

2020-05-17 JoinedUnited States

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  • Apophixas
    Replied to HiddenSageMilkMan

    Are you new to this site? Any story that makes it to recommendations or front page is filed with 5 star reviews, whether they deserve it or not. Most stories on this site are awfully written or translated, so anything of even passable quality automatically gets 5 stars from most people. And that's disregarding the obvious 5 star shills. This story currently isn't nearly as bad as many stories I've read here. Still needs improvement, but it's fine enough for me to keep reading.

    The Invincible Full-Moon System
    Fantasy · Mrboogey13
  • Apophixas
    Replied to Adrion_Lord

    This is book for late teens or adults. There is no excuse for having such crappy reading comprehension and information retention at that age beyond just be shit at reading. I'm with OP, people on this site never pay attention. It's the same across all the dozens of books I've read on here, regardless of the writing quality of any story. Sometimes it really is the Authors fault (or more often the translators for non-english original stories), if they can't write a single coherent sentence. However, even the most well written stories on this site are filled with comments from idiots who can't remember information from as far back as a single chapter ago (on a story that releases daily), or who just expect every single piece of relevant information to be handed to them by the author before the story can advance and reveal that info naturally. Get over yourself. You have no point, and "the customer is NOT always right".

    The Invincible Full-Moon System
    Fantasy · Mrboogey13
  • Apophixas

    Dang, the writing took a noticeable drop in quality toward the end of this chapter. What the heck happened? Hopefully it'll be back to normal next chapter.

    Ch 24 24. Cultivation Resources
    Fantasy · Dagan
  • Apophixas
    Replied to Dagan

    Always a welcome and refreshing take for romance on this site. I don't mind Harem, but holy crap does it get dull when you've read 5 Harem stories in a row, and your only normal reprieve is a story with no romance at all.

    Fantasy · Dagan
  • Apophixas
    Replied to ShadowDMG

    Yes I know of the Black Irish. My point is that black hair is not uncommon. It's not the MOST common color either, but it can be found literally everywhere.

    The second equally strange thing he had noticed were the eyes. People's eyes' color was all over the place. Just like with hair, he found a spectrum of every single color except, yet again, his own eye color: black. Both his eyes, and hair were pitch black, something that was strange too, as if they sucked the light out of the world. He suspected that these traits were rare, perhaps even ominous based on the fearful, perhaps even disdainful glances that some people would throw at him.
    The Martial Unity
    Action · Lord_Streak
  • Apophixas

    200 pounds? Congratulations, you weigh as much as a healthy 6ft European or American man. XD

    The first level said that the user would weigh nearly 200 pounds and can hit like a truck. The second he would weigh over 300 hundred pounds.
    The Human Giant
    Fantasy · Mr_Palados
  • Apophixas

    Pythons can eat food 2/3 their body length. I wish author would realize this. Generally speaking it's never the length of a creature that prevents pythons from eating them. It's the width, and even then they can still eat things twice their width.

    It was nine meters long, so how could Wang Mang swallow it whole?
    I Swear My Pool Don't Have A Python
    Sci-fi · Pen And Dream
  • Apophixas

    Only stronger because the author made the mistake of saying that female tigers are bigger than males.

    This was because the team consisted of five Siberian tigers, and all of them were female!
    I Swear My Pool Don't Have A Python
    Sci-fi · Pen And Dream
  • Apophixas

    Cats (and birds of prey) are snakes greatest enemies. Very few animals kill snakes better than cats, due to their reflexes and agility.

    Almost as soon as Wang Mang pounced on him, he jumped away and dodged Wang Mang's bloody fangs.
    I Swear My Pool Don't Have A Python
    Sci-fi · Pen And Dream
  • Apophixas

    Only when compared to other African land predators. On land, male lions tear apart every other carnivore. They are ridiculously tough and good at fightk. While one female lion might only be able to fend off 3 hyenas, a male can fend off almost ten. They are so good at it in fact, that hyenas have become instinctually afraid at the sight of male lions, and without almost overwhelming numbers, they will often end up choosing to flee from aggressive male lions. However, off land and in the water, lions have to contend with Nile crocodiles, which can grow even large than lions, have a bite force equal or grater than lions, and have a habit of dragging prey underwater while tearing them apart alive with a death roll. If you disregard just lions vs other carnivores, lions suddenly aren't very strong. Not on their own. Tons of African animals can body one or two lions, or even more. Elephants kill lions, rhinos do, hippos murder everything, cape buffalo love chasing and stomping lions just at the sight of them. Even zebras, one of lions favored prey items, regular chalk up lion kills, due to their sharp hooves and sheer aggressiveness when cornered. Lions only dominate Africa because they hunt in prides. Otherwise, almost everything they normally hunt would be too difficult for them them to kill. They'd be driven to extinction by Hyenas, Leopards, and African wild dogs.

    They were almost invincible on the grasslands, so these five lions would be basically invincible if they were on the plains.
    I Swear My Pool Don't Have A Python
    Sci-fi · Pen And Dream
  • Apophixas

    That . . . that is so very wrong. In some sub-species, males can be literally almost twice the size of females.

    However, female tigers were generally larger than males. In terms of size, male tigers were really inferior to female tigers!
    I Swear My Pool Don't Have A Python
    Sci-fi · Pen And Dream
  • Apophixas
    Replied to UnKnoWn12345678910

    Nah it's right. A male tiger is fairly intolerant of other male tigers. However, they are ridiculously lenient towards female tigers, even outside of breeding season, to the point of being somewhat submissive and even giving up kills, despite female tigers being only two thirds to three quarters a males size. Also kind of strange fact, but despite tigers being mostly solitary, when they do share carcasses at the same time, they are actually much more tolerant of each other than lions. Male lions will attack female lions and even cubs that try to eat before them, and even females will be aggressive towards each other and cubs during meal time. This is likely due to food scarcity in comparison to the number of animals feeding.

    Why? It was because tigers lived alone. As the saying goes, there can never be two tigers on one mountain — unless one is male and the other is female.
    I Swear My Pool Don't Have A Python
    Sci-fi · Pen And Dream
  • Apophixas
    Replied to Ceaseless_Voices

    Yeah, cheetahs are awful at surviving. You also didn't mention that the population is very inbred for some reason. So their health is bad too.

    Cheetahs were also outstanding in the land predator food chain.
    I Swear My Pool Don't Have A Python
    Sci-fi · Pen And Dream
  • Apophixas
    Replied to

    Yes, it is. His very first body was his earthling body. He soul-transferred into the Golden Horned Beast body, and then used its cloning ability to transform his still intact earth body into a living body again. So yes, his earthling body IS his original body in every way. How are people STILL struggling to understand this?

    Luo Feng said directly, "Relax, teacher. That Five Chaos Master won't stop until he kills me… I might just sacrifice my original body, and I won't hold back. They're chasing me, so I can't be distracted. I'll go first."
    Swallowed Star
    Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Apophixas

    Yep, just as I figured.

    In the original universe, any race with one universe supreme master could be called a pinnacle race. However, for the first and second universe eras that went through the complete incarnations, they had quite a few universe supreme masters. The human race of the second universe era was as powerful as the one in the original universe, yet it wasn't a pinnacle race.
    Swallowed Star
    Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Apophixas
    Replied to Diodon

    Only pinnacle within the original universe. Especially with the third original universe still being in its growth stage. By the time the original universe is ending, the few pinnacle races probably have a few Supreme universe masters.

    An Yong Master was thinking. The human race was bred in all the three universe eras, and humanity was a pinnacle race in both the first and the third universe eras. Only in the second era were the humans relatively weak, as only one universe supreme master had been born.
    Swallowed Star
    Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Apophixas
    Replied to Voidseeker

    10 Top Tier Universe Overlords or just 1 Universe Master.

    Ch 1115 Blood Light
    Swallowed Star
    Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Apophixas
    Replied to BingeEater

    His transformation looks like a normal universe knight transformation, but on a ridiculously huge scale. If it weren't for the specific appearance, the amount of power being thrown around would make people think it was a universe master transformation instead.

    "The scene I caused when I became undying was more incredible than many great beings becoming universe knights. Though the scene now is not as mysterious as those who become universe masters, it's still as powerful as supreme beings becoming universe masters."
    Swallowed Star
    Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Apophixas

    I wish he'd just fight one or two senior knights with his human body alone. Gonna be annoying and stupid for him to have a reputation as a coward who gets a powerful protector to do all his killing for him.

    The silver-armored, silver-winged form of Luo Feng stepped forward, holding Cutting Pearl Sword. He took a glance at the true treasure shatters, weapons, and world rings, and he seized all of them. He put his Cutting Pearl Sword back into his scabbard, and the Golden Horned Beast went back to his world ring.
    Swallowed Star
    Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes
  • Apophixas

    As I said before, he's literally just a petulant child. No one ever taught him an ounce of humility, he was able to get whatever he wanted whenever he wanted with little to no set back, and he has an almost psychopathic level of narcissism. It's no wonder he treated everyone as beneath him and acted like he was betrayed by the human race. He's an insane baby man.

    "When did I say I was refusing to give it to you?" demanded Flame Emperor. "I was just telling you that you're weak. But if you really want it regardless of my warnings, then I'll have to give it to you. Don't blame me if you lose it in the future. This is Force Armor!"
    Swallowed Star
    Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes