

2020-06-09 JoinedGlobal

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  • Azrael179
    Replied to Mr_Tyrone

    thanks i accidentally googled diameter instead of circumference

    Traversing the Hollows and fighting Great Beasts was already bad enough. But then, Sunny decided to transport the two Sleepers back all by himself… the ruins of the forgotten city were situated in the vicinity of the Nameless Temple, but only relative to the overall size of the region. In truth, there was close to two hundred kilometers between them. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to Mr_Tyrone

    i did the math with a calculator. seems to check out. divide circumference of earth by 400 multiply by 6 divide by 60

    Traversing the Hollows and fighting Great Beasts was already bad enough. But then, Sunny decided to transport the two Sleepers back all by himself… the ruins of the forgotten city were situated in the vicinity of the Nameless Temple, but only relative to the overall size of the region. In truth, there was close to two hundred kilometers between them. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179

    I'm sorry what... first off Roy crossed two hundred kilometres in a couple of days... absolute madlad. second. that means sunny can circumnavigate earth in 3 minutes and 20seconds

    Traversing the Hollows and fighting Great Beasts was already bad enough. But then, Sunny decided to transport the two Sleepers back all by himself… the ruins of the forgotten city were situated in the vicinity of the Nameless Temple, but only relative to the overall size of the region. In truth, there was close to two hundred kilometers between them. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to AstralDaemon

    lord of the mysteries

    "Plus, this incarnation of mine is really just a humble shopkeeper. It's like a vacation… I wouldn't want my peaceful life to be spoiled. Who knows what will happen to my mental state if my only source of peace disappears in a puff of smoke."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to Nevinsforehead

    i wouldn't say it needs to be anything heroic just a set of unbreakable rules he sets for himself that would allow him to find himself

    "Because otherwise, I wouldn't be me!"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to Dr_Haaxx

    knight is gender neutral in English i think isn't it?

    "Plus, this incarnation of mine is really just a humble shopkeeper. It's like a vacation… I wouldn't want my peaceful life to be spoiled. Who knows what will happen to my mental state if my only source of peace disappears in a puff of smoke."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179

    oh.... i suspect nephis just gave sunny an idea how to substitute his true name during shadow dance

    "Because otherwise, I wouldn't be me!"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to faiz_sharif

    that anime had like one of the harshest falls in story quality between seasons. i have read ln and the reordering of events in anime gave me a stroke.

    And that was alright. She did not need anyone, because she alone was enough. Her will was enough, her strength was enough, and her scorching longing was enough. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179

    her copium was strong enough ...

    And that was alright. She did not need anyone, because she alone was enough. Her will was enough, her strength was enough, and her scorching longing was enough. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to faiz_sharif

    "what the hell is a toad?" in the next sentence

    'What toad?! What the hell is a toad?! My face is so handsome that it can fund an entire business, you good-for-nothings!'
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179

    gotta say sunny not knowing animals is one of my favourite running gags

    'What toad?! What the hell is a toad?! My face is so handsome that it can fund an entire business, you good-for-nothings!'
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179

    i mean .. morgan is the one that stole his heart the day two of them met for the first time

    "Really? It's good, then… oh, but if you prefer, I can ask the elders to send Morgan here, next time..."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to Frisk_Pichi

    ... i kinda wouldn't mind an evil persona to match the knight in shining armour mongrel

    "Plus, this incarnation of mine is really just a humble shopkeeper. It's like a vacation… I wouldn't want my peaceful life to be spoiled. Who knows what will happen to my mental state if my only source of peace disappears in a puff of smoke."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to yankee_nobrim

    I can't disagree more. here madness of mc kinda appears and dissapears. there are whole arcs when it's not really important. meanwhile in lotm it's a constant theme and omnipresent threat to everyone.

    "Plus, this incarnation of mine is really just a humble shopkeeper. It's like a vacation… I wouldn't want my peaceful life to be spoiled. Who knows what will happen to my mental state if my only source of peace disappears in a puff of smoke."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179

    holding his own psychological well being hostage ... am i reading lotm again?

    "Plus, this incarnation of mine is really just a humble shopkeeper. It's like a vacation… I wouldn't want my peaceful life to be spoiled. Who knows what will happen to my mental state if my only source of peace disappears in a puff of smoke."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179

    fair enough

    "You should take this issue seriously. Also, it's time to test your Ascetic endurance. If you get bewitched and lose your manhood, even if it grows back every morning, I'll laugh at you for the rest of your life."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • Azrael179
    Replied to Theo_Falasco

    the underwater fight with saint bloodwave and the friendly house night master during fall of falcon scot

    The [Formless] Ability allowed Serpent to assume the form of any shadow resting in Sunny's soul, inheriting its powers and abilities. The shadow had to be of the same or lower Rank and Class, which meant that the most powerful form Serpent could currently assume was that of the Sybil of the Fallen Grace… the Terror of LO49. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to Frisk_Pichi

    this book has a Reddit community? what's it called

    The [Formless] Ability allowed Serpent to assume the form of any shadow resting in Sunny's soul, inheriting its powers and abilities. The shadow had to be of the same or lower Rank and Class, which meant that the most powerful form Serpent could currently assume was that of the Sybil of the Fallen Grace… the Terror of LO49. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179

    that's absolutely terrifying

    The [Formless] Ability allowed Serpent to assume the form of any shadow resting in Sunny's soul, inheriting its powers and abilities. The shadow had to be of the same or lower Rank and Class, which meant that the most powerful form Serpent could currently assume was that of the Sybil of the Fallen Grace… the Terror of LO49. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Azrael179
    Replied to Aniko_Pasztor1

    there was no ice on forgotten shore

    The bitter cold. The dim twilight. The cracking of ice as he broke through it and climbed onto the desolate shore… the dark storm of seething emotions raging in his hollow heart…
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree