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2020-05-04 JoinedGlobal

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  • CT_5555
    Replied to fearlessj2008

    bro just admitted to murder💀

    'First important point, temples are always built with many false turns and dead end pathways. Second important point, guns from this time period can only fire once as long as I don't give them time to reload. Third important point, my ability is a sensory type, I'll do better in the dark than they can.'
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Kaemie

    what's the point? doing that would only piss off the empire

    No. That wasn't accurate. They had prepared. It was just that they felt the lives of the billions who fell from the skies weren't worthy of protecting. The Empire was capable of creating technology that worked in this 'In Between Dimension', yet they hadn't made it widespread.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to _Asura_2414

    so dinosaurs went extinct because the Earth was transforming from 2D to 3D?

    [Earth is currently in a state of metamorphosis, ascending from the Third Dimension to the Fourth. Its present state is that of an In Between Dimension. To complete the evolution, certain requirements must be met. The Ascension Empire will rely on its citizens more than it ever has before, Godspeed]
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Daku_Doragon

    because the original is creepy af

    He had never been this close to her before. In fact, this was also the first time he had ever touched her. He tried his best not to take advantage of her despite the softness of her supple skin and long black hair.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to DylanUhh

    the reading isn't small??? the comment about the magnifying glass was to point out the MC's new enhanced senses

    'Third, I've left you two things in the basement. One is the truth behind what is happening here and the second is an heirloom of our Morales Clan. Unfortunately, until the Metamorphosis begins, taking these things out to hand to you directly is too dangerous. So just take it as this old man giving you a little quest.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Lumbeejb

    box breathing? it definitely does

    Leonel blinked. Meditating wasn't complicated, it was just about emptying your mind. The military taught a version that allowed you to sleep and rest your mind while remaining alert.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Xander913

    his father was a government official, he said they couldn't touch him in this world, but that doesn't mean they won't touch his son, so it's dumb to give his son quite literally the most valuable information on the planet

    'Second, your awakened ability is related to your senses and mind. I don't know the details since I had to suppress it in your youth, but it should be fully bloomed now. It can be overwhelming, but simply meditate until your body reaches equilibrium.'
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to ImJustQ

    yeah like people will believe someone saying "THE WORLD IS GOING TO END PLEASE BELIEVE ME"🤣🤣🤣

    'First, don't bother trying to wake up your friends. You've likely woken up long before them, and they won't wake up for at least several months. Focus on yourself for now and use your nepotism to your advantage.'
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to scifiistheway

    making him a foot soldier in such a time would be the worst possible solution for survival🤣

    However, even as everyone began to panic, Leonel grew calmer. His rational mind told him that there was a logical progression to all of this, there was a design to it.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to TornGod

    it never said that, it said that the have enough rations for years, BUT they have exceeded the populace limit, that doesn't mean they don't have enough, it means that it'll run out faster then expected. also the fridge is useless without power🤦

    'The bad is that the campus is current above its usual carrying capacity due to the game and the after party. Also, without power, the large freezers will slowly lose their heat. It'll be even faster if people are constantly opening and closing their doors.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to KingSitri

    maybe the origin of the empire IS China🤔🤔

    But, what was this Code Red? Was it just a worldwide power outage? Leonel had a feeling that it was more, but he had to admit to himself that he had no real evidence for this being the case. It was just that… how could the mighty Ascension Empire which unified Earth not be ready for such a thing?
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Space_Walker

    what your referring to is "the fallen American empire" spoken by the teacher

    But, what was this Code Red? Was it just a worldwide power outage? Leonel had a feeling that it was more, but he had to admit to himself that he had no real evidence for this being the case. It was just that… how could the mighty Ascension Empire which unified Earth not be ready for such a thing?
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to HavocHUN

    it's almost like there are hundreds of state sized islands housing millions of People falling onto the surface with even more people🤯 all happening within seconds btw🤦🤣

    Whatever catastrophe the Ascension Empire warned of had yet to even begin, yet billions had already died. What kind of sick joke was this?
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to tatsuya_K_O_A

    bro thinks aina is Bruce Lee's reincarnation🤣🤣

    Ch 5 The Incident
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Dagoth_Ur_

    in what country?

    Unfortunately, this was the true reason he could only rank third. He never had the time to listen to lectures. With the Information Restriction Act of 2072, knowledge was restricted the further away from the surface world you were.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Knightolegend

    how tf would you cheat on a GENETIC test???

    People like him were categorized as 'entertainers'. He would be rich and live a great life, but he would never be taken seriously outside of his sport. This was part of the reason he was ranked so lowly on the Eligible Minor list. Many ranked above him were only worth three stars to their professions, but they were still more valued.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Oto

    except mc has no interest in football🤣🤣

    It should have been great that Leonel had such an evaluation. He too was a Five Star Professional. The trouble was that he had no interest in joining the National American Football League and becoming a Hall of Fame Quarterback.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Wind_D_Sky

    because America became national🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🏈🏈🏈🔥🔥🔥

    It should have been great that Leonel had such an evaluation. He too was a Five Star Professional. The trouble was that he had no interest in joining the National American Football League and becoming a Hall of Fame Quarterback.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to specs

    just like the normal generation routine I'd guess

    Five Star Professionals were on another level. These were people that would revolutionize their fields. In a single generation, there wouldn't be more than a hundred children with this level of evaluation, and not every profession was guaranteed to birth one either.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • CT_5555
    Replied to Dam_Doggy

    seeming as how 1 star is average, and 5 star is revolutionary, I'd say we really don't need the in-between 😂 it's a pretty simple concept

    Five Star Professionals were on another level. These were people that would revolutionize their fields. In a single generation, there wouldn't be more than a hundred children with this level of evaluation, and not every profession was guaranteed to birth one either.
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec