hurt enough to result in abandoning strategic attacks, simply hurling out attacks. You could possibly assume that the wolf therefore could not possibly keep up an assault/attacks at this level for very long. Also it is using its own blood to fire off spears, you could assume that it is taking a toll on its body based on the strength and velocity of the spears, seeing what the first spear did to that tree. You could also assume that the wolf would keep his attention on the mc alone and not target the other two, seeing as the blood spears are controlled enough to continue following him despite him weaving between and behind trees. Possibly showing a need to end the battle quickly. A possible strategy he could’ve used with a lot less risk would have been to wait out. But thats my opinion… :~).

    No, I needed to try. If the fight dragged on, I would be at a total disadvantage. With this firm thought in mind, I gripped my dagger as tightly as possible, while [Infusion] worked at full steam, channeling Aether into it. Gradually, the Aether surrounding my dagger condensed, becoming denser and more tangible.
    Death's return (A LitRPG story)
    Fantasy · Rowen_Kun
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Interesting story so far, love the family dynamic. Hope for more. :~).

    Ch 5 Monster [Ch-4]
    Academy's Lurking Monster
    Fantasy · ForgottenWill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    What if once they enter the hidden temple music starts playing and a boss bar appears what then? June has little to no combat experience and Gemm I feel like would just run away (I mean I would too), they either press forward or wander in the fog hoping to find a way out. This place just reminds me of the dream realm so much that I expect the the same level of overwhelming danger.

    He had expected them to bicker over his abrupt decision, but he didn't think it would earn him two punches to the face. Perhaps the emotions they felt regarding the situation were far higher than he had initially thought, but regardless of everything that had just happened, June hoped she would come to her senses and really take his words into consideration.
    Accursed Heritage
    Fantasy · Voiidtwo
  • Creepy_CuddleBear
    Replied to UntoldQuill

    Lol I could see that happening. :~).

    Weiss Licht was currently in the Simulation Capsule, a spacious, spherical chamber that provided her with realistic holographic enemies to fight and train against. 
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Oooo, every time I see her or see her name being mentioned I feel a bubbling rage in my stomach (or maybe the taco bell fighting back). At this moment, I somewhat hate her, maybe later into the story I might slightly like her as events progress. But I want to know the history between Silas, Oscar and Weiss, like how does 2 children from a somewhat influential family become friends with a crime boss’ child.

    Weiss Licht was currently in the Simulation Capsule, a spacious, spherical chamber that provided her with realistic holographic enemies to fight and train against. 
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear
    Replied to UntoldQuill

    Ahhh I see looking forward to it and Silas’ ability is very interesting hoping to see more of it.

    Silas collapsed, catching himself with his hands, his face contorted in agony.
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Awww was I the only one who wnated to see Elias give Silas a mean right punch. A punch so devastating that you would have to animate it with impact frames all throughout it. And then tell Silas to make a potion to heal his nasty volleyball size of a bruise or black abyss colored black eye. But can Silas make healing potions? Oh wait nvm he made a healing potion for Weiss so he can. Ultimate punching bag fr.

    Silas collapsed, catching himself with his hands, his face contorted in agony.
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Wrong? My boy you would’ve been as dead as dirt lol.

    He couldn't depend solely on Erisa for protection. Quill didn't know exactly what Weiss had planned for him, but he was certain that without Erisa's intervention, it could have gone disastrously wrong.
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    I wonder what Quill will do if Weiss continues to go after his life or tries to continuously get in his way. Will he continue to let her off with life lessons, slowly making her come to his side or will he tolerate her action to an extent until she crosses the line or she stands in his way too many times and it will end in something drastic that solidifies their positions as enemies. I want answers or hints at least. What is his thought process if she continues on her hate train.

    Weiss wanted Quill to suffer, not to die quickly. But she had lost herself in the moment, and Quill had lectured her.
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear
    Replied to VXZD_ZD


    According to one of the faculty members at the administrative building, the liquid inside the crystal vial was called Body Cleansing Essence Oil. This liquid effectively removed the impurities present inside one's body. At the same time, it also restructured the body, strengthening it immensely.
    Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe
    Fantasy · Esenel
  • Creepy_CuddleBear
    Replied to VXZD_ZD

    Isn’t lotm a chinese novel? That one is universally accepted as being a masterpiece by mostly everyone that has read it.

    According to one of the faculty members at the administrative building, the liquid inside the crystal vial was called Body Cleansing Essence Oil. This liquid effectively removed the impurities present inside one's body. At the same time, it also restructured the body, strengthening it immensely.
    Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe
    Fantasy · Esenel
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Ah… that is all I want to say just… ah…

    [Class: Novice Assassin (Level 1 : 0%) ]
    Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain
    Fantasy · avbutt
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Ah, he has that type of mindset regarding bow. And whats wrong with “hiding” at the back. He has no plot armor and no combat experience. Supposedley. I just hate it when people down play a class because of preconcieved notions or sterotypes.

    Recalling that one of the heroines within Liam's party used a bow, and that using a bow meant hiding at the back of the battlefield like a scaredy cat, I started leaning more on the assassin.
    Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain
    Fantasy · avbutt
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Magic archer maybe?

    My dragon's trait greatly enhanced my eyesight, so I leaned toward being an Assassin or Bow user, as those two required a keen eye. 
    Transmigrating as an Extra Third-Rate Villain
    Fantasy · avbutt
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    A better way of approaching this would have been to teach them basic survival skills and simple hunting methods and then throwing them to the wolves. At least that way you would give them the skills neccesary to survive if they adapt fast enough. And those that adapted fast would survive and those that didn’t either relied on those that did or are dead, and those that relied on the strong would be later weeded out when they arrived at their destination. But all of this is simply a scenario that I came up with that would better show “good seeds” rather than letting clueless and unprepared children die. But I’ve come back after stockpiling chapters so idk where they are really headed to or the overall plot.

    Firstly, as cruel as it sounded, the Magi wanted to discard the bad seeds from this batch of children. This ensured that the children who did enroll at the academy were the best of the best.
    Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe
    Fantasy · Esenel
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Aahhh maybe coming from Advent of the Three Calamities and knowing Julien’s character and knowing that he is focused on survival and knowing that if this happened to him, he would’ve reacted entirely different. It might’ve mentioned the goals of the mc at some point but based on his behavior, survival seems to be 2nd or 3rd to a different goal or maybe him trying to fix Weiss’ mentality is also a component to his survival but a part of me feels that him taking that beating was a combonation of his bias towards the character and the understanding of knowing the pain she was feeling all that time. But I need more revenge and retaliation rather than taking a beating. But that’s just my honest opinion. Love the story so far.

    Though he would make them both even one day, perhaps not with a fight but with something equally impactful.
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Phew I thought that his love for her character would overshadow what she did and although I understand that he probably won’t do anything drastic against her like destroying her home life and family or destroying her reputation, at least he is still holding onto his anger.

    Quill was still mad, furious even, but his Traits allowed him to act logically, not emotionally, at least for this moment.
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Knew it but still she was full on commiting to end him right then and there, and althoguh Quill Nocturne did kill her brother, he is not him. I can understand both points but I still feel like retaliating for her blatant intent to kill him is still warrented. A part of me hopes that after this, things won’t be all lovey dovey and understanding or even any reconciliation because at the end of the day withough Erisa, he would’ve died, end of story, curtains closed, done for.

    Ending one of the main forces against the evil in this world wouldn't help him or anyone else.
    Trapped Inside My Favorite Novel
    Fantasy · UntoldQuill
  • Creepy_CuddleBear

    Wow I have no words… does that mean he is going to intentionally keep both families apart to not allow this technique from being discovered. He is intenting to technically sabotage anybody from becoming stronger than him. From his family at least… I don’t know if he’s petty or just hates even the prospect of not being the strongest or being surpassed. He is truly arrogant but his talent backs his statements but him hoeing everybody by concealing this technique forever just rubs me the wrong way lol. But thats my take.

    'The first and the last.'
    [FREE] The Return of the Legendary Swordsman
    Fantasy · AxiomS