


I’m a new author hoping to make you feel a range of emotions as you experience my character's lives and adventures.

2020-05-25 JoinedUnited States

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  • Eden_Mc

    I absolutely adore aunt sabby! She’s such a warmth!

    "Girl, wait up!!!" Aunt Sabby exclaimed, hurrying towards Hera with a flapping chicken in each hand. Surprisingly, they were still alive and tied only by their feet. "Bring these with you! You know that native chickens are more delicious and cleaner than the ones bought from poultry farms that feed on manufactured feeds." Aunt Sabby paused to catch her breath, having rushed back to her house to fetch what she had prepared for Hera to take home.
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc

    😂😂😂 these expressions I can’t !!!

    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc

    I don’t understand why she isn’t saying anything, she’s just letting herself be so misunderstood, won’t even tell her bestfriend seems stupid to me

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Urban · Kourtney_Sspears
  • Eden_Mc
    Replied to Eden_Mc

    Without giving it away she does have a good reason. Thank goodness !

    The monthly rent alone is tens of thousands of dollars. This is why it was necessary for Hera to work multiple jobs while also balancing her studies and love life.
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc
    Replied to GucciCat_Keli03

    😂😂😂 that was a good one

    Once again, Wang Chao laughed out loud as I took a sip of the heavenly nectar. "Leave her alone," Chen Zi Han growled and went back to his place.
    Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm
    Sci-fi · Devilbesideyou666
  • Eden_Mc

    Hope you’re okay author, I send hugs and good juju.

    Ch 169 Bai Shanyuan
    Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate
    Fantasy · Littlecarrot
  • Eden_Mc

    Grandpa is so cute !

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc
    By then, it was evident that he was genuinely offended and was meting out his punishment to the participants in his own way, though he didn't show much emotion on the outside.
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc

    So considerate !

    Silently, Xavier trailed Hera to the bathroom, ensuring her safety along the way. The sight was reminiscent of a child being watched over by a caring mother. Viewers watched with amusement as Xavier subtly adjusted the placement of furniture, all the while keeping a close eye on Hera to prevent her from bumping into anything. Despite his limited visibility, he remained vigilant, determined to safeguard her from any potential hazards.
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc
    Replied to GoddessKM

    💜you’re welcome Darling! Thank you for giving us a good story !

    Ch 120 Chapter 120 Xavier being Protective
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc


    Regalus was horrified at her sentence and ended up looking at his buffed figure.
    Enter Beast World: Starting Anew Without a Protagonist Halo
    Fantasy · Rei_AtticusX
  • Eden_Mc

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 120 Chapter 120 Xavier being Protective
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc

    Ahhh the swoon moments I can’t !!! You’re teasing us too much author !!!! Making us thirsty 😂😂😂

    Hera found his gesture unexpectedly endearing, which elicited a sweet smile from her. Xavier, momentarily taken aback, felt his hands stiffen before he resumed his actions, returning a charming smile to Hera. He then urged her to go inside her room to fetch her clothes so she could take a shower too.
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc

    We love Athena !!!!

    Unfortunately for Alice, she underestimated Hera's experience. Athena had meticulously trained Hera in handling such tactics years ago, rendering Alice, in Hera's eyes, akin to a novice still learning the ropes.
    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc
    Replied to GoddessKM

    I’m sure more people who read will fall in love with your story as well! It is honestly truly well written and the dynamics between characters ! *chiefs kiss * I hope you have a lovely day !

    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc
    Replied to Eden_Mc

    On one note I will definitely state as a writer and a fan please remember your audience isn’t one individual, it’s numerous people with complex minds and different ways of thinking, interpretation, and reading comprehension. You can not and will not please everyone so don’t stress yourself and get burn out trying to accommodate, different strokes for different folks, if you feel you’re being too vulgar or gory ( 😂 my expertise ) or too detailed in explation where the reader may feel it has nothing to do with the plot leave a note in the chapter above. I’ve seen authors do this with smut or gore seems a reasonable compromise 1. Without compromising with your own writing and 2 compromising with your paying audience they can fast pass or skip if they so chose. Some of us are more particular some of us care more for leaisure most times it depends on the mood and our previous reads and what we’re in the mood for at that moment. Don’t compromise your story or your characters to where you become unhappy, I send you all the good juju and hugs !

    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc
    Replied to Eden_Mc

    You’re very welcome ! I’m glad to be of some help, feel free to reach out through fb if you ever need a listening ear the user names are similar without the underscore _ 😂 if you see a profile that says F off I’ve found me.

    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc
    Replied to GoddessKM

    I appreciate you taking the time to read it. As writers we are our worst critics most times. I write as well but I tend to overthink and hyper focus on what I’m unhappy with such as specifics like the science behind everything or architecture. I have to remind myself not get too sucked into the details or over analyze every little thing I have to remember I’m allowed to be vague and not everything needs to be detailed explanation. I think you’ve done a wonderful job painting the scenes and emotions, the pace makes sense as well as her growth, it doesn’t feel contradictory as the story unfolds. If you had seen a previous comment of mine, I questioned Heras with her family ethics she’s been taught since young the value of hardwork and money to her way of going all out didn’t make sense to me, spending lavishly on a gift when she wouldn’t allow herself a meal after her hard work, but you tied it all together with the later chapters subtly at first with Athena introduction as a child, the why’s and how her mind works throughout, the last ditch effort of hoping the prediction was but a child’s whimsical mind and imagination. Hera seemed to hold an emotional attachment to her ex makes sense as He changes, her fate changes as well, she won’t lose what she cherishes the most ( her grandfather and the subordinates who are family ) who wants to be a fictional character in a book that is a stepping stone for another’s path, her and her grandfathers fate ties with so many others and it holds a very heavy weight. So I can understand why she went all out with her sincierty because she sincerely wishes that Athena predications isn’t her reality. When she realizes this possibility and that sincerity will only be taken advantage of she changes, she begins to strategize and it’s one of trail and error. I can’t determinded if what she felt for her ex was genuine love or one simply of hope as there werent to many interactions between them that was written. ( it’s hard to imagine cause he’s such a tool 😂)but I can make sense of it this way cause expectations and hope can come across as love.

    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc
    Replied to GoddessKM

    If I could edit it I would 😭 I can only delete it and I’m unsure if it would allow me to post a review again or not. I honestly have a lot more to say but wanted to get straight to the point. As a reader, what I expect an author to make me do is feel, think, bask in the emotions present in the characters and story and you’ve excelled in that. Such as in the beginning I wanted to crack open Heras mind and understand why she put so much effort into an individual who didn’t seem to value her or show sincerity even though in later chapters it didn’t get down into great depth verbally her actions showed her thought process, unwillingness, hopefulness, determination to see things through and see if fate could be changed, that she nor those around her are marionettes. I really enjoy her growth and especially her interactions with the villagers, it gives warmth and joy, understanding and potential to learn knowledge from any individual if you have the willingness to listen, Which Hera has always been completely open to. Then to see how each individual has different characteristic and humor 😂 I do love the laughs the boys and Hera & Athena bring me, the aunty villagers as well, honestly each character makes me feel, weather it’s joy and amusement,gratitude for their sincerity, or anger due to their delulu 👀👀👀 (not mentioning those who should not be named don’t need them floating around my comments 😂) I am eager for more and my excitement is buzzing ! Again you are doing wonderfully, make sure to rest well, and pat yourself in the back for bringing your characters to life, it’s not an easy task, and their dialogue comes across so genuinely and seamlessly. You’ve immersed this reader in your story 💜

    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM
  • Eden_Mc

    Oh My I got so sucked in ! To be frank, I was quite worried the first few chapters as the MC seemed too “naive” allowing herself to be used to the extent that she was, I was cringing but relieved once an explanation was given. I’ve throughly enjoyed the gradual growth that seems very well pace, she’s constantly learning & improving, gaining new insights, adapting and listening to criticism that can improve not only her growth but mindset as well. I adore the relationships with not only her immediate family and friends but those she interacts with from her day to day. I simply adore her character. I’ve been laughing my ass off and eager for updates, author you have done splendidly in portraying each character and their range of emotions ! I look forward to more

    The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress
    Urban · GoddessKM