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  • TinyBulbasaur

    Becoming more Demon like, added on to Recon implying he recieved the Demon Lord power means there's probably a Demon Realm somewhere trying to invade this Isekai world.. perhaps they're vtubers who get Isekaid when their wifi cuts out rather than people who die standard

    Instantly, the Darchangels began to cry out and writhe in pain as their bodies started to morph. Their eyes turned red, their teeth and nails grew longer, and black horns emerged from their heads. As for their Kinks, they didn't change physically, but their auras suddenly exploded with power and intensity.
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Good chapter to come back to after a while away, full of humour, nice, visualisable action and some implications for wider story prospects. Some nice detail there too, the teamwork was Briggo + Nux, and Briggo + Animak, showing the pair still aren't too fond of each other to the point they'll work together. Anyway, Recon gained supernatural powers by becoming the Demon Lord - it wasn't just a persona he crafted to inspire fear, meaning even if Recon is defeated more Demon Lords will rise. I think the trigger will either be an actual Demon God giving power to people to cultivate the land into a place where the God can enter - maybe it's unsuitable for a full demon or something. Or, a parasite that wants to expand and kill everything - This explains how Recons blood (probably semen) gives those who ingest it more power - his entire anatomy changed, suggesting something resides within him. If it is a parasite, then I think it may stealthily pass into Birito at some point, who is a bit sidelined at the moment. From there, Birito will have 2 personalities but isn't aware of it, so when the "Demon Lord" emerges again Animak, Briggo and Nux will be trying to find him when he's right there anyway. Also, since Birito is developing a Kink he will be much more of a threat than Recon is. No matter what, I'm sure it'll be awesome, and thanks for the chapter. Now to get back to Unravel played on calculators

    Ch 21 Tweek Sauce
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Ahh damn, no choice but to laugh at that one

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    "When I became the Demon Lord" - implies it's not just a persona, but a physical change started by something specific, and if it happened once it can happen again - This isn't the end of the Demon Lord if Recon falls here

    "You just witnessed the effects of tweek sauce, my own special invention! When I became the Demon Lord, my body gained incredible new properties. Not only do I possess superhuman powers, but I can use my bodily fluids to enhance the strength of my Darchangels. The effects are temporary, but a few minutes is all they will need. HUA-HUA-HUA-HUA-HUA!"
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Ooh, the visuals that came into my head of the three Auras shining brilliantly were beautiful. A good chapter, twists and turns at every corner, the slowish previous pace has been forgotten now, lots of little things here and there which are just *chef's kiss*. As for customary predictions, I need to begin with the tier system Recon spoke about - they haven't been mentioned before, unless I'm very mistaken. Tier systems in anime usually mean nothing in the face of overwhelming power, so I think that the darchangels will be fairly easy for the main trio to beat, especially with help from Hyde, Evan, etc, but problems will arise with Jordanios power, which is very very strong. He can easily teleport away each of the main trio into a trap, and can take Truck-Chan and Birito hostage easily too. Big D. energy may play a part, but theres not a lot to go off. I think timing wise, it might be getting to the point where Truck-Chan lives up to her name and transforms, which will help the main cast escape if things go dicey, which they will, and also ensures that Truck Chan and Birito won't just be able to back off from the situation they find themselves in - Recon will want the legendary Chariot for himself. Birito and Truck chan have to stay with the strongest Kink users around, maybe gather more power, maybe help Birito with his kink training, though the old man is shifty too. Now I'm just waiting for the unstoppable teamwork of Animak, Nuxanor and Briggo, which I'm sure will be flawless.

    Ch 20 The Messenger
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Wahey, I predicted this happening a while ago, ggs

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Yo he's being destroyed, no mercy. What did he do to you guys lmao

    "Yes," Animak replied, "and he wanted us to pass a decree that would compel every woman he finds attractive to marry him."
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Great chapter, lots of development for Nux, Briggo and Animak, realistic backstories that provide logical reasons for each of the casts current behaviour. Briggo, regretful he let the country split in two, will make them unite to defeat a greater threat by any means necessary. Animak has the power he always wanted, and wants to keep the order he established. Nux finally gets respect, after his people were unfairly discriminated against. As for predictions.. I finally got one right (maybe), after saying last chapter the edge lords would be attacked by an unknown individual who would turn their attention to the main cast. As for next chapter, I think there will be another fight. Briggo will be put out of comission early on, Truck-Chan and Birito will be reluctant to help. Nux and Animak will have a Goku&Vegeta vs Jiren type of teamwork, with Nux annoying Animak as much as possible to make him stronger. However, since there has been a vivid fight this chapter, there may not be one next time. Rather, it will be an envoy from the Demon Lord or the exiled royal family. It could be from the Demon Lord since hes, well, the main villain so far, and hes not done much, this next chapter would turn him from passive to active quite well. As for the royal family.. years in exile, with tiny Island nations unassociated with Nuxturia and Animakistan, they could regain power. In fact, they could be holding both nations hostage at the moment. The Rant Cafe was left undefended and Recon was killed. Both nations are currently leaderless, and this could be a great way to show how Nux and Animaks childish behaviour meant they didnt learn from their past mistakes, as well as cement the fact there is a traitor with intimate knowledge of both nations.

    Ch 19 The Great Incident
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Fairly tragic, and explains Nuxs behavior in making himself a beloved star of the nation. His people can finally get the respect and love they deserved

    "As if you're any better, Animak!" Briggo exclaimed. "You see, Birito and Truck-chan, Nuxanor was isekai'd into this world as a baby. He was born as a member of the Fam Race, a distinct race of people with blue skin and white hair who are native to the far north. Because of their unique appearance, the Fam people have been persecuted in their homeland, and when he grew of age, Nuxanor came to the Twigoslav Peninsula as a refugee."
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Briggo went into psuedo exile, as did the royal family. Not saying anything as it doesn't seem like something Briggo would do, but it's notable. Briggo also seems very regretful, beyond being sad his friends are at war.

    Briggo sighed. "We knew that nothing would bring our dear friend back, but we were determined to overthrow the cruel and corrupt regime that killed him. Soon the suffering masses joined our cause, we freed all the slaves and they joined us too, and before long we won the war. Our Kink powers and our strength in numbers was too much for the royal guards to handle. The royal family fled into exile and Central City was ours.
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Only two people left to guard it. That night they attack. There has been a traitor for a long time

    Briggo went on: "That fateful night most of us were away from the café. Only John Recon and Mathieu Chronexia were left to guard the place. We never expected that the royal guards would launch a surprise attack."
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    This chapter embodied Nux perfectly, he was very well written, im a bit disappointed we didn't see too much of his edge lords, but as a climax approaches one of four things will happen: - The edge lords get destroyed (except evan) by an unknown attacker, who then proceeds to attack the main group. This is supported by the idea the edge lords didnt get any attachment built to them, except one. theyre fodder, apart from the one who gave their report (forgot the name) The deaths wont have an emotional impact but narratively absoloutely will. The strength of the enemy forces will be terrifying. - The edge lords prepare to ambush the main gang as they leave. Again, in this and previous chapters, Nux and co have been very co-operative for a nation warring with Animakista. - Nux really just doesn't need them around. They arent part of the main gang, who cares, plus, they dont seem like they are important enough to know this info - Or, they aren't really leaving, and it's an illusion caused by a kink user on Nux's side. The moment things to awry, Nux commands the kink user to release the illision and escapes

    Ch 18 The Shmexy Forest
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    ok this made me laugh hard

    "It's the one phrase Nuxanor knows that I would never utter… not in a million years."
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur
    Replied to The_Green_Hat

    That alarms my theory senses. Hiding gets on Animaks nerves and simps for him, but Nux himself loves Hiding too, meaning Hiding could be a spy for or a defector from Nuxturia Thinking about it, it doesnt make sense, but thats showbiz for ya

    Ch 17 The Rant Café
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur
    Replied to Alec_Santos

    More powerful the crazier he gets would make sense, however, being crazy is a permanent thing, unlike animak being angry and briggo being pumped up, and high levels of craziness means he cant run a country very well, but given nuxturis is fairly well established and powerful, with him even having someone able to awaken kinks, the country is stable. As for memes, it doesnt make sense, since only kink users have the ability to know what a meme is, and the humour behind a meme is subjective, furthermore how would it be scaled up? The more memes he sees the stronger he is? Or when someone quotes a meme he enjoys he gets stronger? Nah, too iffy of a power in my eyes, but i get where youre coming from.

    Ch 17 The Rant Café
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur
    Replied to kombas

    honestly I don't know, syd hasn't been shown to have one yet, and I don't think it's been clarified. But for the sake of theories i'm going to assume they can, and keep it going for as long as I can.

    Ch 17 The Rant Café
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    It's been what, two weeks? I've had some time to come up with theories, but a lot of them have already been thrown out the window. One of the things that interested me the most here was Nux. His reveal will no doubt be fantastic, but the consistent delays are intriuging. People are either saying they don't have information, or send the gang off to other places. I think this is a trap laid by Nux. The information was given very easily, and the one who gave the information just happened to be in the place Briggo and Animak would look first? Sketchy. Birito's development, or lack thereof, in recent chapters is another thing. There hasn't at all been a focus on him, since there hasn't needed to be, which makes me think something is building for him. This kink trainer (I've forgotten the name) must have some sort of ability within him. He trains every kink user in Nuxturia, and so far none have been shown, but I can make an educated guess here. The trainer has a kink of his own (besides watching bdsm) which allows him to awaken the powers of kink users, and then mind control said users. It explains why he would so readily offer his services to someone accompanying Animak. It also puts him in a position of immense power, being able to control the Kink power of a nation, which further sets Nux up to be even stronger than that. Either way, I have something I must do. My kink theories have been grand, to say the least. Lots of twists, turns, intricate little abilities requiring a lot of activation conditions. From what we've seen, Kinks aren't like this. Even Animak has a simple one. Flight, and stronger when angry. So it's time for Revised Kink theory (part 1/?) Nux: As i've said, it needs to be strong enough to keep his nation in check. Briggo - stronger when pumped up Animak - stronger when angry Nux's should be along those lines, and I think it should play to not his own enotions like Animak, but the emotions of others. When there is a lot of anger directed at him, he gets agile enough to dodge everything, and when there is a lot of love directed at him, he gets the strength to break open someones skull with a flick. Perfect to tailor to his huge following. This was very long, thanks for reading if you did, see you next time

    Ch 17 The Rant Café
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    a man of... culture?

    "I like to watch," Wong said and smiled. "Proceed."
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    She has friends in high places. If there's a traitor, and Animak finds out, he will be able to destroy the world single handedly.

    "Uhm, what?!" Animak snapped, and he sounded nervous again.
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe
  • TinyBulbasaur

    Good to know his followers are as annoying as they are irl. Really brings a senae of realism into this world. The nation of Nuxturia itself is an enigma. It seems both lawless and lawful at the same time, and I'm wondering how it managed to stay afloat for so long with how chaotic it is. Either his followers loyalty or the raw power of Nuxs kink could do a lot to help it, but either way this nation doesn't seem too sustainable. There must be a reason Noble is staying in Nuxturia when he could easily flee into Animakistan, however, so maybe the nation has its upsides. Furthermore, we get a very small insight into Nux's kink. As seen when Animak half summoned his, a kink can display it's ability without fully displaying itself, so there must be a good reason the billy army believed Nux was captured. Perhaps his kink works like an Earthbender, or he needs to be in proximity to something. Either way its cool. Also I'm guessing syd is sydsnap, and Im looking forward to her arrival, shes cool.

    Ch 16 Billy
    That Time I Got Isekai’d To Another World With My Truck!!
    Fantasy · RantCafe